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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Use of Russian MLRS Smerch cluster shells in Ukraine. After the Ukrainian army began using cluster munitions, the Russian army also began using cluster munitions. The video shows rare footage of a Russian Smerch MLRS striking with cluster shells, presumably in the village of Urozhaynoye, Zaporozhye region. At the end of the video, footage of the use of incendiary ammunition is also shown.

More Than 420,000 Russian Troops In Occupied Areas: Ukraine

Russia has over 400.000 soldiers in Ukraine, according to Ukrainian sources. The longer the US waits to hand over vital weapons to defeat the Russians, the higher the amount of those said weapons is needed to defeat Russians that have greatly reinforced and entrenched since mid 2022.

If every weapon system (and in significant quantities) was given to Ukraine when Ukraine could handle the new weapons in 2022 to early 2023, Russia would have been defeated.

The wait for these weapons until Russia is better prepared is making victory very difficult for Ukraine.

Russia is only getting stronger in Ukraine as the war drags on. If Ukraine is not given enough weapons and ammo, Russia could gain the edge.

In June 2022, Ukraine said it was ready to receive military aid and listed the weapons and ammo needed to turn the tide of battle.

Zelensky Adviser Reveals Weapons Ukraine Needs to End War Against Russia
By Isabel van Brugen On 6/13/22 at 6:39 AM EDT

Ukraine waits and waits for enough weapons, weapons that are in US storage. Weapons that would defend NATO Europe from a war. This is deliberate. If Israel was at war with Egypt or Syria, would the US send very limited number of weapons to defend non-NATO Israel. No, both US political parties would be tripping over themselves to send more weapons than the other party. If Syria had nukes, US would monthly threaten Syria with anhilation if Syrian nukes are used against Israel. The US vital strategic partner is Israel, not Ukraine. And the security of Europe is waning in Washington. Is Zelensky and Ukraine the sacrificial offering to Putin from America or does the US really want the Ukrainians to defeat the Russians by sending enough arms to Ukraine to destroy the Russians. Only the US has the weapons that can finish the war sooner than later and restore Ukraine to its full territorial possessions.

Europe has to see this and realize Europe needs to rearm.

Putin supporters are saying if Ukraine crushes and destroys Russian forces and equipment (such as the Russian Navy) in occupied Ukraine, then Putin plans to nuke those that helped Ukraine win. Therefore ignore post WWII norms on Germany. Germany needs dozens of ballistic submarines and a thousand ICBMs, and nuke bombers. Simply one instance of Putin threatening nukes in the mildest way should have put Germany permanently on the road to getting thousands of nukes.

To paraphrase the Godfather Movie: I want somebody good - and I mean very good - to develop those German nukes. I don't want Germany coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands.
I said nothing about Russian / Trump connection. I know thats a common refrain so any time you are defending trump you have to resort to that. But I never believed that to be true. But Trump did unfortunately surround himself with losers that were handled by the Russians. That is not the same as Trump being in collusion . Other then this sentence above, that was not my assertion.

Back to the facts: you can look up sources from Treasure, Fed Reserve, or here: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/unemployment-rate-by-year-3305506

Economic indicators did not vary that much between Obama or Trump. And thats accounting for the fact that Obama inherited a near depression economy due to ineptitude of another Republican era. May be your own case the life before Trump was economically hard, and after that is hard and may have had your best years during, but for the rest of the population it didn’t change much. For the very rich and the private equity it improved. For the rest, deficit shot up by 25%….

There was no conspiracy theory: I saw him talk about injecting with disinfectant and I saw his twitter and press conference of not letting the ship disebmark US citizens because it would triple the cases on US soil.
Wow you brought up the bleach injection twice lol have you ever watched the FULL interview? Didn’t think so

Here are his full comments:

"A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?"

This is an actually technology called heal light. Let’s move on the the rest of the quote….
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

So tell me where he says to drink bleach, I’ll wait.
Stop posting fake news and I’ll stop correcting you.

Obama inherited near depression economy, that’s laughable.

Sir my case is that of the “average” American. Do you actually know any Americans or are you eating up anything the msm writes?

And maga is simply that, not sure how it’s become some rally cry among his detractors. If Americans can’t get on board with putting America first they should find another country

I said nothing about Russian / Trump connection. I know thats a common refrain so any time you are defending trump you have to resort to that. But I never believed that to be true. But Trump did unfortunately surround himself with losers that were handled by the Russians. That is not the same as Trump being in collusion . Other then this sentence above, that was not my assertion.

Back to the facts: you can look up sources from Treasure, Fed Reserve, or here: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/unemployment-rate-by-year-3305506

Economic indicators did not vary that much between Obama or Trump. And thats accounting for the fact that Obama inherited a near depression economy due to ineptitude of another Republican era. May be your own case the life before Trump was economically hard, and after that is hard and may have had your best years during, but for the rest of the population it didn’t change much. For the very rich and the private equity it improved. For the rest, deficit shot up by 25%….

