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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Depends on what semi-conductor you are talking about.

There are specific and non-specific. It's one thing you want to stockpile but the other thing is whether or not your supplier have the capability to supply you so you can stockpile it.

For non-Specific semi-conductor (like a normal directional gate on any commercial appliance) that probably you can do, but for specific semi-conductor (an IC designed for specific function) that may not be able to pull off. That's because there are production capacity and there aren't many companies producing them, and they don't just supply you, they have to supply everybody. Making stockpiling these IC a lot harder, if at all possible.

You don't need to look far, just look at why we have enough IC to power like TV or Coffee Machine, but at the same time we don't have enough IC to power cars or PS5 (Oh PS5, when can I have one....) That's because there are about 76 company supply Samsung IC for their TV, there are only 2 supplier who is supplying Sony IC for their PS5. And then you need to account for COVID shutdown.

It can be done with Tesla does not mean it can be done in Military Hardware, first of all, what Tesla is doing is basically reprograming Programable chips. It takes time to do that, and you also need to have a big supply of programable chips. The biggest maker currently is Intel, second biggest is TMSC and third biggest maker is Qualcomm, all are able to supply Tesla with Programable Chips, but all were sanctioning Russia.

Time will tell on how effective the sanctions impact Russian weapon production. All I am stating, is Russia only needs mediocre chips. Even technology on par with PS1 is useful because it's proven technology.

RPG-30 and NLAW

There is no ifs and buts. On top of that, Western countries have an aging and declining population which is not fit for war. It is highly unlikely Western countries will be able to fight a war again the way their ancestors fought WW1 and WW2.
Absolutely correct. But Russia is not multiplying like rabbits: its fertility ratio is 1.55, much less than 2.1 needed to sustain population. So its going down the same population reduction trajectory as its European adversaries. Rate of population decline (and this is moscow times reporting: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/07/29/russias-population-decline-hits-record-rate-a78437) has gone by 3x in the last 2 years.

The one advantage that the Western Countries have is the desire of immigrants from Asia/Africa to move there to offset some of the decline. Even the suffering Yemenis won't want to move to Russia voluntarily.

Biggest myth is it's impossible to get semiconductors. The Russians might not be bright, but I expect them have stockpiled some components before the war. Since first week of conflict, certain people were saying they ran out, which would only happen, if they only bought components the day they planned to fit them.

Second most obvious reason, people assume military vehicles need modern chips, nope. PGMs appeared during Cold War, most military technology is many years out of date. Soviet Anti tank missiles AT 2, was effective against Israelis in 1973 war and their 1960s technology. Modern example Tesla was able to beat the semiconductor shortage that hobbled its rivals....

Its very likely that with some foresight, today's chips may have been forward purchased and there is some supply to address today.

But microprocessors are subject to speed/cost 'Moore's Law': the ability to make faster and faster chips. Building new chips that are smaller and faster requires sophisticated equipment. Lithograph machines that allow 7nm and smaller ones to be made using UEV extreme ultra-violet techniques. That production chain is all controlled by western suppliers. Russia aside, even China is now restricted from receiving these starting this year.

So in 6months to a year this won't matter much. But in 3-4 years when the faster processing speed was needed for the next generation air defense or stealth fighter when the western adversary has faster processing for its AI algorithms, than the pain will be more pronounced. Imagine using your iPad from 6 years to do your work/entertainment apps: you can feel the pain ( I have an older one that I use just to experience the pain and then I shut it).
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Hopefully somebody in russia is doing better math: each HIMARS round is $150K. And disrupting supply lines even for a week is worth it. And what happens when bridge is repaired: more artillery rounds at the ammo dump to destroy.

Russia is putting S300 rounds against buildings that have no military value and cost more than the HIMARS round
They don’t understand how sanctions work. In the case of diamonds the west stopping buying will push Russia deeper into dependency of India and other buyers. The fewer buyers the lower the price. The diamonds will become cheaper. Russia gets less money on selling diamonds.

The same effect on oil.
The west buys less or not direct the Russians are forced to sell 30 percent cheaper than market price.

2/3 of Russia gov revenue come from selling oil, gas. Less money means Russia will sink deeper into trouble.

100 T-90M is more than enough to fight Ukraine. Ukraine has low hundreds T-64 at the start of February. Down to almost nil by now. While it is true Ukraine got 200 T-72 from Poland and Czech, those are no match for 100 T-90M and there is nothing in the pipeline for Ukraine. The US and Germany and France the the UK won't give a single tank to Ukraine.
Every post of yours is filled with bs, once again please stop.
When you can’t argue you just resort to the above or change the subject completely.
Are you older than or just lack simple debating abilities?

Corruption was particularly bad during the Gorbachev and Yeltsin years but Putin has been getting rid of that over the past few decades and as such Russia is now far more efficient than the 80s and 90s.
Once again, Putin has been getting rid of corruption
You’re a clown 🤡


🖍🇷🇺🇺🇦 The fire trap around Avdiivka is our art in support of a special military operation

Satellite city
Avdiivka is adjacent to the residential quarters of the capital
Donetsk and
Yasinovataya from the north.

Since the APU dug in the locality for all eight years, an echeloned defense with powerful pillboxes and shelters was created on the outskirts of the city, in industrial zones, along the Donetsk Ring Road and the Donetsk — Konstantinovka road.

