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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well you are already embarrassing yourself for lack of understanding of the English language!
The Muslims bought the Enuchs.. it was not their practice..

But hey.. I have nothing against you personally .. but I know your dutch mentality very well..too arrogant and obstinate in general.. I was in the Netherlands for some time (a beautiful country) and I'm talking from first hand experience..

On topic now..
Do you think those guys were born Eunuchs, or do you think the muslims traders ordered male slaves casterated before bringing them back home?
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The corrupt and criminal Trump team has dirt on the Bidens, trying to use it politically. If you have the worst criminal, that criminal wants opponents to be criminals, so Trump can say "her emails", when Trump was far more corrupt in 2016 than hillary. Trump won't enter a fight unless opposition is corrupt and controllable, so expect Ukrainian corruption to be exposed. While corrupt and criminal Putin and Trump hide their corruption and fool the idiots.

The Russian criminals already did this.

Kislin, (a mob associate of the worst Russian mobster Ivankov - once kicked out of russia because Ivankov was killing so many Russians), who states that he is very close to the Cherney brothers, claims that he persuaded his ally Giuliani to have President Trump claim that Ukraine is full of corruption.

It is in the Russian mobs interest and the Putin team interest to say Ukraine is full of corruption. To sway public opinion against support of the innocent Ukrainian people who have no involvement in this corruption by global players and are only victims.

The Democratic Party Political Machine has corruption. Their corruption is obedience/ties to the cia Republican Party of Washington DC. So only fools vote Republican.

The Hillary Benghazi affair was because the Republican cia wanted war on Libya. The disaster in Libya was because of the cia Republicans. Hillary and Democrats were pawns and tools for the cia Republican war aims.

The cia Republicans stage wars and crisis, then have Democrats try to navigate the mess, to later blame the problems on Democrats. Trump is a PNACer, MAGA is PNAC (Project for the New American Century). Trump wanted conflict with Iran and China. These are the two PNAC issues. More PNAC policies were exposed with Trump, Trump does not want a free liberal Europe, the transformation of Europe is a PNAC goal. Putin and Trump are the wrecking ball of Europe. For a new order. Le Pen is already there, already signed onto this new disorder.

Ukrainian corruption has been from pro-Putin politicians - such as the corrupt Party of Regions, or cia puppet politicians. Ukrainian politics have been the playground of foreign powers.

In 2014, when Russia began its annexation of Crimea, we could have prevented this. Talk to the military, and they will explain. Ukraine had the resources and capabilities to defend Crimea. But acting President Turchynov blocked this. Do you remember? As the media wrote at the time, this decision was justified by "tough recommendations" from the United States (Google it).

The US told Ukraine to accept annexation. Because to the cia this was a staged crisis with staged playbook. That defense of Ukraine by Ukrainians was not part of that American plan. Russia and non-European players do not have the interests of Europe and Ukraine. Only their Anglo-American interests are sought.

US controlled the Kremlin with Yeltsin. Yeltsin agreed to this.

Boris Yeltsin was Controlled by Hundreds of CIA Agents who instructed him how to run Russia

Yeltsin picked Putin. The cia did not complain about Putin. cia henchperson Bush said could see Putins soul and approved of Putin. cia asset Tony Blair said it was the Prime Minister of UKs job to like Mr Putin. Tony Blair supported Putin and materially supported the Second Chechen War. Had the cia lost control of Russia with Putin, this would not have been the response. Putin was vetted by the cia cronies in the Kremlin. Ultra MAGA and Russia Republicans undermining Europe and Ukraine for the benefit of Putin.

Trump and Putin go back to 1994 and 1995, having the same Russian mob links:

The cia has long relationship with the Russian mob, which is why the cia does not permit it to be shut down.

Here is a small tie:

Donald Trump Associate Felix Sater Is Linked to the Mob and the CIA​

Russian mobsters often have not been a threat to US security, being used to work with the cia and Washington.

Has the US been involved in other mob groups in the past:

In fact, the CIA has been involved in drug-running from its very inception.

Just months after its creation in 1947, the (cia) began a relationship with the Corsican mafia that controlled the Old Port of Marseille in post-war France. That relationship involved a quid pro quo: The CIA would protect the mafia if the mafia would keep the communists from taking control of the port. In this case, "protecting the mafia" meant protecting their most lucrative business, which just happened to be smuggling heroin into the United States. This "French Connection" thrived for decades, with the majority of the heroin in the US in the post-war period coming via France under the watchful eye of the CIA.

