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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Its a bit too late for that: other than may be giving tactical nuclear weapons, everything from high-end SAMs, armor, and now even long range air to surface missiles supplied. I don't think Russia is showing up to the party with any more retaliation
5 Patriot launchers
What a coincident. I remember Russia claimed to have destroyed 5 coastal Harpoon launchers back then eventhough they only recieved 4.
Back then the russian superior airstrikes lead the russian navy to abandon the area completely. I guess Russia destroying the Patriot system means the russian air force will likewise abandon the idea of doing air strikes inside Ukraine.
Heard that Patriot was hit by Russia- how the invincible rhetoric going?

does the damage matter? the HIT matters.. there will be more..
Russia has 40-80 khinzal rockets.

USA has 1100 patriot launchers.

I hope russia keeps trying. Let it drain itself more and more. And good for Nato to get live data to update the AD some more.
Then why did Kiev suffer so much damaged of all the missiles were intercepted

Ukraine supported US invasion of Iraq

Ukraine also supports Israel

And even Israel refused to give iron dome

Nazi also hate Muslims

So this is how it ends for them

Because carpet bombing with missiles is a very expensive proposition. Missiles likely have a target. Shooting them down means they didn't reach their precise target (whatever building or part of infrastructure it was intended to destroy). Patriots or other SAM systems don't vaporize the incoming missile. They knock it out . Law of gravity is it lands somewhere random. A random landing will do some damaged.

Russia has shown its love for muslims where? Afghanistan? Chechnya? Syrian civilians? Russian Government is no more in love with muslims.

Remember Russians are preparing 1500 New T90 tanks + 1500 WW2 tanks into modern sensors and devices.
Don't get high hopes, remember in history how Russians defeated each and every invader.
Ukr just has few NATO supplies and when those supplies drain out, watch how Ukr falls fast.
Yes we remember. They defeated Germany , one country that was overextended and finding multiple fronts.

And the glorious Russians could not hold on to Afghanistan beyond Kabul. Lets not get our hopes up that any military (NATO or Russian) is invincible and not defeated
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Because carpet bombing with missiles is a very expensive proposition. Missiles likely have a target. Shooting them down means they didn't reach their precise target (whatever building or part of infrastructure it was intended to destroy). Patriots or other SAM systems don't vaporize the incoming missile. They knock it out . Law of gravity is it lands somewhere random. A random landing will do some damaged.

Russia has shown its love for muslims where? Afghanistan? Chechnya? Syrian civilians? Russian Government is no more in love with muslims.

Yes we remember. They defeated Germany , one country that was overextended and finding multiple fronts.

And the glorious Russians could not hold on to Afghanistan beyond Kabul. Lets not get our hopes up that any military (NATO or Russian) is invincible and not defeated

Hey loser Russia has 20% of Ukraine against 57 nations

Keep dreaming about Ukraine victory

I understand Russia kicked German a$$ pretty hard during WWII you will never get over it

Hey loser Russia has 20% of Ukraine against 57 nations

Keep dreaming about Ukraine victory

I understand Russia kicked German a$$ pretty hard during WWII you will never get over it

That twitter account you are quoting is known to be a ''resistance'' mouthpiece. Not really credible.
Finally someone understands relative speed allows air defenses to take out targets much faster than the interceptor
Then why did Kiev suffer so much damaged of all the missiles were intercepted
A missile or a warhead or a bomb MUST remain unitary, meaning structurally intact, in order to do maximum damage upon contact. What an interceptor does is to compromise that structural integrity, the farther away from the target the better. The debris from the interceptor would be scattered and would create damages when they hit the ground, but you cannot use that argument to negate the tactical necessity for ground air defense. Ten pieces would create ten locations of damages, such as on an empty street or a truck and so on, but the main target, such as munition storage or an airplane, would survive. That is the point. Even for non-military target like a city which is more a psychological target, the same reasoning apply. Protect the city's powerplant, water treatment facility, and so on.

If you want to inflict the most physical damage on a city, then the missile is an inefficient solution. Mass delivery of gravity bombs is the best. Between a residential building and a business building, which is more psychologically significant in order to use a missile? None, really. For best psychological effects, do damage to both. No need to destroy either, just hit each somehow, and this is where the missile is the worst choice compare to gravity bombs. Unfortunately, Russia cannot do mass delivery of gravity bombs, aka 'carpet bombing'. The next best is artillery barrages for the city.

