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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Over-optimistic coverage of the war in the Western mainstream might have led to this.

These people are underestimating Russian will to fight this war. The level of commitment Russia has shown to fight on this front is on another level entirely in comparison to Afghanistan.

1. Bakhmut has fallen.

2. Over 200,000 Russian troops are committed to defense of occupied lands. This is not an army that is getting steamrolled with what Ukraine has at its disposal. The march towards Mariupol looks as distant as ever.

3. Ukraine is also loosing men and material in battles with Russia. Ukraine's threshold for losses might be lower than that of Russia. People are not drones and good soldiers take time to train and make.

This is not looking good.

I have heard many top military and diplomatic leaders lately refer to the question being” is the objective for Ukraine to actually win the war? “ At this point , policy should absolutely be that failure is NOT an option. Else why even engage in defense of Ukrainian to begin with?! Certainly not to have another endless, unwinnable war.
Over-optimistic coverage of the war in the Western mainstream might have led to this.

These people are underestimating Russian will to fight this war. The level of commitment Russia has shown to fight on this front is on another level entirely in comparison to Afghanistan.

1. Bakhmut has fallen.

2. Over 200,000 Russian troops are committed to defense of occupied lands. This is not an army that is getting steamrolled with what Ukraine has at its disposal. The march towards Mariupol looks as distant as ever.

3. Ukraine is also loosing men and material in battles with Russia. Ukraine's threshold for losses might be lower than that of Russia. People are not drones and good soldiers take time to train and make.

This is not looking good.

1. Bakhmut is strategically worthless to the point the Pentagon was wanting Ukraine to pull from there in January. It’s only worth was to destroy as many Russians as possible.

2. The counteroffensive hasn’t begun yet, and Russian doesn’t have the manpower density along the entire front to withstand a 20+ brigade offensive. While it won’t end the war, I expect Ukraine to regain a good chunk of territory.
Dude you’re obviously a liberal clown, just stop you look stupid to anyone with a brain.
Next time you post fake news youre getting a negative rating. Once ok but page after page, you’ve been warned tds strong
Have you watched any of the events over the past couple weeks from the Durham report or you just like posting old news?
It just doesnt make sense to us outside the US why you chose to elect someone like Trump. Out of a population of 350 mio, and he gets to lead. I definitely wouldnt want to work for him, cant say what it is like to have president. But it is for the americans to decide. Trump was acting unpredictable and was regarded a novice on foreign affairs. It stirred the pot and made everybody nervous.
Over-optimistic coverage of the war in the Western mainstream might have led to this.

These people are underestimating Russian will to fight this war. The level of commitment Russia has shown to fight on this front is on another level entirely in comparison to Afghanistan.

1. Bakhmut has fallen.

2. Over 200,000 Russian troops are committed to defense of occupied lands. This is not an army that is getting steamrolled with what Ukraine has at its disposal. The march towards Mariupol looks as distant as ever.

3. Ukraine is also loosing men and material in battles with Russia. Ukraine's threshold for losses might be lower than that of Russia. People are not drones and good soldiers take time to train and make.

This is not looking good.
1. At cost of culminating their winter/spring offensive.

2. The 300.000 were to plug the gaps after kharkiv/kherson. Their mostly failed offensive saw huge degradation of troops which still need to defend large swathes of land. I am confident the 80.000 counter offensive will break through. (At great cost)
How successful depends on how well UFA adapted combined warfare/maneuver warfare.

3. They are fighting a brutal invader flattening their cities. This means they will be able to have a larger % willing to fight.
Russia on other hand seems afraid to recruit too heavily outside of minorities/poor/criminals.

So even with a war of attrition i see UFA eventually liberating more. Russian economy and supplies cannot outlast an UFA that is continuously getting ammo/weapons/funding.

That is reliant on continued western support though. The public/politicians are unfortunately very changeable/lacking patience. There is a lot of pressure on UFA to show successes to lock continued support.
Over-optimistic coverage of the war in the Western mainstream might have led to this.

