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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

China has much better military gear than the US. J-20 > F-35. Type 055 > Arleigh Burke.

If China was as powerful as you claim then they would 100% supply weapons to Russia, they would destroy Nato/Ukraine in Ukraine. Its a great opportunity for them. Then Taiwan would be a sitting duck. Instead its Nato openly supporting Ukraine and defeating Russia, guess who's next?
If China was as powerful as you claim then they would 100% supply weapons to Russia, they would destroy Nato/Ukraine in Ukraine. Its a great opportunity for them. Then Taiwan would be a sitting duck. Instead its Nato openly supporting Ukraine and defeating Russia, guess who's next?

Relax. This is the first forever war in human history. In the past wars ended. This is the first war that will never end.

Somebody figured out the game.

The EU is planned to burn down economically, politically, militarily.

NATO US is not going to defend Europe.

And US (Trump, Barr, Pompeo, cia) and Russia (Putin, fsb) are working together to destroy Europe.

Why Trump and his team want to wipe out the EU​

You do know Trump is not President any more. Why don't you print your birth announcement too if you are going to link a 3 year article
Russians have had enough of Anglo bullying in the past 100 years. Enough is enough. Like Germans, Italians, Japanese, this time Russians fight back against Anglo bullying.
Okay China mouthpiece (fake Canadian accessing from Canada): Russia has been part of the same Anglo expansion. Its called empire building and it did plenty of it till 1800s.

If it catches a few new regions thats good for them: it will be economically on its way to be the same as an African country or worse cutoff from rest of the world. And it doesn't matter what China offers as a country, its companies will never comprimise their European business for Loser Russia.

I am willing to go with that tradeoff: a permenantly depressed Russia for a bit of Ukraine. Thatst he best case scenario

Relax. This is the first forever war in human history. In the past wars ended. This is the first war that will never end.
Like the China-Japan forever war that lasted 8 years and only reason China became free was because the US came in to defeat Japan. Or China super humans would still be a colony

China has much better military gear than the US. J-20 > F-35. Type 055 > Arleigh Burke.

And you have two aircraft carriers and none of your carrier pilots can conduct night time ops. So you want the adversary to not fight you at night beacuse you haven't figured out how to land at night.

J20 is like the SU35. Its all good till you prove it in action. Lets see how it survives against AESA F-16s in Taiwan
M1 used Avtur (Jet fuel) they used Gas turbine engine.

It's not just about fuel consumption. It's about Logistic, training, etc & less talked about are the Tank's weight. M1 & Leo2 are >50 tons Behemoth. The average Ukrainian roads & bridges can't hold them.

Pentagon only suggested sending more former warsaw pact tanks to ukraine (for now) because they are more familiar with the platforms, supplies are aplenty making logistic easier, easier to train & field than western tanks. In the future maybe but not now.
Leo2 is some 70 tons. I don’t think that’s a problem with roads and bridges. Ukraine is not Burma. Even in Germany tanks can’t use every road, every bridge. There are special traffic signs for tanks. 90 ton one way bridge. 30 tons two ways.

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