European security from Russia is less important than the relations between the PNAC Republican cia and their partner the Russian mafia.

US only cares about US interests, and those interests are the interests of the cia that controls Washington. Washington wants a "new" Europe, more akin to Le Pen.

There is going to be many fools "shocked" by Ukrainian corruption. There is a many decades long playbook. Getting public opinion against Ukraine and Zelensky is one tactic. Already the Q-anon and Ultra MAGA are trying to paint Ukraine as a place of corruption. Sure there was corruption in Ukraine, Ukraine was used by PNAC cia Republicans for women, for crooked deals, so the corruption in Ukraine is MAGA/PNAC corruption.

The more people are prepared for this, the less likely it would happen, because it would not work then.

Therefore, exposing the corruption of MAGA cia Republicans is counter to propaganda against Ukraine.

Criminal and corrupt Trump wants only opposition to Trump to be seen as criminal.

Trump corruption dates back to 80s and preceding decades:

George Carlin would not be shocked by this, Carlin would say it is much worse than this, this corruption is only a tip of the iceberg.

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Not sure history agrees, the Korean Peninsula was a lot safer when trump was in office.
Don’t forget the only president not to start a war….a least in my lifetime
You are back to Trump worship in a thread to discuss Ukraine. He is has a has been and likely to be convicted in one of these court cases.

Spineless action when no retaliation when the Iranians attacked a US base in Iraq after the assignation of the Iranian general. Either see it through or if don’t have the spine then don’t start it. Iranian general attacked by drone, and missiles attacked US base.

As for not starting a war: yes certainly not one outside, but thats because he was too busy starting one inside the country, including giving racist neo-nazis the validation they were looking for and fringe groups like Proud Boys. He even said to them ‘stand down’ in a debate.

No major legislation passed and a country divided that pretty much every a**hole that used to hide it now act themselves out on an airplane or at a grocery store.

As for major accomplishments, another long line of leaders who believe in trickle down economics works but always fails. Here is how that record stands.

Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."

None of these leaders are angels but I am calling out the economic policies that lead to consistent debt accumulation under the false assumption of the laffer curve

I remember that picture, it’s from London. If memory serves me correct there were hardly a few thousand snowflakes out that day, not much of a showing for the most laughed at president.

As for nato they’ve underspend for decades, can’t blame trump for being upset. As we’ve seen from history Europe failed to prepare then cried for their brother across the pond to come save them. Sorry everything costs money.
That is true, but they were free labor to US expansionist goals in Afghanistan and Iraq and white washed with NATO involvement as a ‘coalition’ out to do good. So yes they pay less, but US got a lot of mileage as US neo-cons had this twisted view fo the world. So US actions considered that of a united world, the NATO countries all cooperated and helped with US image
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Time to go to school:

Atlantic slavetrade:
Current estimates are that about 12 million to 12.8 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic over a span of 400 years

Vs arab slavetrades:

Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from sub-Saharan Africa to the Arab world range from 6-10 million.
(Most leaning to the 9 million)

But add another 2 million europeans…

And lets not forget the ottomans with another 2,5 million from the black sea slavetrade.

So there we go….MORE people slaved over a much LONGER period…which mostly ended NOT by internal abolitionists like the west…but FORCED to stop… by western powers…

But in america we see tens of millions of african american communities? What happened to the africans the arabs slaved??

“Castration of male slaves by Arab merchants was a prominent feature of the trans-Saharan slave trade.”


So There you go buddy….
Remember what i said about self reflection?
We have the west apologizing, talking about reperations, giving equal rights.

We have arabs pretending their equally horrible past sins…simply “did not happen”.
“Poof”, clean slate!

fucking toddler behaviour. Hands over ears screaming LALALA when a hurtfull truth is mentioned.

So…you need more schooling?
The Gulf Arabs behave the same way as their ancestors, but do so with modern day slavery. Most European countries allow for Muslim immigration (I have friends in many of these countries that are in high paying jobs) of all kinds, including refugees. And when they go , they stay and eventually are naturalized.

