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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Who knows maybe Trump will return to the White House

Trump is unlikely to return even Desantis because the deep state view them as threat towards American geopolitical security worldwide.

I think they will nix Trump before even elections he will be barred from it
Your wish won’t come true regardless of how much you pray for it. He will be in jail before that. He is only going to run elections as a way to escape jail. He caused war in his own country with the riot at the Capitol. Nobody cares in the US I would imagine if he starts a war or doesn’t start a war outside.

Other than the fact you know how to spell a few countries, what does this mean? Which of these countries has allowed Putin to visit it. Nobody has. So pls stop showing your intellect by number of countries you can spell.

The original thread was about Z (or what ever name you give him) going around in shuttle diplomacy to isolate Putin . Once these countries are only in favor or Russia then you can put this list
It’s been proven he actually posted multiple times to remain peaceful and those were removed. Even CNN has admitted he wasn’t at fault.
He’s not going anywhere and leads in all polls.
Trump is unlikely to return even Desantis because the deep state view them as threat towards American geopolitical security worldwide.

I think they will nix Trump before even elections he will be barred from it
Biden is too old. Trump has good chance to win. Putin should hurry. Trump is unpredictable he can nuke Russia.
Biden is too old. Trump has good chance to win.
Lots of people have bought the false msm narrative of trump. People can dislike him but at least he puts Americans first, joes just a puppet and we know his handlers don’t give a crap about Americans. He’s got more than a good chance to win but the deep state has other ideas. Time will tell.
If we cannot provide Ukraine with the offensive firepower such as modern Western tanks, jets, helicopters, night vision etc in enough numbers to get out of this kind of trench warfare then they will eventually struggle a war of attrition to Russsia who has a hundred million more people and several thousands more tanks, jets and helicopters. So far we are just providing enough that they do not lose quickly like when it was estimated they needed 300-500 modern Western tanks to go on the offensive we half assed it and gave them 139 leopards 2s , challengers and Abrams, the biggest culprit is the US in this , yet has only promised 31 tanks six months from now and refuses to provide any modern jets or helicopters (apaches) not even 21 mig-mig 29’s they have.

Over-optimistic coverage of the war in the Western mainstream might have led to this.

These people are underestimating Russian will to fight this war. The level of commitment Russia has shown to fight on this front is on another level entirely in comparison to Afghanistan.

1. Bakhmut has fallen.

2. Over 200,000 Russian troops are committed to defense of occupied lands. This is not an army that is getting steamrolled with what Ukraine has at its disposal. The march towards Mariupol looks as distant as ever.

3. Ukraine is also loosing men and material in battles with Russia. Ukraine's threshold for losses might be lower than that of Russia. People are not drones and good soldiers take time to train and make.

This is not looking good.
He caused war in his own country with the riot at the Capitol.
The Trump white house/SoD told the DC national guard to stand down without the direct approval from the Trump Administration days before the planned attack on the Capitol.


If you have one working brain cell, you can figure out this was part of a plan to storm the Capitol to stop certification of the election.

No riot gear, no interaction to stop protestors for the DCNG. The Capitol Police/Met Police were the ones left defending the Capitol AS WAS BY DESIGN.

Clearly a color revolution at home.

Trump is a terrorist that causes whistleblowers to fear Trump. Trump rape victims get death threats, live in fear and shame. Trump heavily involved in the Russian Mob since the 1980s. This is the behaviour you expect from the deepstate. Which begs the question.

BOMBSHELL: Trump's Been Laundering Russian Mob Money For Decades​

Trump and Putin have been dealing with the same Russian Mobsters since 1994/5.

Transcripts reveal Cassidy Hutchinson was pressured to protect Trump: ‘I was scared’​

Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony was even more terrifying than they’re telling you​

Trump decided months before the election to declare victory if he lost, says former (Trump) campaign manager Brad Parscale​

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The Baltic Republican Party to liberate "Kaliningrad" from Russian Occcupation and rename it to Königsberg

A referendum conducted in March, which was reported by the news website TVP.INFO, suggests that Russian President Vladimir Putin's lofty ambitions to revive the Soviet Union may be taking an unexpected turn.

The idea of secession and the creation of an independent state appears to have the backing of the majority of Kaliningrad's citizens.

According to the survey, 72.1 per cent of participants in the Kaliningrad oblast express a wish to leave the Russian Federation.
The Trump white house/SoD told the DC national guard to stand down without approval from the Trump Administration days before the planned attack on the Capitol.


If you have one working brain cell, you can figure out this was part of a plan to storm the Capitol to stop certification of the election.

No riot gear, no interaction to stop protestors for the DCNG. The Capitol Police/Met Police were the ones left defending the Capitol AS WAS BY DESIGN.

Clearly a color revolution at home.

Trump is a terrorist that causes whistleblowers to fear Trump. Trump rape victims get death threats, live in fear and shame. Trump heavily involved in the Russian Mob since the 1980s. This is the behaviour you expect from the deepstate. Which begs the question.

BOMBSHELL: Trump's Been Laundering Russian Mob Money For Decades​

Trump and Putin have been dealing with the same Russian Mobsters since 1994/5.

Transcripts reveal Cassidy Hutchinson was pressured to protect Trump: ‘I was scared’​

Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony was even more terrifying than they’re telling you​

Trump decided months before the election to declare victory if he lost, says former (Trump) campaign manager Brad Parscale​

Utterly false I didn’t even get past your first sentence. Even the msm has had to admit it.
What’s with your hard on over trump you post the same bs over and over and over?

Oh and trump requested the national guard and it was denied. You’re the only one without any brain cells (your words)
Utterly false I didn’t even get past your first sentence. Even the msm has had to admit it.
What’s with your hard on over trump you post the same bs over and over and over?

Oh and trump requested the national guard and it was denied. You’re the only one without any brain cells (your words)

Fact check: Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6​

Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6​

The Trump White House could only request the DCNG:


The Trump white house claims it ordered the NG after the storming of the Capitol. After the rioters took over the Capitol.
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Fact check: Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6​

Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6​

Dude you’re obviously a liberal clown, just stop you look stupid to anyone with a brain.
Next time you post fake news youre getting a negative rating. Once ok but page after page, you’ve been warned tds strong
Have you watched any of the events over the past couple weeks from the Durham report or you just like posting old news?
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