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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Business is booming once again.
Is there any estimate of how many new millionaires there will be in USA with private islands and mansions with swimming pools? I guess that will always stay a state secret.

It's just a drop in the bucket compared to Russian arms production. Russia is in state of war and has war economy. The US has a slow poke peace time economy.
It's much rather Russia cannot AFFORD to lose, but not that they cannot lose, because they are going to lose in Ukraine. In fact, as I and many had already mentioned here and analyst worldwide said they had ALREAD LOST in term of strategic position, because in one stroke, they themselves had relegated to pariah state of the world, and now it pretty much depends on China to keep the government from malfunctioning. Border with NATO country increases instead of decreases, and then they got stuck with an angry neighbor have enough weapon that can take them down and a collective west that are more than happy to keep supplying them weapon to screw with the Russia. What Russia get in return? the "annexed" state?

Annexing those state is an act of desperation for Russia, that's literally the last draw because they would have to put their money to their mouth and really defend with everything they have when those annexed territories eventually get attacked. Nobody, not the west, not the Ukrainian is going to even entertain the fact that those state are now "Russian Territories". Which mean if this is the case, there are only 2 options left for Russia, they either call for a general mobilisation, or use nuke. To do either of that is basically Putin's political and probably literal suicide.

You asked me before what can the Russian middle class do when they are mobilised? Well, have you seen the state of affair in Russia lately? And that's not even them being mobilising, now imagine when Putin come down with a news that they are going to use nuke and bring them all down with him because of this war, or literally bring them to the war by drafting each and every one of them. What would you think will happen?
The only desperation I see is to take the world into a Nuke war for reasons that are still baffling. Why should the world care about Ukraine being invaded by Russia or China or even India? Fueling the fire is not a good idea as the flames could spread and burn down quite a few countries. It's going from one miscalculation to the next and either way Europe and the EU is under threat by agreement or consequence..
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The only desperation I see is to take the world into a Nuke war for reasons that are still baffling. Why should he world care about Ukrainian being invaded by Russia or China or even India? Fueling the fire is not a good idea as the flames could spread and burn down quite a few countries. It's going from one miscalculation to the next and either way Europe and the EU is under threat by agreement or consequentially.

Biden just want to nuke the world and take billions with him to hell. He is after all 80 years old.
There are Washington plans for US/UK total dominance in hegemony and war, after Europe is nuked and there are no more peace-niks in Europe stopping the USA endless war machine, which Chabad Putin/Trumper Putin is part of. US/UK would roll over the MENA and roll over East Asia. Africa and South America would fall in line for slavery. And then US could do Avatar and genocide the natives of other planets. Destroying/nuking Europe is the linchpin and the entire cia has known this for decades. Europe is the only competition the US/UK faces, two staged world wars to keep Europe down

The cia can't "Avatar" other planets with peace-nik Europeans demanding animal rights, human rights, environmental rights for other Sovereign planets. Genociding natives of various species of other planets would be stopped by Europeans, the US/UK could not steal resources from other planets with impunity. Europe stands in the way of global dominance of US/UK, and how "convenient" it would be to US/UK, for Russia to nuke Europe off the map. No need for two more world wars in Europe to keep down the Europeans.

you get all your dumb conspiracy theories from Youtube where anybody with an iPhone can say what they want? What about the alternate view of Putin steamrolling through Europe.

Your sentiments of conspiracy are that of a frustrated person who is supporting a side whose own people are abandoning him, and the country, Russia, is on its way to economic and military irrelevance in the next 2-3 years.

The only desperation I see is to take the world into a Nuke war for reasons that are still baffling. Why should the world care about Ukraine being invaded by Russia or China or even India? Fueling the fire is not a good idea as the flames could spread and burn down quite a few countries. It's going from one miscalculation to the next and either way Europe and the EU is under threat by agreement or consequence..
Newsflash to the deaf on this thread: its Putin and Medev that have threatened the use of a nuclear device. Nobody else!

Russians didn't become monsters until recent days.
Get your facts: Stalin killed a million of his people in the 30s. Yes ethnic Russians. Nobody wants to live under this sort of a system. They would rather live under anything else than this.

It's just a drop in the bucket compared to Russian arms production. Russia is in state of war and has war economy. The US has a slow poke peace time economy.
Cut and pasting idiot from your last 3 posts: Russia's economy is the size of South Korea and its importing from North Korea.

Weekly reminder that Russia wants Europe nuked out of existence. Trump and cia cronies want Europe nuked out of existence. And China wants Europe nuked out of existence.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming, already in progress. (I get American channels too)

Oh, yeah, one more point, there has never been a nuclear power nuked by other nuclear power because MAD has worked (preventing such nuclear war) for nearly 75 years.
Okay Einstein, Trump is not president. You do know that or have you head up your a*s for the last 2 years
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The only desperation I see is to take the world into a Nuke war for reasons that are still baffling. Why should the world care about Ukraine being invaded by Russia or China or even India? Fueling the fire is not a good idea as the flames could spread and burn down quite a few countries. It's going from one miscalculation to the next and either way Europe and the EU is under threat by agreement or consequence..
So are you okay with US invading some place and then threaten to use nuke if things don't go its way? Or how about US demand Iran to stop their nuclear program or else they will nuke them?

The nuke is the line in the sand. that's the basic term for deterrence, but if this going over the line and can now be used in offence, that would have crossed the line and given the unparalleled power to nuclear capable countries. That is a horrifying scene in case you do not understand. And the only way to balance it is to basically raise the stake and put it back into the line.
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