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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russians blew it tbh
They had the element of surprise
They had far greater superiority in terms of man and machine at the start of the war
Technically Ukraine should have been a walk over
Now the entire worlds piling up resources against them (replacing lost equipment faster than ever before)
Including advanced air defence systems and
Intel negating the air and land superiority Russia had over ukraine
Time to go to school:

Atlantic slavetrade:
Current estimates are that about 12 million to 12.8 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic over a span of 400 years

Vs arab slavetrades:

Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from sub-Saharan Africa to the Arab world range from 6-10 million.
(Most leaning to the 9 million)

But add another 2 million europeans…

And lets not forget the ottomans with another 2,5 million from the black sea slavetrade.

So there we go….MORE people slaved over a much LONGER period…which mostly ended NOT by internal abolitionists like the west…but FORCED to stop… by western powers…

But in america we see tens of millions of african american communities? What happened to the africans the arabs slaved??

“Castration of male slaves by Arab merchants was a prominent feature of the trans-Saharan slave trade.”


So There you go buddy….
Remember what i said about self reflection?
We have the west apologizing, talking about reperations, giving equal rights.

We have arabs pretending their equally horrible past sins…simply “did not happen”.
“Poof”, clean slate!

fucking toddler behaviour. Hands over ears screaming LALALA when a hurtfull truth is mentioned.

So…you need more schooling?
You are talking about the Arabs before Islam.. afterwards there was no more slavery.. and this happened 1400 years ago.. so get your facts right!
Where is your proof that Russia does not attack civilians and in return that - based on your excuse - each house in every destroyed city was in fact a hidden secret military installation?

Or is this also just a lie?

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... and strangely in Syria it looks almost the same! But you stick to "mother Russia" is always right? :crazy: :hitwall:

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You are really such a liar!

are you sure the 3rd photo is not Fullujah? done by the Devil USA?

I can show you 10 times worse and 10 times more from the US illegal child Israel does to Palestinians for last 75 years

but I wont, we rather see Russia do it to you
Time to go to school:

Atlantic slavetrade:
Current estimates are that about 12 million to 12.8 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic over a span of 400 years

Vs arab slavetrades:

Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from sub-Saharan Africa to the Arab world range from 6-10 million.
(Most leaning to the 9 million)

But add another 2 million europeans…

And lets not forget the ottomans with another 2,5 million from the black sea slavetrade.

So there we go….MORE people slaved over a much LONGER period…which mostly ended NOT by internal abolitionists like the west…but FORCED to stop… by western powers…

But in america we see tens of millions of african american communities? What happened to the africans the arabs slaved??

“Castration of male slaves by Arab merchants was a prominent feature of the trans-Saharan slave trade.”


So There you go buddy….
Remember what i said about self reflection?
We have the west apologizing, talking about reperations, giving equal rights.

We have arabs pretending their equally horrible past sins…simply “did not happen”.
“Poof”, clean slate!

fucking toddler behaviour. Hands over ears screaming LALALA when a hurtfull truth is mentioned.

So…you need more schooling?


these are good but for the situation not good enough

the Ukrainians are stuck in a trench somewhere between the 1st and 2nd defensive lines at Zaporozhye front and its trench warfare

Robotino is still not fully under the UA control and the tree lines and forest are to the South

the issue here is that Western strategy was flawed they picked only one spot for the counter offensive and Russia has concentrated all its defence in that area

had West given 14 x 5 Challenger 2 tanks = 70 tanks + 31 x 5 Abram tanks = 155 tanks this would have been enough for 10 battalions in reserve to charge forward, heavy armoured thrust

