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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Putin is a liar. Most Ukraine exports of last year go to Turkey and China. They are Russia’s allies if I am not mistaken. Russia’s bigger share of grain exports don’t give Putin to reason to stage a total war against Ukraine grains exports. UN fears the worst fir Africa. So Putin accuses the UN as liar not himself? That’s beyond rediculous.
This guy must be out of his mind. Russia negotiated in good faith? Bi*** Russia invaded a sovereign nation and annexed 1/4 of its territory, Russia has no moral high ground here. This corrupt autocrat country Post WW2 broke the Modern Day Rules and annexed the territory of a sovereign nation with its borders recognized internationally not just by the world but also Russia itself.

It really gives me joy watching the spanking the Ukrainians have given to the Russians. The much vaunted 2nd strongest Army in the World with those feared Armored Battle Groups turned to be duds. This is what happens to an Army when it is corrupt to the core at the top. Russia at the beginning of the war had every equipment it needed too, to absolutely steam roll the Ukrainians. But what was their own failing is the level of corruption in their top brass, logistics only available on paper and complete lack of training and deployment of their men. They literally lost some of their best troops purely due to their poor usage and deployment.

This is a lesson for us Pakistanis. This is what happens to an Army when the Top Brass is more concerned about the level of wealth it accumulates rather then actually doing their job which is to fight Wars.
The sources are in the references and if You only read the Indian version you have a biased version of the truth.
The actions of locals in the colonies were nothing short of war crimes as well.
Action of locals in colonies, that were under colonial rule were nothing short of war crimes? You must be one of those, who says that we colonized non whites to make them better. Shame on you

Does this look like a genial source? From the White man's mouth, the one who made gentlemen out of heathens ehh. What a effin racist you are


I remember when Saddam Hussein's army (a former local subcontractor of imperial terror later disgraced) was threatening to attack Texas or Miami or California, of course.

The tremendous thing is that the waiters were booed and the cooks were promoted.

In fact the scriptwriters of Let's Unleash Chaos and Terror in Iraq are the same of Let's Sacrifice the Ukrainian Pawns out of hatred for Russia.

And another one being too openly critical gets a tap on the fingers.

Only “yes men” allowed.

For his involvement with MH17 i do hope he falls out of a window though

And another one being too openly critical gets a tap on the fingers.

Only “yes men” allowed.

For his involvement with MH17 i do hope he falls out of a window though

Soon "died by drinking tea" or "window accident".
Putin pumps 14 billion USD additional funds this year into the defense of Moscow. His greatest fear: another Prigozhin coming.

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Russlands Defizit belief sich im ersten Halbjahr bereits auf mehr als drei Viertel des Fehlbetrags, den Putin für das gesamte Jahr geplant hat.

(Foto: picture alliance/dpa/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP)
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