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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia needs to be reminded the west also has nuclear weapons.

Russia knows that well. Russia however is over four times the landmass of EU and nearly twice the landmass of US. Combined total NATO landmass is lower than 12M km^2 whereas Russia has over 17M km^2. If it is total nuclear showdown, Russia is the country that is best placed to "survive" a global total nuclear exchange. Hence why it is dangerous for Russian leaders to begin wondering towards that direction.
Yes just like Bayraktar, Leppards, Callander Tanks, and all the rest were meant to be game changers. Mother Russia has an answer to everything. The soon the Clown of Kiev realises that this is an unwinnable war, the better for the region and the world. He needs to come to the negotiation table rather than fight to the last Ukrainian. Just another Yahoodi forcing and killing off the Christians again. A scumbag of the highest order.

Ukraine needs inmediate peace. Palestine had to hold the fire, because Israel is stronger... the same is going to happen to Ukraine.

Ukraine has to wait for better times and stronger allies.
Russia knows that well. Russia however is over four times the landmass of EU and nearly twice the landmass of US. Combined total NATO landmass is lower than 12M km^2 whereas Russia has over 17M km^2. If it is total nuclear showdown, Russia is the country that is best placed to "survive" a global total nuclear exchange. Hence why it is dangerous for Russian leaders to begin wondering towards that direction.
Russia might survive, but Russians will not. A very large part of Russians live in the Moscow and S:t Petersburg areas.

Zelenskyy, Swedish PM discussing production of CV-90 infantry fighting vehicles in Ukraine​


During his working visit to Sweden, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will discuss defense cooperation with Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, in particular, the production of CV-90 infantry fighting vehicles in Ukraine.
"Starting talks with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. We have a broad agenda, but defense cooperation is one of the top priorities. Including powerful Swedish CV-90s. Our warriors are already putting them to good use on the battlefield. We also intend to produce them in Ukraine," the president said in his Telegram channel.
Russia needs to be reminded the west also has nuclear weapons.
Lavrov is a psychopath. Putin, Peskow, Medwedew. Lots of psychopaths in today’s Russia. They act as if they have the longest penis.
Not even the USSR with much more nukes threatening the west on weekly basis.
Yes just like Bayraktar, Leppards, Callander Tanks, and all the rest were meant to be game changers. Mother Russia has an answer to everything. The soon the Clown of Kiev realises that this is an unwinnable war, the better for the region and the world. He needs to come to the negotiation table rather than fight to the last Ukrainian. Just another Yahoodi forcing and killing off the Christians again. A scumbag of the highest order.
None of them were game changer

Everyone knows that
Afghanistan is a landlocked country where NATO maintained a small footprint and was focused on hunting most wanted terrorists. NATO toppled Afghan Taliban setup in 2002 but did attempt to dismantle this force in neighboring countries. NATO created an alternative Afghan setup to keep Afghan Taliban busy instead. NATO and Afghan Taliban commenced talks in Qatar to find a mutually acceptable settlement. This war cannot be used to predict another war.

Iran is not a landlocked country. It has infrastructure and visible military forces.

If you check history, you will see US-led forces defeating a country having infrastructure and visible military forces. Enemies that were much stronger than the likes of Afghan Taliban but had to fight in the open.

Operation Desert Storm (1991): Facts and Figures

None of what you said matters. What matters is, the soldiers of the IEA are enjoying with the equipment left behind by NATO forces.

You got 6-pack Taliban here, my friend. :lol::lol:
Video of the arrival of a search and rescue team on a Mi-8 helicopter to a Russian Ka-52 helicopter shot down earlier from a Ukrainian MANPADS. The video also shows a Russian Mi-28 helicopter covering the work of the rescue team along the perimeter of the field. As a result of the Ukrainian attack on the Russian Ka-52 helicopter, the helicopter's navigator unfortunately died, the crew commander ejected and was evacuated by the Russian search and rescue team.