These people are underestimating Russian will to fight this war. The level of commitment Russia has shown to fight on this front is on another level entirely in comparison to Afghanistan.

1. Bakhmut has fallen.

2. Over 200,000 Russian troops are committed to defense of occupied lands. This is not an army that is getting steamrolled with what Ukraine has at its disposal. The march towards Mariupol looks as distant as ever.

3. Ukraine is also loosing men and material in battles with Russia. Ukraine's threshold for losses might be lower than that of Russia. People are not drones and good soldiers take time to train and make.

This is not looking good.

Former US Army General who lead the 24th Infantry Division assault on Iraq during Desert Storm
Trump is leading the polls?
Why? This clown of a president tarnished the office with his scandals.
Alienated many allies.
Was easily swayed by compliments from Kim and Putin.
Mishandled Afghanistan, mishandled covid.

On the other hand…the democrats are pushing a ancient mummy to run again…i have no clue why they keep hanging on to these ancients instead of some rising fresh politician.


Oh and trump requested the national guard and it was denied. You’re the only one without any brain cells (your words)

I am simply the messenger that is saying the what everybody else is saying:

In a recorded video the following day, President Donald Trump claimed that he “immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders.” But Trump’s claim that he acted quickly is contradicted by news reports citing unnamed sources who say the president initially resisted efforts to bring in the National Guard at the outset of the Capitol riot.

The New York Times, citing unnamed Defense Department officials, said it was Vice President Mike Pence, not Trump, who approved deployment of the D.C. National Guard that afternoon. The Times also cited a “person with knowledge of the events” who said Trump “initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard “and that the “mobilization was initiated with the help of Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, among other officials.”

CNN also reported that Trump “initially resisted” deploying the guard, according to an unnamed “source familiar” with the decision to call in the National Guard. Neither report says how long Trump may have resisted the call — minutes, hours? — whether that led to any appreciable delay in activating the guard, or whether an earlier deployment could have averted the worst of the violence.

Fact the Trump coup team placed many limitations on the DCNG days before the coup. Then Trump lies about "immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders.” , when it was other officials that first approved it.

These are the irrefutable facts about the 2020 election:

Transcripts reveal Cassidy Hutchinson was pressured to protect Trump: ‘I was scared’​

Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony was even more terrifying than they’re telling you​

Trump decided months before the election to declare victory if he lost, says former (Trump) campaign manager Brad Parscale​

Trump Admitted It Was 'Embarrassing' He Lost, According To Cassidy Hutchinson Transcript


Steve Bannon let out truth about the Trump coup, slipping the Big Lie agenda before the election:

Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory​

“That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.”​

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1. At cost of culminating their winter/spring offensive.

2. The 300.000 were to plug the gaps after kharkiv/kherson. Their mostly failed offensive saw huge degradation of troops which still need to defend large swathes of land. I am confident the 80.000 counter offensive will break through. (At great cost)
How successful depends on how well UFA adapted combined warfare/maneuver warfare.

3. They are fighting a brutal invader flattening their cities. This means they will be able to have a larger % willing to fight.
Russia on other hand seems afraid to recruit too heavily outside of minorities/poor/criminals.

So even with a war of attrition i see UFA eventually liberating more. Russian economy and supplies cannot outlast an UFA that is continuously getting ammo/weapons/funding.

That is reliant on continued western support though. The public/politicians are unfortunately very changeable/lacking patience. There is a lot of pressure on UFA to show successes to lock continued support.

Ukraine needs surprise and speed and overwhelming combined arms effects. Ukraine will almost certainly breakthrough Russian lines, but the key will be speed before Russia can counter with reserves. Russia doesn’t have the manpower density at a frontline that long to successfully counter at all points. I expect Ukraine to be successful, but it won’t end the war. They’ll probably need a few more to fully defeat the Russians on the remaining occupied territory.
This coup was carefully orchestrated by the Washington criminals. It was America's first color revolution. And it failed.

