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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

impressive fact that uaf finally started counter offensive in kherson region by overall constelation that should not happen. some serious ruptures in russian posture.
Chill down hero. I am just trying to educate idiots here, I am actually not screaming. Whether China is good or bad, that's another topic, the point here is Russia is not in such a bad shape like what the msm describe. I personally think. It's good for them, they will be finally free and independent. New industries will be created, new jobs etc. With Chinese technology and productive powers, we can make them powerful.
You don’t educate anyone you are just an ignorant. No, Russia is a dead end. They will end up like Srilanka. They are not going great because they replace German cars by chinese cars. Don’t pretend you are innocent virgin. Chinese businesses will squeeze them to the last penny.
Ukraine hunting traitors

Olexij Kowaljow, an Ukraine politician who defected to Russia and worked with occupation army in southern Ukraine, is found shot dead in his house. He survived the first assassination attempt. Also, his girl friend was killed.


Gegen Olexij Kowaljow hatte die ukrainische Justiz wegen Hochverrat ermittelt.
They killed the girlfriend? Wow such beacons of Human rights and and democracy and kindness
You don’t educate anyone you are just an ignorant. No, Russia is a dead end. They will end up like Srilanka. They are not going great because they replace German cars by chinese cars. Don’t pretend you are innocent virgin. Chinese businesses will squeeze them to the last penny.
Ok let's make a bet here. I will bet Russia for the next 5 years will not collapse but will be roughly the same with slower growth. You are betting they will end up like Sri Lanka. Do you dare?

Some hint to you, Russia produces the food and energy which Sri Lanka couldn't get and hence collapsed. You can't eat paper dollars mate. Lol
Chill down hero. I am just trying to educate idiots here, I am actually not screaming. Whether China is good or bad, that's another topic, the point here is Russia is not in such a bad shape like what the msm describe. I personally think. It's good for them, they will be finally free and independent. New industries will be created, new jobs etc. With Chinese technology and productive powers, we can make them powerful.
Like you did with north korea?


Ukrainian Assassin Who Bombed Russian Darya Dugina, Found STABBED TO DEATH​


Ukrainian Assassin Who Bombed Russian Darya Dugina, Found STABBED TO DEATH

The female member of the Ukrainian National Guard, Natalya Vovka, who entered Russia on July 23 and moved into the same building as Darya Dugina, stalked Darya, and planted a bomb to murder Darya by blowing up the car she was driving, has been found stabbed to death in a hotel in Austria.
Natalya Vovka was reportedly found with seventeen (17) stab wounds, laying dead in a hotel room in Austria.
Dead men (or women) tell no tales.
Looks as though Ukraine is tying-up "loose ends" by assassinating the Assassin. Or perhaps Russia got even?

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A person for a person. Even if Russians and Ukrainians have a 1:1 loss ratio, the last Ukrainian will die before the last Russian will die. Russia wins the war. Capito. Finito.

This is the first war in human history to the last man or woman. Who do you think will win? Russia with 150 million people? Or? Ukraine with 30 million people?
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Ok let's make a bet here. I will bet Russia for the next 5 years will not collapse but will be roughly the same with slower growth. You are betting they will end up like Sri Lanka. Do you dare?

Some hint to you, Russia produces the food and energy which Sri Lanka couldn't get and hence collapsed. You can't eat paper dollars mate. Lol
You are too shallow. Yes Russia produces excess of foods but where coming the harvesting machines? Growing grains needs fertilizer, yes Russia has excess of gas as basis but where coming the fertilizer factories?
Russia planes can’t fly because lack of components why don’t they make themselves? What’s about ships? Can they sail to anywhere?
Yes Russia has huge amounts of resources to make computers, software, chips, why can’t they make it?
Russia is not USSR. The Soviet could make it.
Putin is just a man of the past.
He dreams of the return of USSR.
Like you did with north korea?
A powerful Russia is the last thing China want. Russia WILL be weakened at the end of this war, no matter how it will turn out. China will do nothing to help Russia regain what was lost.
A powerful Russia is the last thing China want. Russia WILL be weakened at the end of this war, no matter how it will turn out. China will do nothing to help Russia regain what was lost.

Good. Russia and Iran are Chinese vassals anyway. China don't want them too naughty. The weaker, the better.
For the same reason I have to scroll through forum postings on Bangladesh textiles when the name of this forum is Pakistan Defence. Thats because purpose of a forum is to exchange thoughts and ideas and opinions. For those that are chamchas on either side get a view of what the contrary view is. Something only a global forum like this can do since it is not possible to find people next door that will be supportive of the other side in the war.
If you are implying that this forum should be only pro-Russia, then why don't you consider joining the Russian military twitter handle. You will get exactly what you want to see there. Or start a thread on Ukraine that says 'Putin is great, nobody join with a different view on the war'. And suggest to western chamchas to start one 'Putin is bad, nobody join with a different view on the war'

I think u have a serious comprehension problem. There is a difference between sharing news (of both sides) and engaging in stupid useless discussion about gas flaring that goes on for pages. If u r in to crap, i suggest u switch to reddit, this thread is for sharing news and updates from both sides and not for dumb arguments. This thread been blocked in the past due to these morons. I call out western chamchas because there is a certain group here who r active 24/7 as if they get paid by the hour and never see them sharing any authentic news, updates or situation on the ground, just stupid trolling.
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