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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


The US gives the go ahead of F16s to Ukraine. Pilot training begins this month.
The first batch of F16s come from Denmark and the Netherlands.

Ukraine-Überblick: Niederländische F-16-Kampfjets: Die Ausbildung der ukrainischen Soldaten im Umgang mit den Flugzeugen soll noch im August beginnen.

Niederländische F-16-Kampfjets: Die Ausbildung der ukrainischen Soldaten im Umgang mit den Flugzeugen soll noch im August beginnen. © John Thys/AFP/Getty Images

Good to hear that they are finally going to make it over there - but the whole process has been far more of a laboured pricess than it should have been.

Hpefully the UK can help to buy 2nd hand F16 airframes and get them to Ukraine asap by financing them and training pilots to being able to operate them.
F16s will be game changer if they can operate freely
But with russian anti-air that will be difficult.

It will however boost their air to air, and allow them more and easier air to ground missile attacks started outside AA range.

Including a steady stream of supplies (which for the old soviet Migs was difficult as almost no Nato country still had stocks of those)

It will add to the slow attrition of russian army instead of being a outright game-changer though i think.
Bro, the West is trying to figure out a way to throw Ukraine under the bus with minimal political repercussions. It looks like they will pressure Ukraine to accept the Donbas being part of Russia with Russia accepting Ukraine being incorporated into the Western camp for defensive purposes. Of course, Russia wants more concessions since they will be negotiating from the position of strength.

Now, look at how much delusional Western policy makers are. They're "concerned about possible cooperation between #Russia and #NorthKorea. " What? Are DPRK and Russia gonna stop for the concerns of the West after all of the sanctions and wars brought to their people by the Western elites?

This is aimed at two sides:
North korea: stating USA is closely monitoring it and support would have repercussions.

USA can still tighten sanctions, or increase support south korea-military.
Do you even know America gave more then a billion food aid to North Korea between 1995 and 2008? As such it has leverage.

Third party:
North korea cannot easily supply large amount of ammo/weapons. All companies/shipping/countries/airspace involved will risk repercussions.
F16s will be game changer if they can operate freely

Yes just like Bayraktar, Leppards, Callander Tanks, and all the rest were meant to be game changers. Mother Russia has an answer to everything. The soon the Clown of Kiev realises that this is an unwinnable war, the better for the region and the world. He needs to come to the negotiation table rather than fight to the last Ukrainian. Just another Yahoodi forcing and killing off the Christians again. A scumbag of the highest order.
Good to hear that they are finally going to make it over there - but the whole process has been far more of a laboured pricess than it should have been.

Hpefully the UK can help to buy 2nd hand F16 airframes and get them to Ukraine asap by financing them and training pilots to being able to operate them.
Yes the more partners the better
Ukraine offensive will never succeed without air support. The Russian helos and bombers fire rockets, missiles, glide bombs from the distance.
If Iran was that easy, they would've been attacked long time ago. Iran is a regional power with strong asymmetric naval, aerial, and ground capabilities. Iranians are also very nationalistic people and would put up a serious fight. If loosely armed Afghan mujahideen can pin down the whole NATO alliance in Afghanistan for 20 years and eventually chased them out, a major adversary like Iran could push the West out of the Middle East if they're pushed to a corner. Don't believe in the media hype. Iran is a nation with the means to defend itself.

Afghanistan is a landlocked country where NATO maintained a small footprint and was focused on hunting most wanted terrorists. NATO toppled Afghan Taliban setup in 2002 but did attempt to dismantle this force in neighboring countries. NATO created an alternative Afghan setup to keep Afghan Taliban busy instead. NATO and Afghan Taliban commenced talks in Qatar to find a mutually acceptable settlement. This war cannot be used to predict another war.

Iran is not a landlocked country. It has infrastructure and visible military forces.

If you check history, you will see US-led forces defeating a country having infrastructure and visible military forces. Enemies that were much stronger than the likes of Afghan Taliban but had to fight in the open.

Operation Desert Storm (1991): Facts and Figures
Somebody is preventing me from posting any evidence from Twitter. Everything I post lately from that platform is not showing up. That is why you have me posting screenshots. Meanwhile, you can listen to Secretary Lavrov on where we're in this conflict.

View attachment 946943

Nice try avoiding posting evidence of the so called "14 vehicles deestroyed + tanks". That still didn't answer my question.

Yes just like Bayraktar, Leppards, Callander Tanks, and all the rest were meant to be game changers. Mother Russia has an answer to everything. The soon the Clown of Kiev realises that this is an unwinnable war, the better for the region and the world. He needs to come to the negotiation table rather than fight to the last Ukrainian. Just another Yahoodi forcing and killing off the Christians again. A scumbag of the highest order.

Turkey did not supply its UAVs to Ukraine during the war. Losses could not be replaced.

Ukraine is developing its own UAVs and have used some to attack Russian infrastructure as far as in Moscow. This is something that Georgia and Chechnya could not do.

NATO has made it possible for Ukraine to fight Russian forces in the open. This is a big shift from the earlier days when Russian forces were traversing Ukrainian lands virtually unopposed.

Russian losses in Ukraine are staggering. Not sure what Russian fans see in this matter to celebrate. Putin does not want to give up because his strongman reputation is at stake. But other Russians have to pay a hefty price for this madness.

F-16 will transform Ukrainian Air Force. These jet fighters can be used to defeat Russian big ticket items on land and sea with standoff munitions and provide CAS to Ukrainian troops. This is the capability that Ukraine needs to turn the tide of the war.

There is much that NATO has not given to Ukraine yet. Keep this in mind.

Ukraine has created a compact attack drone SkyKnight 2 with AI, it can resist electronic warfare and anti-drone guns


The novelty was named SkyKnight 2. It is a compact strike UAV, which can also be used as a kamikaze drone. The drone is optionally equipped with a mesh network module and a special core with AI. Thanks to it, SkyKnight 2 can counter Russian electronic warfare equipment, as well as anti-drone guns.


SkyKnight 2 can carry up to 2.5kg of explosives. According to the manufacturer, the UAV is fast, powerful and quiet. It is capable of flying automatically as well as engaging moving targets. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has already given permission for the SkyKnight 2 to be used by the troops. It is not yet known how much it costs to produce one such drone.


Zelinskki says 18 countries would provide security guarantees to Ukraine in addition to security guarantees from G7 countries.

So the count now stands 25 countries that would provide military assistance for Ukraine against any future Russia’s aggression.


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