2 battalions per counterattack would allow them to open up half a dozen fronts

they would need few 100 Leopards 2s for the probing attacks

some would be diversions and distractions and others would be full head on attacks

a well coordinated and synchronised attack

this way they would have split the Russians defence and caused panic and at some point the UA would break through

one single point of attack with just 2 battalions in reserve is never going to work too predictable and too slow as UA mine clearing vehicles are too few in numbers and they are causing a traffic jam behind them which is easy picking for Russian artillery

now Russia has blunted this counter attack and over 900 tanks and 1,500 vehicles and 90,000 Russians are gearing for for their own counter attack in the Autumn
Please try to ehmmm…READ?
“from the mid-7th century until the 20th century”

You are a prime example of the point i was making.. thanks for that.
W. Montgomery Watt points out that Muhammad's expansion of Pax Islamica to the Arabian peninsula reduced warfare and raiding, and therefore cut off the basis for enslaving freemen.[30] According to Patrick Manning, Islamic legislations against abuse of slaves limited the extent of enslavement in the Arabian peninsula and, to a lesser degree, for the area of the entire Umayyad Caliphate, where slavery had existed since the most ancient times.[31]

According to Bernard Lewis, the growth of internal slave populations through natural increase was insufficient to maintain slave numbers through to modern times, which contrasts markedly with rapidly rising slave populations in the New World. This was due to a number of factor including liberation of the children born by slave mothers, liberation of slaves as an act of piety, liberation of military slaves who rose through the ranks, and restrictions on procreation, since casual sex and marriage was discouraged among the menial, domestic, and manual worker slaves.[1]

A fair proportion of male slaves were also imported as eunuchs. Levy states that according to the Quran and Islamic traditions, such emasculation was objectionable. Some jurists such as al-Baydawi considered castration to be mutilation, stipulating laws to prevent it. However, in practice, emasculation was frequent.[32] In eighteenth-century Mecca, the majority of eunuchs were in the service of the mosques.[33]

Tell me the facts after Islam..
That would be a waste of time. I guess you speak and read english fluently, so why would you need me to refere you to articles or websites, all writen in english, telling you exactly what you for some reason have chosen is not true. I know, because I used to have the exact same discussion on muslim forums 10-15 years ago.
If anyone else is interested, just google Trans-Saharan slave trade.

SC your own link provides this too, which you ignored:
Bernard Lewis writes: "In one of the sad paradoxes of human history, it was the humanitarian reforms brought by Islam that resulted in a vast development of the slave tradeinside, and still more outside, the Islamic empire." He notes that the Islamic injunctions against the enslavement of Muslims led to the massive importation of slaves from the outside.[38] According to Patrick Manning, Islam by recognizing and codifying slavery seems to have done more to protect and expand slavery than the reverse.[31]
Because there is no way the superior “herrenvolk” can do wrong….

These guys have the mentality of a colonist of 350 years ago. “We do nothing wrong” “we brought civilization”.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it….
That is a scary thought considering there are 1,9 billion muslims…a large majority in complete denial….
I guess since no muslims were slaves and non-muslims were and still is subhuman, no slavery existed in the muslim world.
Because there is no way the superior “herrenvolk” can do wrong….

These guys have the mentality of a colonist of 350 years ago. “We do nothing wrong” “we brought civilization”.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it….
That is a scary thought considering there are 1,9 billion muslims…a large majority in complete denial….

Again…just READ.

Your own quotes mentions it limits/reduces the percentages (in a select group of nations…google barbary states for a laugh)..which means it still continued.

And “in theory” is nice but…again from your own quote…..
“However, in practice, emasculation was frequent.[32] In eighteenth-century Mecca, the majority of eunuchs were in the service of the mosques.[33]

Just stop embarrassing yourself.
And please…do not follow up with a “no true scotsman” fallacy mmkay?
Well you are already embarrassing yourself for lack of understanding of the English language!
The Muslims bought the Enuchs.. it was not their practice..

But hey.. I have nothing against you personally .. but I know your dutch mentality very well..too arrogant and obstinate in general.. I was in the Netherlands for some time (a beautiful country) and I'm talking from first hand experience..

On topic now..

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