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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Summer Operations | The Russians Have Adapted To Ukrainian Tactics. Military Summary For 2023.07.07

Nice - so the DPICMs are 155M shells with cluster bombs, and rockets with cluster bombs - ie no plane launched JDAM type cluster bombs ?
DPICM are like copperhead, it's a rocket and they can be fired by conventional tube or HIMARS
it takes 18 years to make a man, trade the life for land and live another day, this is what Ukraine should do if it really valued its men and women

That is an honerable statement indeed.

But it is really up to the Ukranians to make this call.

And so far , from what i have seen , it has been them that have been pushing their allies to supply them with more and more weapons , not the other way around.

Also ; it is not like there is a Russian put a Sieze fire proposal on the table. If you remeber , the last negotiations the Russians held with the Ukranians while their conveys parked near Kieve , was one of the most dishonest and dishonerble displays in human history. Little wonder that after that no negotiation are taking place now.

You know that If the Ukranians would not have decided to fight , a year and a half ago , there would have been no more Ukraine now.

NATO's doctrine involves air supremacy and heavy use of air power, if Ukraine had a large and modern air force on NATO standards those Russian defensive lines and logistic/rear bases would simply get obliterated from the air.
Ukraine army lacks air defense at the fronts that’s because it has to maintain large air defense installations inland the Russians constantly terror bomb Ukraine cities. Ukraine has to choose protecting the cities or protecting the troops during the offensive. That’s the dilemma. If Ukraine can deploy several Patriots battery, Iris air defense, Gepard tanks to the front, then things would be better.
That’s interesting.
Erdogan supports Ukraine NATO membership.
What Putin thinking?
Will he forbid Russians to make holiday in Turkey in retaliation?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right) met with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky in Istanbul, Turkey July 7, 2023.

Murat Cetinmuhurdar/Presidential Press Office/Handout/Reuters
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right) met with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky in Istanbul, Turkey July 7, 2023.


What are cluster bombs and why is US sending them to Ukraine?​

    • Published
      11 hours ago
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Distinctive marks from a cluster munition in the roof of a car next to a playground in Kharkiv (Joel Gunter/BBC)
Image caption,
Distinctive marks from a cluster munition in the roof of a car next to a playground in Kharkiv
By Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent

The US has announced it is complying with a Ukrainian request to supply it with controversial cluster munitions.
The move has been criticised by human rights groups as the weapon is banned by more than 100 countries.

What are cluster munitions?​

Cluster munitions are a method of dispersing large numbers of tiny bomblets from a rocket, missile or artillery shell that scatters them in mid-flight over a wide area.
They are intended to explode on impact but a significant proportion are "duds", meaning they don't explode initially - this happens especially if they land on wet or soft ground.
They can then explode at a later date on being picked up or trodden on, killing or maiming the victim.
From a military perspective, they can be horribly effective when used against dug-in ground troops in trenches and fortified positions, rendering large areas too dangerous to move around in until carefully cleared.

Graphic of cluster munition

1px transparent line

Why are they banned?​

More than 100 countries, including the UK, France and Germany, have signed an international treaty - the Convention on Cluster Munitions - that outlaws the use or stockpiling of these weapons due to their indiscriminate effect on civilian populations.
Children are particularly prone to injury as the bomblets can resemble a small toy left in a residential or farmland area and are often picked up out of curiosity.
Human rights groups have described cluster munitions as "abhorrent" and even a war crime.

Who still uses them?​

Both Russia and Ukraine have been using cluster munitions since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022.
Neither have signed the treaty banning them. Nor has the US, but it has previously criticised Russia's extensive use of the weapon.
Russian cluster munitions reportedly have a "dud rate" of 40%, meaning large numbers remain a hazard on the ground, whereas the average dud rate is believed to be close to 20%.

The Pentagon estimates its own cluster bomblets have a dud rate of less than 3%.

Why is Ukraine asking for them?​

Ukraine's forces are running desperately low on artillery shells, largely because, like the Russians, they use them up at an extraordinarily high rate and Ukraine's Western allies cannot replace them at the rate they are needed.
In the largely static, grinding battlefronts of southern and eastern Ukraine, artillery has become a key weapon.
The Ukrainians now face a daunting task in trying to dislodge the invading Russians from their well dug-in defensive positions stretched along a 1,000km (621-mile) battlefront.
In the absence of enough artillery shells, Ukraine has asked the US to re-stock its supplies of cluster munitions to target the Russian infantry manning all those defensive trenches.
This has not been an easy decision for Washington, and is deeply unpopular with many Democrats and human rights advocates. The debate has been going on for at least six months.

What effect will this US decision have?​

The immediate effect will be to knock away much of the moral ground Washington sits on in this war.
Russia's numerous alleged war crimes are well-documented but this move is likely to draw accusations of US hypocrisy.
Cluster munitions are a hideous, indiscriminate weapon that is banned in much of the world for good reason.
This US move will inevitably place it somewhat at odds with its Western allies and any perceived split in that alliance is exactly what President Vladimir Putin wants and needs.

Media caption,
Watch: US military video shows how cluster munitions explode

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It's different. Russia used cluster bombs in Ukraine land, against Ukraine People. Ukraine use cluster bomb inside their own country, that capable to kill indiscriminately against their own people.
Stupid logic
Ukraine will use cluster munitions first and foremost to kill Russian army.
There are no Ukraine civilians hiding in trenches in occupied territories in Donbas, Saporischschja, Luhansk and elsewhere.
Ukraine will deal with aftermath of unexploded munitions later when the Russians piss off.

Operation D-Day | The Russian Air Force Is Ruining The Plans Of Ukraine. Military Summary 2023.07.08

You guys really dont understand it huh?

We are talking about a people who underwent stalins holodomir genocide.

Who voted 90% for independence.

Who agreed to forego their nuclear weapons for russian security guarantee.

And now see Putin trying to eradicate their state and nationhood.

They turned very anti-russia by this betrayal and russias brutal acts.
They are not going to simply lay down and let russia get away with annexing yet more lands.
Post your ridiculous flags…russia will regret their acts. This war is easily going to last years

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