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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Air superiority is on Russian side. Artillery advantage is with Russians, and the Russians are dug in with multi layered defensive lines. The only thing Ukrainians have to overcome there Russian advantages is superior numbers. This you are seeing massive Ukrainian losses.

Without superior AirPower u can’t wage a counteroffensive, as simple as that

But then is the case, then why couldn’t Russia proceed but a few Kms during its own winter offensive?
Omg what a absolute bloody disaster those poor souls, NATO fighting Russia until last Ukrainian

How sad and simply sick

Not a single mine clearing vehicle in sight and no air cover

Russians rained hell down on them Lancet arrives at 0:45 and ATGM, mortars, mines and shells

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Omg what a absolute bloody disaster those poor souls, NATO fighting Russia until last Ukrainian

How sad and simply sick

Not a single mine clearing vehicle in sight and no air cover

They have stuff like that. But In military doctrine, mines alone are not that effective. Not if the engineers have time to work uninterrupted. But if you combine mines with Arty , then you create real problems. The difficulties with vehicles clearing mines is that most places on the front they have to do so whilst being shelled. Russians have layered 6 lines of deep mines for the Ukrainian tanks de-mining equipment their front mine plows to clear they are unable to take that many mine hits before they get damaged and fail . Which is why Ukraine needs fighter jets. Air dominance would change that and make Russian artillery have to withdraw.
Without superior AirPower u can’t wage a counteroffensive, as simple as that

But then is the case, then why couldn’t Russia proceed but a few Kms during its own winter offensive?
Russian air force haven't been active in CAS missions as far as we can see. Most of the time they are just attacking stationary targets and air superiority missions.
The ukranians are not really using their edge in night vision so far. I guess the training and doctrine needed for that cannot be fast tracked.
Maybe because there is no edge? Everytime they try a night attack, they got smacked and we later have the thermal videos. You guys are disconnected from the reality.

It is well known the leopards, bradleys, strykers have much better night vision and thermals then the russians.
Propaganda != well known. AND, the most important point: The advantage having thermals against an enemy without any thermals is HUGE, gigantic, because it is the difference between seeing the enemy and beeing blind. Like the US had in the iraq wars.

But against an enemy with not so good thermals the difference is more or less negligible. And the difference in thermals are in many cases not that big or even there at all. So the conclusion is: The advantage is even smaller, almost non-existent.
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They have stuff like that. But In military doctrine, mines alone are not that effective. Not if the engineers have time to work uninterrupted. But if you combine mines with Arty , then you create real problems. The difficulties with vehicles clearing mines is that most places on the front they have to do so whilst being shelled. Russians have layered 6 lines of deep mines for the Ukrainian tanks de-mining equipment their front mine plows to clear they are unable to take that many mine hits before they get damaged and fail . Which is why Ukraine needs fighter jets. Air dominance would change that and make Russian artillery have to withdraw.
How do you expect Ukraine to get air dominance with 20-30 F-16s and 6 months of training? Forget about those fighterjets, they are not going to help the offensive. The ukrainians will have to do without, as do the russians. Did you see any airstrikes countering the ukrainian offensive? I didnt.
How do you expect Ukraine to get air dominance with 20-30 F-16s and 6 months of training? Forget about those fighterjets, they are not going to help the offensive. The ukrainians will have to do without, as do the russians. Did you see any airstrikes countering the ukrainian offensive? I didnt.

I did not mention any specific fighter (f16s)

You only need a couple of technical ground crew for a Gripen and a couple of basic ground ground as opposed to the 12 or more for the F16 not to mention the F16 is as most US fighters prone to FOD not really suited to rough improvised runways.

Training Ukrainian pilots is a better option for the long term for their security.
Air superiority is on Russian side. Artillery advantage is with Russians, and the Russians are dug in with multi layered defensive lines. The only thing Ukrainians have to overcome there Russian advantages is superior numbers. This you are seeing massive Ukrainian losses.
Hardly any offensives in this war succeed be it ukrainian or russian. Russia sacrificed tens of thousends just to take Bakhmut and surrounding areas, and lost hundreds in seemingly countless and pointless attempts trying to take small villages or strategic highgrounds all along the frontline. Its two sovjet armies having a slugfest so far.

