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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That’s not Russia property. The pipelines north stream 1 & 2 were built and financed in large parts by western banks and companies.
no sane one will shoot his own foot ...
although , you probably claim 'Russians are not sane' next
Biggest winner of this war are Iran and Turkey. Proved that Muslim might lives, with smart investments provided weapons that are lot cheaper yet lot harder to detect and do their missions without any drama.
Turkey was already powerful, now its more.
Iran is a surprise. Now I am fan of Iran military might. Imagine what else iran has in for the surprise to protect their own land.

Iran is the inventor of UCAV since 1980s. UCAV is an Iranian brand.

Nobody else performed this in a war and documented before Iran.

But USA do it left and right
I don't think US threaten anyone they will use nuke on them, MacArthur tried it once, and got replaced like a jiffy.

What would the US do if the Ruskies invaded Texas and and threatened to take California?
lol, this is different.

Donbas and Kherson were NEVER Russian soil, just because they make some referendum does not make it so,

It's like US invade Lower Canada and said they are essentially English-Speaking American that different than French Speaking Canadian. And then when they failed, and US threaten to nuke Canada because they won't give up that land.
More likely we will see whether Europe will fall apart in 3 months, if they can last thru Jan 2023, then there is no way Russia will bring down EU. Because by next year, the inflation would have been subsided and gas dependence would drop.

Bear in mind most of European problem stem from irresponsible fiscal policy, not really related to Russian War in Ukraine.

My Prediction on this war will be there are going to be medium to massive gain for Ukrainian before Winter. Due to the fact that Russia is not in a position to defend their territories, the mobilised troop would be used to "Hold The Line" in occupied Ukrainian territories, and Ukraine will try to capitalise on their lack of discipline and training to gain more land all the way up to winter. Then fighting is going to subside.

Russia is going to pull their best troop off the line and rotate them to the rear. Then Russia is going to do one more major push, possibly nationwide push, sometime next year after the combat ready troop regroup and retrained. The war will end one way or the other because either Russia succeed on the push and capture all their strategic goal (I would say the complete occupation of the 4 Oblasts not Kyiv) and then declare themselves had won the war and ask for a peace talk. Or they failed to do it and exhausted the last bit of their combat power, and they will either have to pull back in general term or use nuke.

As for nuke, I just don't see them using it. You can already see the push back from Russian just on the Partial Mobilisation alone, now will the rest of the Russian want to die for Putin ambition? I would say if Putin was scare to call a mobilisation before, he would be even more scared if he were to decide to use nuke, if he even hint at that, I will say there is a pretty good chance Russian Military will revolt and take over.

Some are predicting n-times the economic effect from the mobilisation than I expected.

Food supply interruptions in Russian Far East reported.

Drivers were drafted, but n times more fled abroad.

Ukraine didn't have much of a military during the Crimean crisis, and got steamrolled because of it.

Now they have arguably one of the most powerful and experienced armies in all of Europe.

Against Russia, an eternal rival, the US and EU will continue to support Ukraine, especially since all they gotta do is give material support without having to send a single citizen of their own to their deaths.

The fact that Russian is losing major battles and entire chunks of occupied territories is evidence enough that the US smells blood and won't stop until Russia is forced into retreating.

Putin is delaying the inevitable, Russia will no longer be considered a great power after this war and will be relegated to regional power. They will 100% become a junior partner to China.

What matters is Germany, and France.

Before the war, they de facto been backing Russia. Russia been their foreign policy bid for 3 decades against the US.

If Russia loses completely, all their investments of 30 years go up in flames.
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The entire European economy over the last half a century was built on the back of near unlimited, cheap, reliable energy from Russia.

The entire European economy over the last half a century was built on the back of near unlimited checkbooks, and Euro
So are you okay with US invading some place and then threaten to use nuke if things don't go its way? Or how about US demand Iran to stop their nuclear program or else they will nuke them?

The nuke is the line in the sand. that's the basic term for deterrence, but if this going over the line and can now be used in offence, that would have crossed the line and given the unparalleled power to nuclear capable countries. That is a horrifying scene in case you do not understand. And the only way to balance it is to basically raise the stake and put it back into the line.

No, rather it's a one trick pony. After the first strike, anybody will do go for any cost to destroy enemy nuke stockpiles before the chaos settles.

Nuclear countries will surely retaliate with everything they still can to catch remaining portion of enemy nuke stockpiles before it's deployed.

Units in the field will be impacted the least, since it's both hard, and inequitable to expend a warhead on every trench line few kms apart.

After that, depending on how much of advanced weaponry will remain, the war will revert to anything in between WW2 to 1870
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since bush USA put Iran in the list of the countries it do a first nuclear strike on isn't that threat enough for you
Information we gave IAEA was used for assassinating our scientists isn't that threat enough for you

No, killing scientists working on nuclear weapons programs inside Iran are not valid reasons to leave the NPT, since Iran has acknowledged that access to nuclear weapons is not a strategic interest by signing the NPT.
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