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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I think if the Yanks were smart they would have turned Russia into a major non NATO ally. Russians always loved the West, even during Soviet era. It is Yanks who pushed Russians into Chinese arms.

No, it was Putin and his dream of ruling the world once again as Super powere, which brought Russia to this state today.
Putin never tried to bring real democracy in Russia, and making it corruption free. Without that, there was absolutely no chance that Russia ever got any significant likeness in the West.
G7 Meeting of trade minsters in Germany.

After China explicitly supports Russia war against Ukraine, the west now considers China as enemy. First step will be economically reducing dependence on China. Next step will be military confrontation.

Congrats Ccp.


On the way of Wagner towards Bakhmut, Ukraine counts losses

Were we surprised when we saw our wing's JAGs got their BDUs and deployed to Desert Storm. After, we were told that DS was the most legalistic war 'ever' in history, meaning the allies had lawyers in places no one, especially our ME allies, never expected. But I thought the word 'ever' was an exaggeration back then and I was correct because today, there are lawyers down to levels you saw, whereas our lawyers were more at the strike package level.
JAG guys (or girls) were everywhere when I was deployed. You have 1 in TOC, 1 in HQC, 1 with Public Affair, 1 at Division, 1 at Brigade and 1 at Company, there were even a JAG moonlight as mess officer for whatever reason. You wonder where they get all these Lawyer from...

Anyway, most people don't know, or rather don't care, that we can't do a lot of stuff until JAG clears it. And if it backfires, it was the JAG that wears it. And there are no one in the field you hated more, because you always butthead with them because you always ended up in argument with them, you want to do stuff your way, and your way means you don't care about your enemy, and they want to do stuff within law and boundary...... There are no one I wanted to punch more than my division headquarter JAG, But you can't do it, because they will article 32 your a$$
Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine, with millions of unemployed. They don't need a full mobilization to have sufficient man power. The new 3rd corps is a good example. With incentive of cash or even reward of plots of land in Ukraine, as well as a chance to be a hero which ups your chance of getting a nice lady, plenty of poor and unemployed folks sign up to join.
There you go with your useless population argument. USSR was 20x afghanistan and China was 10x Vietnam in 1979. Where did that land them? Nowhere.

Times has changed or not will be determined when the war is over, not now. Although I must say in WW2 the Russians were defending their homeland, so they had a motivation. Today they are invading, they should not theoretically have the same motivation. If they don't fight as hard as WW2, it's to do with the lack of motivation, not lack of fight in them.
Good point. Invaders are at a disadvantage. Happened in Afghansitan since 2001, before, and now here.

Six in 10 British Factories at Risk of Going Under as Bills Soar

A worker walks between the production line at a bottling factory in Kegworth, UK.

A worker walks between the production line at a bottling factory in Kegworth, UK. Photographer: Darren Staples/Bloomberg
By Julian Harris
September 3, 2022, 1:01 AM GMT+2

Soaring energy bills are threatening to put six in 10 British manufacturers out of business, according to a survey that lays bare the extent of the crisis facing the next prime minister.

MakeUK, the lobby group for UK factories, said that nearly half of manufacturers have experienced a jump in electricity bills of more than 100% in the past year.

“The current crisis is leaving businesses facing a stark choice,” the report said. “Cut production or shut up shop altogether if help does not come soon.”

The UK’s new prime minister will be announced on Monday, with Liz Truss expected to beat Rishi Sunak, her rival in the Conservative Party leadership race. The government is under intense pressure to announce a wider package of support to help consumers and businesses cope with an unprecedented surge in global energy costs.

Britain’s factory sector is already in decline, according to a purchasing managers’ index published by S&P Global this week. MakeUK’s survey said that 13% of factories now have reduced hours of operation or are avoiding peak periods, while 7% are halting production for longer stretches.

“Emergency action is needed by the new government,” said Stephen Phipson, MakeUK’s chief executive officer. “We are already lagging behind our global competitors.”

This is a Ukraine war thread. Not 'put every negative news in the world' thread. Just because you have news blockade from Russia (outside of the random twitter posts) doesn't mean 'no news is good news' .
Yup just like Ukraine. You ain't gonna face the bear direct okay. Its always proxy and what did Syria taught you. The Russians haven't even unleash total war, these are their ethnic cousins for gods sake. They won't use what they used in Syria until the last resort. If they did that, Ukraine is as good as gone, and I can tell you Putin is giving Ukraine alot of chances to reverse course The pain and suffering will be the Ukrainians, the one cheering are the dumbwits here thinking this is a game against good and evil. Numb numbs wake up, its better to let Ukraine lose than win. Russia will unleash their most destructive power. You think you are good guys, but cheering for the destruction of Ukraine is not ethical mate. Use some common sense, Russia can Never lose. They will just do a total destruction when they get cornered dumb fcks.
Still in dreamland: to not unleash they had to go to N. Korea and Iran. Where are they going to get what they need for full unleash. In a year, there will be no domestic air travel in Russia because the airliners will run out of parts.

I am not happy in Russia's misery that they brought on, but what milestone are they waiting for if they are ready to unleash?

Yup just like Ukraine. You ain't gonna face the bear direct okay. Its always proxy and what did Syria taught you. The Russians haven't even unleash total war, these are their ethnic cousins for gods sake. They won't use what they used in Syria until the last resort. If they did that, Ukraine is as good as gone, and I can tell you Putin is giving Ukraine alot of chances to reverse course The pain and suffering will be the Ukrainians, the one cheering are the dumbwits here thinking this is a game against good and evil. Numb numbs wake up, its better to let Ukraine lose than win. Russia will unleash their most destructive power. You think you are good guys, but cheering for the destruction of Ukraine is not ethical mate. Use some common sense, Russia can Never lose. They will just do a total destruction when they get cornered dumb fcks.
Still in dreamland: to not unleash they had to go to N. Korea and Iran. Where are they going to get what they need for full unleash. In a year, there will be no domestic air travel in Russia because the airliners will run out of parts.

I am not happy in Russia's misery that they brought on, but what milestone are they waiting for if they are ready to unleash?

The idiotic natard cheerleaders don't even understand that Russia have not even went total war. In total war, the Ukrainians would be razed to the ground. You think you will still have Kiev standing with politicians sending selfies and tweeting? These people here are delusional, pushing Russia to a corner will just cause catastrophe. I pray for the Ukrainians now matey. Let Ukraine agree to a deal not push for total war. As usual US will just cheer for world destruction. These retards want to reset the world by burning it to ashes. THEY ARE WOKE BUT NOT AWAKE.
Sure use child like language because you have run out points like Russians have run out of will to fight.

Russia is being very passionate by holding back or it would have razed it. What would have it razed by: pillows? Its getting artillery from North Korea.

Let me extend this logic:
1. USSR held back its best in Afghanistan
2. Hitler held off his best at D-Day
3. Egypt / Jordan held of its best against Israel in 1967.
4. US held its best back in Vietnam.

Nobody has in war has the luxury to be holding the best back while you are being humiliating in the world.
Another one

Except for Raisi and Erdogan, everyone looks drunk.


I would slap the clown that decided to invite Erdogan.
Putin's special guest. And it is stated by Russian sources that there is an official invitation to the SCO. The Uzbek president is also like Erdogan's buddy. Aliyev is like his own brother. The guy sits almost like a landlord, you talk about slapping.
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