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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Put everyone on ignore except those here that get paid by Putin and you will have a consistent message.
World would've been a much better place if every country mind their own damn business, and this applies to every country.
Is Bakhmut the city from where this floodgate would open, and Russia would conquer all of eastern Ukraine from?
Bakhmut has salt mines. The Russians are there to steal salt. Strategically the city is unimportant. It has nothing. Previously the location was captured by Prigozhin’s zombies. It was a birthday gift for Putin.
Russia has seized a Swedish CV90 armored personnel carrier of the Ukrainian army. Footage from the first captured CV-90 BMP of Swedish production in Ukraine has been published. As reported, the armored vehicle was hit by a shot from a grenade launcher, its commander was killed, after which it was abandoned by the Ukrainian crew. The Russian military captured the Swedish CV9040C BMP for the first time, perhaps the car was captured as a result of the battle that we previously talked about. The CV9040 BMP is armed with a 40 mm Bofors L70 cannon and a 7.62 mm machine gun . What will happen next with the CV9040 armored vehicle is unknown, since this is a new technique and is in service with many countries, it will most likely be sent to Russia for study.

A missile strike on the night of July 31 on military facilities of the Kharkiv region was carried out by the Russian army. One of the strikes was inflicted on a warehouse of Ukraine in the Novobavarsky district of the city. Local authorities and the prosecutor's office confirmed the missile hit. Operational services of Ukraine are working on the spot.

If there's anything the Russians did very well, is their creation and usage of the Lancet suicide drones. If there was a conflict where such a weapon could actually make the difference on the battlefield (with slightly more improved payloads, though) is the lancet and the way the Russians have used it so well to their advantage.

And I'm glad that Blinken assured all us peons about how there won't be a difference between starving from our inability to store enough contamination-free food from a nuclear war fallout or if the way the earth simply dies naturally because of our own unsustainable appetite for destruction simply due to our own scorching earth policy! lol

I've observed the same trend based on the videos from the Russian side. The Lancet loitering munition has probably been the most effective weapon the Russians have used in terms of tactics. But that is extremely damning for them. Theoretically, this shouldn't be the case given the size and capability of their armed forces, but if there were any more clearer demonstration of how lack of training, weak command and control, and poor tactics can nullify even the most capable of militaries, this would be it. I'm probably going to get flack from you for saying this, but it reminds me of the poor performance of the Arabs against the Israelis - another example of where a smaller, better trained and led force can defeat a much larger, arguably better equipped opponent.
I've observed the same trend based on the videos from the Russian side. The Lancet loitering munition has probably been the most effective weapon the Russians have used in terms of tactics. But that is extremely damning for them. Theoretically, this shouldn't be the case given the size and capability of their armed forces, but if there were any more clearer demonstration of how lack of training, weak command and control, and poor tactics can nullify even the most capable of militaries, this would be it. I'm probably going to get flack from you for saying this, but it reminds me of the poor performance of the Arabs against the Israelis - another example of where a smaller, better trained and led force can defeat a much larger, arguably better equipped opponent.
At the end of the day the Russians are fighting NATO indirectly which a highly sophisticated and well organised force so you shouldn't and wouldn't expect perfection from the Russians. It is a brutal war and both sides have made collosal mistakes and suffered colossal losses. Ukraine is no small nation and it had signifcant military hardware and forces and it was never going to be a walk in the park for the Russians.
Its obviously mines exploding. The tank isnt firing at the column. Isnt it strange they cut the clip when the russian tank returned? I bet this tank got destroyed by dismounted infantry not knowing what was behind the wooded area.
Did you hear the system alert saying in clear English "One thousand and two"? At 1:13

This is very obvious an Ukranian asset, also that's a GPS system, it should have been cut off from the Russian.

This is a major hint This is a cut and chop footage, if they were there to cover this heroic act, they wouldn't use edited Ukranian footage for it...
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How sad is this ?

All those young men died for what ? Zelenskyy and his western cronies ??

Those who say send weapons to Ukraine should go to the front line

Russia is ruthless

Ukraine should surrender to save their soldiers? Can you guarantee they not land in gulags or gas chambers? Either ways Zelinskki has no authority to cede any piece of Ukraine territory to a foreign country.

Those soldiers were probably observed by Russian drones. That’s why not a good ending.

Global Hawk Is The Harbinger Of Another Escalation. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.07.31


Global Hawk Is The Harbinger Of Another Escalation. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.07.31

How many claims of escalation have there been?

A lot.

Has there been any change in response since the first?


At this point Biden making toast for breakfast will be considered an escalation and Russia will continue to do nothing about it.

FYI global hawks have been in play since the beginning of the war.

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