The pro-Putin alt left media has exposed Trump as a fraud years ago.

Trump has been in the criminal deepstate of mafia, bankers, and worse since the 1970s and perhaps before.

Let Putinite Steve Bannon expose the Trump coup plan to simply declare itself the winner despite losing.

The Democrats could not get away with a domestic terrorist coup to steal an election. Meaning the Democrats are controlled opposition. Only the deepstate could get away with a coup and run again. The fact that Trump got away with a coup without jail, proves Trump is the deepstate. The cia would not allow an non-cia party to do a coup. The deepstate would not allow a non-deepstate party to do the coup. If John Kerry tried a "terrorist coup" such as the 1/6 coup in 2005 to storm the capitol and overturn the election, Kerry would have been arrested by Bush. Democrats don't get to do coups against the government. The deepstate does.

Proving the Deepstate is Trump:

Trump is owned/run by the banking class, with connections to Putin:

Trump Team told Cassidy to not cooperate with the Hearing in exposing Trump.

They also reveal how much pressure Hutchinson was placed under to remain “loyal” and “in the family” ahead of testimony that established to many that the hearings were a telling and horrific examination of the events on or around January 6.

Then the Trump Team disputed parts of Cassidy's testimony.

Trumpers want to hide the facts that were fresh from 2021-22. The testimony. The Hearings. The fact checked articles.

And instead only want MAGA Tucker Carlson views that are filled with holes and half-truths. And the rest with lies.

7 false claims from Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s segments on Jan. 6 footage​

Claim: “The protesters believed that the election they had just voted in had been unfairly conducted, and they were right. In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy.” — Carlson
aim: “These were not insurrectionists, they were sightseers.” — Carlson
Claim: Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell refused “repeated requests” by the Capitol Police chief “for backup, for the National Guard.” — Miranda Devine, New York Post reporter
Claim: Capitol Police officers “helped” QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley and “acted as his tour guides.” — Carlson
Claim: Video shows the media lied about Brian Sicknick’s manner of death. — Carlson
Claim: “I remember asking reporters at the time, you know, why do you keep calling these people ‘armed insurrectionists’ when there’s no evidence that anybody used any arms against it? And they said, ‘Well, they had flagpoles.’ So it’s because people were walking around with American flags that made them ‘armed insurrections.’” — Charles Hurt, Washington Times

Claim: “Under public pressure, the Jan. 6 committee finally interviewed Ray Epps. Epps told the committee that he never entered the Capitol, and therefore never committed a crime. His text messages showed that at 2:12 p.m., he boasted to his nephew that he had ‘orchestrated the protests at the capitol,’ he admitted he ‘helped get people there.’” – Carlson

The entire MAGA fake story about 1/6 is a series of lies.

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The incursion into Belgorod will backfire on Ukraine big time..

Ukrainian forces noticed that Russia had fortified everything of the long line hence decided to make an incursion into Belgorod, Inside Russia..
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The incursion into Belgorod will backfire on Ukraine big time..

Ukrainian forces noticed that Russia had fortified everything of the long line hence decided to make an incursion into Belgorod, Inside Russia..
I actually dont think so.

1: they defend this using russian statements 1 on 1.
“little green men”

2: such incursions will force russia to not completely deplete russian territorial defenses to pile everything in ukraine.
It will need to withhold considerable troops for defence.

3: if kept limited this will not trigger a mass patriotic reaction from russian public.

Former US Army General who lead the 24th Infantry Division assault on Iraq during Desert Storm

There is no comparison between US and Ukraine in terms of application of conventional military power.

Ukraine does not have the type of bombers, drones, gunships, and jets to bomb Russian positions across the country and reduce Russian columns to mush, and the type of tanks to rollover Russian leftovers on the ground.

The US Army General has also pointed out that Ukraine's counteroffensive must produce results. Ukraine will have to give up on Donbas otherwise.
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