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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Su-34 shot down in Kharkiv

Of course, if I were India, I would acquire it as a Pakistan-specific weapon as well. Just be ready once this conflict is done India is going on an enormous spending spree and American training, and it will come to haunt Pakistan down the road. No amount of boot licking will save it; Pakistan will be neutered.
Yes and No. It will be one of the legacies of the time wasted this year due to the internal political dynamic in Pakistan, but beyond key systems and platforms, India will still try to get foreign ToT as part of any deal and it will be what slows them down. That is why the Indians have been buying Russian equipment recently. They want ToT such as their carrier and their subs.

Pakistan for its part needs to get its political and economic house in order to be able to rebuild its diplomatic and military stability vis a vis India. IK was right that regional economic integration (geo-economics) is the key to economic development and regional stability. Hopefully the PTI comes back with a more “refined” platform for the 2023 elections. This time out of power, has let the current leadership reset some relations and frayed others. The PTI can come back and be diplomatic with those where the relations have improved and work to rebuild the relations with those that have ebbed. The Russo-Ukrainian war has created new realities on the ground and its good that Pakistan shipped artillery shells to Ukraine via the Brits to get mend some fences with the west. Pakistan should be sending experimental systems to the Ukrainians so they can be tested against Russian systems as well as “advisors” 8-) to help use these systems (as well as watch these systems like Himars and learn what needs to be learned so that should the Indians acquired anything that is battle tested in Ukraine, Pakistan will be ready for it).
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I'm not pro Russian. I'm simply pro war. I like forever war. I am interested in military hardware.
Pro war?? You really only have one brain cell and now it’s confirmed

People cannot live on water. Whether China counts it or not is not relevant. China's area 9.6 million square kilometers does not count South China Sea. This is official area counted by Chinese government. It does not count South China Sea. Counting South China Sea means China has area more than 13 million square kilometers, more than Canada.
No no no you said China doesn’t start wars I point out that you’re full of 💩
I have no idea what Russia is planning here.

Are they planning to take all Ukraine? Don't think so I don't see the effort or declaration of full war

Are they planning to take donbass..don't see that there isn't a focus push on that.

IMO, they should have just planned for donbass
Are they planning to take all Ukraine?

No. Why would they do that?

Are they planning to take donbass


don't see that there isn't a focus push on that.

Next offensive is only in winter.

IMO, they should have just planned for donbass

That was the plan all along.
The Russians are retreating from Starobilsk. If the Ukrainians get here, they’ll have flanking positions on Russian forces in Severodonetsk and Bakhmut

If true this can have a significant impact , wait and see :

The Russians are retreating from Starobilsk. If the Ukrainians get here, they’ll have flanking positions on Russian forces in Severodonetsk and Bakhmut

At this rate - Ukraine will be able to liberate the whole of Luhansk .. it does look like Russia cannot stablise any defensive lines anywhere right now.

The shock and awe of the Ukranian Blitzkrieg operation seems to have completely broken the morale of the Russian occupiers and right now, Russia risks the breakage of the landbridge to Crimea and the associated supply lines of materials and men to those in Kherson ....
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Not sure they will be allowed to use HIMARS to attack those sites in Russia?

Ukraine can use conventional artillery to take out those sites anyway - they are a fair target given their involvement in actively supplying troops in Ukraine.

Russia troops 'putting on civilian clothes and running away' as Putin invasion collapses​

The US won’t allow targets inside Russia to be hit with US weapons. The goal is to drive out Russia and bloody them while they are in Ukraine.

At this rate - Ukraine will be able to liberate the whole of Luhansk .. it does look like Russia cannot stablise any defensive lines anywhere right now.

The shock and awe of the Ukranian Blitzkrieg operation seems to have completely broken the morale of the Russian occupiers and right now, Russia risks teh breakage of the landbridge to Crimea and the associated supply lines of materials and men to those in Kherson ....
So what was the operation that started this shift back? Did the Russians just exhaust themselves or did they hit some real barrier that bogged them down enough for the Ukrainians to rally and push the Russians back?
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