Russia knows that well. Russia however is over four times the landmass of EU and nearly twice the landmass of US. Combined total NATO landmass is lower than 12M km^2 whereas Russia has over 17M km^2. If it is total nuclear showdown, Russia is the country that is best placed to "survive" a global total nuclear exchange. Hence why it is dangerous for Russian leaders to begin wondering towards that direction.

Russia will not be "better" or "best" place to be to survive a nuclear blast due to its size. US alone had enough warhead to nuke every inch of Russia with changes (spare warhead not being used)

Using the follow website for ground det US missile/bomb have the combine power of

US Nuclear Device in service

W87/W88 MIRV (ICBM) - 450ktn - 700 Warheads Destruction power @3psi - 7539 sq km
W80/W84/W84-1 - 150ktn - 2100 Warheads Destruction Power @3psi - 3357 sq km
W76 MIRV (Trident II) - 100ktn - 3400 warhead Destruction power @3psi - 2568 sq km
B61 (Gravity Bomb B52/B1/B2) - 420 ktn - 3100 warhead Destruction power @3psi - 6615 sq km
B83 (Gravity Bomb B52/B1/B2) - 1.2 Mtn - 650 warhead Destruction power @3psi -13225 sq km

Combine US warhead destruction is 50,160,950 sq km. While not all of them are in active service, (for example, some W80 are being replaced by W88 or some W76 are being replaced with W87 and so on) but estimate US have around 5000-6000 warhead (nobody knows the exact number, even me, and I have TS/SCI clearance) so US alone would probably and very easily destory every inch of Russia territories probably twice if they wanted. So Even Russia is big, the US stockpile is even bigger...And then we are talking about ground det, which limited its destruction power, most nuke are going to do an airbrust instead of a ground det.

The factor that dictate survivability, however, is another issue, it's depends on terrain and how well you prepare for it. People lived in the Rockies Mountain will have a better chance to survive a complete thermonuclear exchange than say people in the SF Bay Area or Manhattan because the mountain will shield and absorb a large does of radiation from the detonation. On the other hand, whether you have ready to use shelter and how well you prepare (so CRBN training and survival training) also put into a serious dictation on whether or not you will survive a nuclear blast, people like me, who had military experience, trained with CBRN, have wildlife survival technique (which you need to learn during SERE and Ranger school) and have civil defence training will most likely have a higher chance to survive than you.

On the other hand, you actually may want to rethink about surviving the aftermath, surviving the nuclear blast is the easy part, surviving what's coming afterward is not, Nuclear Winter and have to deal with fall out is not as exciting as you seen on TV like the movie "The Day After" or TV series like "Jericho". You are talking about an environment so hostile you cannot be outside for more than 10 minutes even if you had full CBRN suit on, and you are talking about working on these condition to fight thru a nuclear winter so you have food for next year when your can food run out. And that is assume you still have a government and a functioning armed force and police force to begin with, if not, then you are simply entering a world of jungle law, where survival the fittest literally mean you died if you are not the best, and sometime being the best is to rob and kill someone, now, between you and me, I can tell you I am pretty sure that is more geared toward my life than yours, having went thru 2 warzones and know the basics of wilderness survival, I mean, even if I give you a M4, you probably don't even know how to use it (how to reload it, how to maintain it or even how to fire it) let alone using it proficiently. And I am telling you this, I probably don't want to live in a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland.....You may think it's fun to play it on Fallout 4, it's no fun when you have to do everything.........
Russia knows that well. Russia however is over four times the landmass of EU and nearly twice the landmass of US. Combined total NATO landmass is lower than 12M km^2 whereas Russia has over 17M km^2. If it is total nuclear showdown, Russia is the country that is best placed to "survive" a global total nuclear exchange. Hence why it is dangerous for Russian leaders to begin wondering towards that direction.
The US would be better off in a nuclear exchange with Russia. It doesnt really matter if some tundra, subarctic or arctic animals in Murmansk or Siberia survive or not.
Russian population density:
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