Both from Avdiivka itself and the surrounding positions, continuous shelling of the cities of the Donetsk agglomeration is conducted:
Yasinovataya and

Taking the Avdiivka defense hub head-on seems impossible without a large number of human casualties on the part of the Allied forces. Therefore, the tactics of methodical artillery destruction of enemy positions with maximum damage to manpower and destruction of strong points of the fort
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⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 5 combat aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force at Mirgorod military airfield in Poltava Region. 1 Su-27 and 1 Su-24 have been destroyed. Another 2 Su-27s and 1 Su-24 suffered critical damage. The enemy's casualties in manpower were up to 30 Nationalists.

💥High-precision strike on Dnepr military airfield in Dnepropetrovsk Region has destroyed 3 aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force.

💥High-precision strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces near Novyi Bug, Nikolaev Region, has destroyed command post of Kakhovka grouping of Ukrainian troops. The attacks have resulted in the destraction of up to 64 nationalists and 7 units of military equipment.

💥Iskander missile have hit a military train at Chaplino railway station in Dnepropetrovsk Region, destroying over 200 AFU servicemen reserve and 10 units of military equipment on their way to Donbass war zone.

💥High-precision strikes continue against Ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities that repair weapons and military equipment for Ukrainian troops.

💥High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed the workshops of armoured weapons and multiple rocket launchers repair facility in Shepetovka, Khmel'nitskyi Region.

▫️In Zaporozhye, the production buildings of Iskra plant, where air defence and counter-battery radar stations are being repaired, have been hit. The production buildings of MigRemont aircraft repair plant, which was used to restore aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force, have been also destroyed.

💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery strikes continue against military facilities in Ukraine.

▫️7 AFU command posts have been hit near Velikomikhailovka in Dnepropetrovsk Region, Nikolaev city, Artemovsk, Pereezhnoye, Kaleniki, Soledar in Donetsk People's Republic and Poltava in Zaporozhye Region, as well as 149 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration.

▫️4 ammunition depots near Gulyaipole in Zaporozhye Region, Krasnaya Gora in Donetsk People's Republic, Zmiyev in Kharkov Region, Zhovtnevoye in Nikolaev Region and a fuel storage facility for military equipment near Golitsynovo in Nikolaev Region have been destroyed.

💥In course of counter-battery warfare, 2 platoons of Grad multiple-launch rocket systems near Artemovskoye and Sukhaya Balka and 3 platoons of D-30 howitzers at firing positions in Novgorodskoye, Veseloe and Evgenovka Donetsk People's Republic have been suppressed.

💥Russian air defence means have shot down 5 unmanned aerial vehicles near Kamenka in Kharkov Region, Urozhainoye, Vasilevka, Zelenyi Gai in Donetsk People's Republic and Kamysh Zarya in Zaporozhye Region.

▫️In addition, 19 shells of HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system have been intercepted near Kakhovskaya HPP, Kherson and Donetsk cities.

📊In total, 273 Ukrainian airplanes and 148 helicopters, 1,808 unmanned aerial vehicles, 369 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,384 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 819 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,340 field artillery and mortars, as well as 5,048 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

❗️Ukrainian troops continue shelling of Zaporozhye NPP and Energodar city.

▫️During the day, Ukrainian artillery have launched 7 large-calibre artillery strikes against NPP area. The shelling was carried out from Ukrainian troops' firing positions near Nikopol', Marganets, Vyshetarasovka and Chervonogrigorovka, located on the opposite bank of Kakhovka reservoir.

▫️Russian Armed Forces artillery return fire have suppressed enemy firepower.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report

Hopefully somebody in russia is doing better math: each HIMARS round is $150K. And disrupting supply lines even for a week is worth it. And what happens when bridge is repaired: more artillery rounds at the ammo dump to destroy.

Russia is putting S300 rounds against buildings that have no military value and cost more than the HIMARS round

No way GMRLS rocket is only 150 grand. I think more than that.
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**** = t dot me


freedom of speech, but you must think and speak in approved way


Google to roll out anti-disinformation campaign in some EU countries - Rueters
"Google's Jigsaw subsidiary will launch a campaign next week to tackle disinformation in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic about Ukrainian refugees based on research by psychologists at two British universities."...
Scientists from the universities of Cambridge and Bristol have created 90-second videos designed to "inoculate" people from harmful content in social networks.
"We're thinking of this as a pilot, so there's absolutely no reason why this approach can't be scaled to other countries," Beth Goldberg, Jigsaw's head of research said.
The videos, which will be posted on YouTube are designed to help people, identify emotional manipulation and fake news headlines. In other words, a multinational ideologically driven mega corporation will itself conduct disinformation by deliberately disseminating misinformation. The campaign will last one month.
Putin just signs a decree.

Russia military will increase to 2 million men and women by next year 2023. The fighting troop will increase by at least 100,000.

Ukraine meanwhile plans to bring Putin before international tribunal.


Putin just signs a decree.

Russia military will increase to 2 million men and women by next year 2023. The fighting troop will increase by at least 100,000.

Ukraine meanwhile plans to bring Putin before international tribunal.

Kiev government has committed crimes against humanity when it started shelling Donbas civilians in 2014 right after Euro Maidan. If anything, Putin bring Kiev to international tribunal. UN Charter legalizes military action if the purpose is to protect civilians from brutal regimes.

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