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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The war in Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for the establishment. The victims are the Ukraine soldiers die need,essay. It’s time to stop all funding for Ukraine and stop this senseless war.

The US should also keep its words with Russia about not expend NATO beyond Germany. Not too late to keep its words.
Kilo Class was damaged and repairable

Yes for sure, Russians can do, they are stronk and clever; just some tape and colour and it will be fixed like the smoked Backfire. :blah::drag:

Never ever … stop coping! :omghaha:
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Abrams tanks and long range Atacms attack missiles are a big deal. Ukraine can give the Russians the final blow in occupied territories.

The economics of artillery war or the logic of mass killings. Ukraine artillery needs 600,000 155mm shells per month. More than the entire western armies can produce.

So Russia has spent $25.6 billion on compensation to families of deceased soldiers and $21 billion on compensation to the wounded.
Putin has previously signed a decree earlier in the year ordering the payout of $68,800 to the families of deceased and $41,300 to soldiers that are wounded.
Using this we can get a glance at potential Russian casualties assuming zero corruption and money laundering.
According to the expenditures by the Russian Government they have conducted payouts to the next of kin for 372,093 soldiers killed in action. According to expenditures by the Russian government, they have conducted payouts to 508,474 soldiers wounded in action.
According to Russian expenditures, Russian casualties in the past 18 months are as follows.
KIA: 372,093
WIA: 508,474
Total Casualties: 880,567
Putin doesn't have to open up his checkbook for every rocket, artillery shell or rifle round fired, or every jet or helicopter downed. Most of these junk are from stocks built up over decades, so they're already paid for. Perhaps at some time Russia will have to pay to rebuild their stockpiles, but for now there isn't a cash register ringing up a monetary bill each time a tank is blown up.for now. It takes a while to chew through the Junk
The war in Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for the establishment. The victims are the Ukraine soldiers die need,essay. It’s time to stop all funding for Ukraine and stop this senseless war.

The US should also keep its words with Russia about not expend NATO beyond Germany. Not too late to keep its words.
You may tell to Putin he can stop the war immediately. It’s not about NATO. Ukraine is not in the NATO. Putin never says it. He says he wants to denazfify, demilitarize Ukraine, he wants to protect Russian speaking populations in Donbas.

In reality he uses it as excuse to kill, rape, destroy, steal Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for the establishment. The victims are the Ukraine soldiers die need,essay. It’s time to stop all funding for Ukraine and stop this senseless war.

The US should also keep its words with Russia about not expend NATO beyond Germany. Not too late to keep its words.

When considering the economic cost to Russian state by putin stupidity , you also have to look at how many people have left the workforce by leaving the country to avoid conscription. That might be the most costly hit Russia takes as they were facing demographic collapse even before the war. To suddenly have a million, if reports are to be believed, people leaving their jobs is going to be huge break down in the day to day economics that keep people fed, clothed, and warm. When they can't sell their oil, the rich may lose some money, but they'll still be rich. When the people at the bottom can't move money around, the economy dries up.
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