The Gulf countries want you the labor to come from other countries , including south Asian, have them work their butts off and no hope of ever immigration or naturalization. As a laborer you are only as good as your next 2 year contract and if you don’t have a job, you leave or kicked out. And while you are there, it’s a solo life sending money home to rest of family. No hope of family ever moving, no hope of ever settling there.

So you don’t have to go back that far, this happens today, and Gulf countries have to be goaded by the ILO (as Qatar was) to give workers some basic rights in case their slave owning local construction firms withhold their wages.

These countries are only good for rich criminals around the world. Either the corrupt from poorer countries in Africa to Asia that have gotten rich, or the head of every criminal gang entity. THe drug gang in Europe is led by two people living in Dubai that Brussels is working an Extradition treaty is an example.
You are back to Trump worship in a thread to discuss Ukraine. He is has a has been and likely to be convicted in one of these court cases.

Spineless action when no retaliation when the Iranians attacked a US base in Iraq after the assignation of the Iranian general. Either see it through or if don’t have the spine then don’t start it. Iranian general attacked by drone, and missiles attacked US base.

As for not starting a war: yes certainly not one outside, but thats because he was too busy starting one inside the country, including giving racist neo-nazis the validation they were looking for and fringe groups like Proud Boys. He even said to them ‘stand down’ in a debate.

No major legislation passed and a country divided that pretty much every a**hole that used to hide it now act themselves out on an airplane or at a grocery store.

As for major accomplishments, another long line of leaders who believe in trickle down economics works but always fails. Here is how that record stands.

Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."

None of these leaders are angels but I am calling out the economic policies that lead to consistent debt accumulation under the false assumption of the laffer curve

That is true, but they were free labor to US expansionist goals in Afghanistan and Iraq and white washed with NATO involvement as a ‘coalition’ out to do good. So yes they pay less, but US got a lot of mileage as US neo-cons had this twisted view fo the world. So US actions considered that of a united world, the NATO countries all cooperated and helped with US image
Yawn, more of your liberal bs. Best economy in decades but but but insurrection.
If you believe that well then it’s hard to take you serious on anything Ukraine.
Sorry I’m not the one bring trump up again again, simply replying with my ie the American perspective.
The fact you think he’s dirtier than the Clinton’s is very telling, ie not based in reality.

Btw he’s up over Biden 20 pts and that’s why the msm is flipping on him. Who do you think the next puppet will be, think hilldog has any mileage left in her?
not 40 millions. "Just" 15 or 16 millions.
But everyone prefer to see only the 10 millions enslaved by the white....

what a liar...

the only ones has slaved people has been some white peoples in europe and the US. Don t project your bad actions on arabs, besides there are arabs that are black, like the north sudanese and in arabia and yemen, even Irak has blacks.

Arabas are the real semitic people, they are afro asiatic. To say Arabs backs white supremacy trends is hilarious to begin with, its palying against their nature.

I m muslim, and black and white people are good and deserve the same, racist shits are from your kind nations, as a muslim i don t believe in white supremacy.

Arabs are very tolerant people, in spite to be little countries as EUA and Qatar, they let foreigners non arabs to make money on their countries... they literally enrich white peoples. You still have the shame to critize them, there is no one like them,no one would do that with their assets and resources.

Arab enrich white people.
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Read a history book please.

Slavery existed in many continents over many timelines.

Arabs had their own slavetrades. This is all well proven. Especially because legal abolishment happened very late…

Nobody claims this?

Arabs saw no problem slaving non-muslims….race had little to do with it as they got their slaves from eurasia, europe, africa….

Arabs caused large parts of coastline of spain, italy to de-populate because of their constant piracy and slavery.

Arabs give almost NO aid to non-muslims internationally.
Their migration laws and minority treatment is extremely harsh. Our extreme right would be jealous on their laws.

So…wake up from your “la la land” dream….

You are spreading lies. Hope arabs one day wake up, and see what people like you are saying about their people. They don t deserve this.

They have given money to Ukraine, when ukranians are netiher arabs nor muslims, you don t know a shit, they give a lot of money for nothing...
Lancet kamikaze drone attack on Grad MLRS of Ukraine. The Ukrainian BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system was attacked by a Russian kamikaze drone Lancet. As a result of a strike from the Lancet kamikaze drone, a fire started in the BM-21 Grad MLRS, which destroyed the combat vehicle.


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