I did not mention any specific fighter (f16s)

You only need a couple of technical ground crew for a Gripen and a couple of basic ground ground as opposed to the 12 or more for the F16 not to mention the F16 is as most US fighters prone to FOD not really suited to rough improvised runways.

Training Ukrainian pilots is a better option for the long term for their security.
I believe there are way to many air defence systems covering the entire front for any donated planes to make an offensive difference in this war. Even the russian air force hardly operates at the front and definitely not behind the lines.
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Unconfirmed, let's wait for more confirmation.

I'm looking at various sources, I can't find anything. I'm gonna chalk this one up to unsubstantiated rumor until we get something concrete.

A withdrawal from Urozaine makes sense though, as it's pretty much encircled now. The Russians would have no choice but to withdraw. Robotnye is still up in the air.
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most retarded post in this whole 2000 page thread

you have zero ability to think
Not as comedic to say explosive kill something without explosion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's like saying bomb or grenade to kill a person but does not expect to have traumatic injury and kept a pristine body, no shrapnel injury to the organ, no traumatic amputation on the limbs, no, because explosive does not kill it target with explosion.
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I believe there are way to many air defence systems covering the entire front for any donated planes to make an offensive difference in this war. Even the russian air force hardly operates at the front and definitely not behind the lines.
It's less dominating the skies of Ukraine, and more keeping Russian VKS in check to make sure Russia doesn't have free reign high above Ukraine (far above any air defense would be able to effectively target). It's also to give Ukraine the one thing they've lacked since the beginning of the war, a viable high speed accurate and reliable bomber, which F-16s would 100% fit the bill on. It's also extremely cheap, so it has its advantages over other similar aircraft.

The Gripen is another option, but it's lack of numbers and spare parts, and the fact that the Swedes are still buying them for their own air force makes them a hard sell. Still, Gripe was literally made to fight Russian aircrafts, it was designed from the ground up to be an aircraft that could counter Russian VKS systems.
Iraq had become a well equipped and battle-hardened side for a country of its size and even across the pan-Islamic bloc in 1991. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the entire GCC bloc was in panic mode and could not hope to liberate Kuwait on its own. Even countries like Egypt and Pakistan could not help liberate Kuwait at the time, not even together. Comparison of Pakistani and Iraqi military capability in 1990 is in following link:

Iraqi Army had established an integrated Air Defense system, which set it apart from any other across the pan-Islamic bloc in 1990. This system is credited for downing dozens of aircraft of the US-led coalition in 1991. This was the case in spite of the fact that US-led coalition was using heliborne special forces, cruise missiles, and stealthy aircraft to degrade Iraq's Air Defense system in a remarkable combination of military technologies and tactics that had no peer around the world at the time.

US had fought a lengthy war in Vietnam and learned valuable lessons from it. These lessons spurred a complete revisit to the American military capability with a shift from conscript model to volunteer model and development of a new generation of weapon systems. US is the pioneer of Digitalization and it had created the world's first Digitalized military force with the capacity to conduct network-centric operations in line with the AirLand Battle warfighting doctrine that was pitched in the 1980s. These improvements in conjunction with a Deception Plan to mislead Iraqi intelligence paid off in 1991.

Political leadership counts as well. Johnson and Nixon did not had the mindset to commit to war and allow US military to do its best in Vietnam. Bush was different and allowed US military to do whatever it takes to liberate Kuwait.

But Cold War was a dark time for the pan-Islamic bloc with Islamic countries embracing camp politics and fighting each other. Saddam Hussein was an egotistical misfit and brought ruin to his country.

Legend Bhai Sahab,
I was in Kuwait in 1990 and luckily my family left for USA just 2 days before Saddam forces invaded Kuwait.
It was the worst moment in our lives.
To this day we consider ourselves lucky for leaving Kuwait just in time before inevitable happened.
I had Reporters from Florida where we were residing come and interview all of us.

This one act by Saddam destroyed whole muslim trust of each other for the next 30 + years.
Our lives moved forward in American while many others friends we knew had to struggle to get out of Kuwait via Iran to return back to Pakistan which took them 6 + months with great difficulty.
We thank allah for guiding out of trouble, Ameen.
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