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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This is spot on.

Usa nags about europes defence spending but at same time sabotages pan-european projects and actively opposes independant initiatives.
It basically wants Europe to buy more USA weapons but otherwise remain subservient, divided, no real competition.

USA would get a heart attack if whole EU adopts French unified approach.
Europe would quickly rise to a near peer military power what would lead to huge friction on opposing power projection and interests.

How did US bribe its way into getting most European countries to purchase Patriot and last year 3 additional countries F-35? Could it be that US equipment in some areas is superior?

There were no bribery scandals around this. There was a scandal with Lockheed with the F-104 where the company bribed Germany (and I think Japan, not sure) get them to choose an aircraft for the next 25+ years that the US Air force had already deemed useless.
they had the same intelligence about nord stream , guess what 40 years ago they had the same intelligence that it was iran that bombed iranian force and kurds with chemical weapon , they also had the same intelligence about Iraq and WMD 20 years ago

You realize US Intel blames Ukraine for Nordstream right? This is the same US intelligence that was proven 100% accurate that Russia would invade Ukraine even when Russian officials were denying it just days prior.

US intelligence has been dead on
just like when Russia destroyed Nordstream or shelled its own forces in that nuclear power planet or when Ukraine used nerve agents or targetted civillian or attacked poland ?
another page in zelensky long list of crimes that bots are trying to blame Russia for it

or some drones that ukraine poses and like to use

honestly , for how long ? 5 days .
Ukraine did it that's clear by just looking at who benefit from it
Attacked Poland? Are you referring to the S-300 that fell in Poland as an attack? You seem to have much better facts to make your claims than this random one. Somehow his long list of crimes still has the population behind him. Ukraine did not have to take the extreme measures that Russia had to and there is no dissent or blame game between the various components of the forces to defend the aggressor. Clearly his people think he is doing the right thin for the country, regardless of whatever label you put on him. Same cannot be said for Russia where no city is under attack (other than a random small drone in Moscow) and yet the population that could leave and afford to live outside has left
Attacked Poland? Are you referring to the S-300 that fell in Poland as an attack? You seem to have much better facts to make your claims than this random one. Somehow his long list of crimes still has the population behind him. Ukraine did not have to take the extreme measures that Russia had to and there is no dissent or blame game between the various components of the forces to defend the aggressor. Clearly his people think he is doing the right thin for the country, regardless of whatever label you put on him. Same cannot be said for Russia where no city is under attack (other than a random small drone in Moscow) and yet the population that could leave and afford to live outside has left
you can't be as far from truth if you believe people of Ukraine support Zelensky or people of Russia support Putin on decision they make in this war..

You realize US Intel blames Ukraine for Nordstream right? This is the same US intelligence that was proven 100% accurate that Russia would invade Ukraine even when Russian officials were denying it just days prior.

US intelligence has been dead on
the same usa intelligence that at first said it was russia that made the attack and changed its story later and exactly the same happened in lethal s300 attack toward poland
your problem , see the world in two color , black or white.
recall the famous USA president quote at the time he started the modern crusaders ?
You are with us or against us .
that's you guys problem.
Sun Tzu said who you trust more the one being invaded or the one raping baby?

Cool guy this Sun Tzu dude is. He been making cool memes.

This is as black & white as it can get. I guess being iranian you probably too busy torturing woman or smoking hashish or what ever it is you people do.
Sun Tzu said who you trust more the one being invaded or the one raping baby?

Cool guy this Sun Tzu dude is. He been making cool memes.

This is as black & white as it can get. I guess being iranian you probably too busy torturing woman or smoking hashish or what ever it is you people do.
depends .
let put an example here . you thrust which one more than the other Julian Assange or Anna Ardin?
what if the one being raped was the person who raped members of your family for 8 years ?
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Why the big coincidence this happens after Collin Powell's (fake intelligence and fabricated) case to UN on WMD? Not cherry picking. That is a fact and was the only blemish on his personal career and fake justification of the war that was a year after 9/11. Or do you think there was too much incompetence that there Congress never thought about initiating the war before 9/11 when all these violataions were occuring.
You need to separate valid reasons from what actually triggered the war.
You can have a valid reason to go to war, but you might think it is not worth it.
You must also be able to convince your own population that it is a good idea.

The main trigger was the immense pressure to remove all sanctions. This started to build when Iraq started spreading lies on how many kids died as a result of sanctions. Removal of sanctions would allow Iraq to restart their WMD program without supervision.

The US presented a number of reasons for terminating the ceasefire. One of them was WMDs. That the WMD threat was much less than advertized does not invalidate the other reasons.
You chose to ignore all other reasons, which is why it is cherrypicking.

The final straw is that you do not need a Casus Belli to terminate a cease-fire.

All the Casus Bellis provided by Russia has been shown to be based on lies.

This makes the comparision beween Iraq and Ukraine invalid.
the same usa intelligence that at first said it was russia that made the attack and changed its story later and exactly the same happened in lethal s300 attack toward poland

An organisation which believes in producing facts may reevaluate conclusions once more information becomes.

In this case, the S-300 hit Poland Nov 16, 2022 and already the same day the US said that it is unlikely that the missile was fired by Russia.
I doubt the US ever claimed that it was fired by Russia.

I guess this is just another case of you presenting claims without sources, claims which proves to be false.
An organisation which believes in producing facts may reevaluate conclusions once more information becomes.

In this case, the S-300 hit Poland Nov 16, 2022 and already the same day the US said that it is unlikely that the missile was fired by Russia.
I doubt the US ever claimed that it was fired by Russia.

I guess this is just another case of you presenting claims without sources, claims which proves to be false.
the beauty of modern media is that they copy paste each other , who care about fact check .
Associated Press may retract its article qouting a senior US official that Russian missile hit Poland killing two people after they were laughed at for not checking that if s-300 is capable of reaching Poland from Russia , but other news agency didn't did that

it turn out that its yet another one of your selective short memory span cases
or destroy the dam , shrink the water reservoir above the dam and make amphibious attack a lot easier
It's never the reservoir, you flood the riverbank if you destroy the dam, and water will take months to recede if they do recede at all.

You never cross in reservoir even if it is empty, it's a giant bowl, that's an invitation of artillery strike

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