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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russias core group of pariah states north korea and iran sending some ammo for cheap military tech?

Russia being forced by sanctions to sell its gas and oil with huge discount to pakistan india and china?

Not something to brag about really. Russias standing in the world is falling fast.

It seems you're passing your wishes as news. It doesn't conform to reality though. Hear if from Seymour Hersh. 👇

An even better solution is..... The USA should send their troops also. Finish this once and for all.

Man, you are again posting the other side of stories.
Don't you know this forum is for Pro Ukraine updates only????
You will get banned soon.

So they expect people to be robots? I am going to keep posting the bitter truth. If they choose to ban me, it is their prerogative.
And will you make us the pleasure of telling us which countries have become "pro russia"/ "support russia" a part from failed/pariah states like North Korea, Belarus or Syria ?

Did you read the link that I posted? Don't hear it from me; hear it from Seymour Hersh.

As far as I am concerned, pariah states are your alphabet countries. DPRK, Belarus, Syria, Brazil, and other countries who trade with Russia are truly independent countries. The ones who clap their butt-cheeks for the West are not independent including your LGBT country - the Netherlands.
Did you read the link that I posted? Don't hear it from me; hear it from Seymour Hersh.

As far as I am concerned, pariah states are your alphabet countries. DPRK, Belarus, Syria, Brazil, and other countries who trade with Russia are truly independent countries. The ones who clap their butt-cheeks for the West are not independent including your LGBT country - the Netherlands.

Then you are wondering why "pro russian posters are being censored" with this mindset and way of "debating".

BTW you must have stopped school in kindergarten, i'm not from the netherlands, this isn't the dutch flag on my profile my dear US living somali "friend".
It seems you're passing your wishes as news. It doesn't conform to reality though. Hear if from Seymour Hersh. 👇

Ah one of putins useful idiots.
Throwing around conclusions without even bothering to support it with actual findings/polls/research.

It is true africa has turned more “pro-russian” over the last decade. Mostly as russia supplies them a lot of grain/oil.

However to jump to conclude that this also means African nations support russias WAR ON UkRAINE ? Is utter nonsence ofcourse.

It flies completely against what we see with the UN votes and tell me….
How much military and monetary aid did these countries donate to russia aside from doing purely selfish deals for cheap wheat/oil/military tech??
You know? To actually help their supposed ally??
Ah one of putins useful idiots.
Throwing around conclusions without even bothering to support it with actual findings/polls/research.

It is true africa has turned more “pro-russian” over the last decade. Mostly as russia supplies them a lot of grain/oil.

However to jump to conclude that this also means African nations support russias WAR ON UkRAINE ? Is utter nonsence ofcourse.

It flies completely against what we see with the UN votes and tell me….
How much military and monetary aid did these countries donate to russia aside from doing purely selfish deals for cheap wheat/oil/military tech??
You know? To actually help their supposed ally??

Trading with Russia is supporting them, especially in the face of the West's desperate attempts to economically suffocate them.

Fyi, Seymour Hersh is a well-informed guy, unlike you and other nobodies who chat their anti-Russia nonsense here.
Trading with Russia is supporting them, especially in the face of the West's desperate attempts to economically suffocate them.

This is like your friend being in a fistfight.

You do not help him fight
You do not mend his wounds
You do not give him tools or training
You do not cheer him on

The only thing you do is:
Hey “friend” you have valuables i want?
You are in a bit of a pickle..how much discount can i get for those and just maybe i will trade you something you need?

Russia has almost no friends or allies in its fight vs ukraine….simple fact.

Fyi, Seymour Hersh is a well-informed guy, unlike you and other nobodies who chat their anti-Russia nonsense here.

Your usual “spiel” is a very simple one.

1: selection bias. You handpick the handful of putins useful idiots that say what you want to hear and copy paste their views
2: you try to use the fallacy “appeal to authority” . Those selected usually had some minor title/experience.

And that is all you have…when someone asks for a follow up source or research, arguments the logic. All you fall back to is basically number 2 again. “Appeal to authority” fallacy.

But keep coping.
The more desperate russian twitter-propaganda appears..the better the ukranians are performing usually.
So Your spike in activity is a good sign. Keep it up! Slava Ukraini!
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