There was no conspiracy theory: I saw him talk about injecting with disinfectant and I saw his twitter and press conference of not letting the ship disebmark US citizens because it would triple the cases on US soil.
Love how it’s only private equity that you think benefits. Guess where the majority of Americans retirement is….the stock market. So it benefited everyone.
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You are back to Trump worship in a thread to discuss Ukraine. He is has a has been and likely to be convicted in one of these court cases.

Spineless action when no retaliation when the Iranians attacked a US base in Iraq after the assignation of the Iranian general. Either see it through or if don’t have the spine then don’t start it. Iranian general attacked by drone, and missiles attacked US base.

As for not starting a war: yes certainly not one outside, but thats because he was too busy starting one inside the country, including giving racist neo-nazis the validation they were looking for and fringe groups like Proud Boys. He even said to them ‘stand down’ in a debate.

No major legislation passed and a country divided that pretty much every a**hole that used to hide it now act themselves out on an airplane or at a grocery store.

As for major accomplishments, another long line of leaders who believe in trickle down economics works but always fails. Here is how that record stands.

Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."

None of these leaders are angels but I am calling out the economic policies that lead to consistent debt accumulation under the false assumption of the laffer curve

That is true, but they were free labor to US expansionist goals in Afghanistan and Iraq and white washed with NATO involvement as a ‘coalition’ out to do good. So yes they pay less, but US got a lot of mileage as US neo-cons had this twisted view fo the world. So US actions considered that of a united world, the NATO countries all cooperated and helped with US image
Btw your deficit claim is false.
President Obama had the largest deficits. By the end of his final budget, FY 2017, his budget deficits totaled $6.781 trillion over his eight years in office. That's a 58% increase from President George W. Bush's last budget

Fact is obama was by far the worst, well that was until Joey entered the chat.

Feel free to read this as well

Oh and here’s your cruise ship comment debunked too.
During a tour at the CDC on Friday, President Donald Trump said that the experts he consults, including Vice President Mike Pence, want to take people off the ship. However, Trump said that he didn't want the passengers raising the total case count in the US.

"I like the numbers being where they are. I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault," Trump said in a Fox News interview.

Keep reading…
But Trump said that he left the decision to the experts even though he disagreed with them.

"It wasn't the fault of the people on the ship either, ok? It wasn't their fault either, and they're mostly American, so I can live either way with it," he added. "I would rather have them stay on personally, but I fully understand if they want to take them off. I gave them the authority to make the decision."

How’s China handle the virus, lock people in their apartments. How about Italy, let them die because their health system is trash….but how dare trump say words.

We can get back to Ukraine now or just keep posting fake news and I’ll keep posting about 45.
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Really? That’s a blatant lie and nothing but a lame excuse since Russia is using cluster munitions since the beginning of the war. :mad:

Regardless of who used them first, Ukraine fcuked around and now its gonna find out. Russia will multiply the use of cluster munitions since Ukraine used them. Failed Counter offensive by the clown of Kiev. Russia Regrouped with another 500000 on standby for the Winter offensive to begin soon. Clown of Kiev must come to the negotiation table before it's too late.
Regardless of who used them first, Ukraine fcuked around and now its gonna find out. Russia will multiply the use of cluster munitions since Ukraine used them. Failed Counter offensive by the clown of Kiev. Russia Regrouped with another 500000 on standby for the Winter offensive to begin soon. Clown of Kiev must come to the negotiation table before it's too late.
Do you actually believe this? Russia has used them but now will use them more because Ukraine retaliated with the same?
This war is filled with delusional people on both sides, neither Ukraine or Russia will ultimately win. We need calmer heads and need peace.
Simply ridiculous but as unlimited friend China asks Russia for 50 percent discount on gas.

“The report, citing an outlook through 2026 from Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, showed that Moscow will sell pipeline natural gas to China at an average price of $271.6 per 1,000 cubic meters next year.

Buyers in Europe and Turkey, on the other hand, will face an average price of $481.”
If Russia has 500,000 troops in Ukraine, Ukraine need at least 1 million excalibur and 200,000 M31 GMLRS missiles

The cost of 1 million Excalibur shells and 200,000 M31 GMLRS missiles is 140 billion USD.

The cost of the M777 and Himars launch platforms, maintenance costs, training costs, replacement of destroyed systems.... about 30 billion USD

Thus, Ukraine needs 170 billion USD to win this war, on the condition that Russia does not change its strategy, tactics and does not continue to increase the number of troops.
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Endless Roads of Death - Russians Control the Situation. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.9.10

Do you actually believe this? Russia has used them but now will use them more because Ukraine retaliated with the same?
This war is filled with delusional people on both sides, neither Ukraine or Russia will ultimately win. We need calmer heads and need peace.

Of course. To date Russia has been fairly reserved in it approach to Ukraine. The common pattern has been that every time the clown of Kiev has stepped up the escalation ladder, Russia has replied in kind plus some more. There is no delusion here.....The bottom line is that either Russia is successful in keeping the Donbas regions with Ukraine accepting this reality and coming to the negotiation table for peace talks, or Ukraine fights to the last Ukrainian with the potential of the war expanding to a NATO Russia conflict in which case it'll be nuclear. Ukrainian people wish to pursue peace but the clown of Kiev is keeping them hostage to this war ensuring they fight to the last Ukrainian.

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