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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

“Ukraine is just the beginning.” Putin promotes Andrej Mordwitschew to Colonel general, a fanatic army general, who wants to expand the war to Europe.
Mordwitschew is the commander of Russia invasion army, responsible for the center army group. He is a good target for Ukraine snipers.

If Russia has 500,000 troops in Ukraine, Ukraine need at least 1 million excalibur and 200,000 M31 GMLRS missiles

The cost of 1 million Excalibur shells and 200,000 M31 GMLRS missiles is 140 billion USD.

The cost of the M777 and Himars launch platforms, maintenance costs, training costs, replacement of destroyed systems.... about 30 billion USD

Thus, Ukraine needs 170 billion USD to win this war, on the condition that Russia does not change its strategy, tactics and does not continue to increase the number of troops.
You do not need 1 million Excalibur to make 500,000 troops leave Ukraine.

Pricing for the Excalibur is $68,000 when you buy thousands.
A large part of the price is to cover the development cost, when buying a few thousands per year. If orders of 100s of thousands of Excalibur were placed, pricing could be dropped dramatically. An unguided shell is $800. A mobile phone with GPS is a few 100 dollars. An Excalibur for a few thousand dollars is probably feasable so a million Excalibur would cost a few billions, which is peanuts.
Muscovites: Crushing the Indian rapist is escalating the rape. The rape victim should "agree to a truce" and stop resisting, allowing the Indian rapist to never pull out and to keep the body parts of the victim he is currently occupying.

Blame the victim. Or better, blame the threat of nuclear war. The same Russia Republicans and anti-woke "conservatives" that support/promote candidates that are for starting a US conflict with nuclear armed China, are suddenly frightened by crushing Russia in Ukraine because "it could lead to nuclear conflict". So, China can invade Asian neighbors, and the US should let this happened because China could go nuclear and launch ICBMs.

Musk confirms thwarting major Ukrainian attack in Crimea
Admitting he denied the Ukrainian government’s urgent request to activate Starlink in Crimea, he tweeted that “both sides” should agree to a “truce”

"Sorry Europe you are on your own, we only recently figured out Russia has nukes and defeating the Russians forces and Russian equipment in occupied Ukraine (including ships), would lead to nuclear war, we should be about peace, and not about defending Europe. Land taken by the Russians is permanently Russian, until Russia disarms of nukes. So twiddle your thumbs and accept Russian occupation Europe, can't risk nuclear war. Ok, now that is done, can we start a war with nuclear China. We have to stop the rise of nuclear China, though China has many nukes, we can risk nuclear war with China to keep Anglo-American dominance"

In reaction to this situation from the USA, Europe needs to do a full rearmament and get nukes in same number and delivery method as US and Russia.
These War mongering faggots are trying the same with Russia, except this time they've bitten off more then they can chew. Worth a watch.

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