I agree, both rationales are no excuse for launching invasions. However, I see it differently in that....


US invasion of Iraq = Israeli (US) engineered war to gain access to the huge oil basin found near the river Euphrates on the border of Syria. Also why we have CIA funded ISIS causing chaos in Syria which is why Russia had to intervene to protect the Assad Government. WAR NOT JUSTIFIED.

Moral High Ground?

Syrian Civil War = CONFLICT between Assad administration and Syrians who desire change. You are pointing out a theory that is advanced by the (Assad administration + Iran + Russia) COALITION to divert attention from its "humanitarian services" in Syria:

Origins of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL)

Do you know that Syria and Iraq contemplated merger to create the United Arab Republic?

Iraqi President Hassan al-Bakr and Syrian President Hafez al-Assad had finalized the merger process in 1978 but Saddam Hussein forced Hassan al-Bakr to step down and secure his grip on Iraq. Saddam also suspended the merger process:

However, a Syrian journalist and author Hassan Hassan provides a detailed account of the origins of ISIL and how Saddam helped cultivate an ideology that facilitated ISIL movement:

Related information in following link:

But ISIL movement began to take shape in response to the ill-advised De-Ba'athification move of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) that was established with American support in 2003:

Bush administration found an opportunity to get rid of Saddam regime after 9/11. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) got wind of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party getting in touch with Al-Qaeda operatives and Iraq having hidden caches of chemical weapons. However, American coverage of these interesting realities is botched due to political polarization between the Democrats and the Republicans. Nevertheless, Bush administration launched Operation Iraqi Freedom to topple Saddam regime in 2003:


De-Ba'athification move of the CPA entailed disbanding Ba'ath Party as well as Iraqi armed forces and bureaucracy created under Saddam. This move set the stage for an extremely violent Iraqi insurgency in which Al-Qaeda Network in Iraq (AQI) was also involved. AQI was founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2004. This man had links to Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda Network in Af-Pak region. This relationship was acknowledged in a Pakistani report:

DAWN has my respect for having the guts to post information that other Pakistani media houses will not dare to.

US-led forces fought and overcame Iraqi insurgency during the (2004 - 2008) period in a series of well-executed operations, and Obama administration called for withdrawal of NATO from Iraq in 2011 when situation on the ground looked much better.

As for Saddam, his sons were killed in 2003 and he was hanged in 2006. His last words are cryptic but telling.

"Don't think this is over. This is just the beginning."

But sectarianism of then Iraqi Prime Minister (PM) Nouri al-Maliki provided sufficient impetus to AQI remnants and Saddam loyalists to REGROUP and establish ISIL with support of allies in Syria.

As you can see:


"Yes, I think extremism was there. It is in the region, not in Iraq. Don’t forget that extremism came from other countries. And these would-be suicide bombers came from all over the Arab world, and from almost over 100 countries, even some Western countries. And they were large numbers, and they managed to bring themselves in Syria, they did occupy quite large swaths of territory in Syria, and then they were able to cross into Iraq.

Now, the fault lines are this: Under these circumstances, you should win your population over. You shouldn’t push your population towards the other side. What happened because of political enmity, and political differences in the country, it was one against the other. So with the government, and the government has set an opposition, whether they are Shia or Sunni or Kurds. And these others, they were gathering against the government. By doing this, they were attracting people from all sorts of life, including terrorists, including those who resort to violence. And in that critical moment, the whole thing snapped. Terrorists, because they were able in Syria, they were being readied to cross the border to Iraq. And the atmosphere in Iraq was created that they will welcome these fighters in the country. And that was a major mistake by the government. And they could have done much better by winning over their own people, the Iraqi people, so that terrorists will not thrive into our own communities.

And that’s what happened. The whole state collapse, security forces collapse, whole divisions of the army collapse, and the terrorists took over. And of course, some people in these areas welcomed these terrorists under the assumption that these terrorists will save them from — I put it in brackets — the oppressive means of the Baghdad government, although it wasn’t oppressive as such. But people were not happy. So they thought this Daesh, and these tours will help them to take out what they think is their own." - Iraqi PM Dr. Haider al-Abadi

The “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” (ISIS) is the main source of instability, not only in Iraq and Syria, but also throughout the Middle East. The instability poses a danger for the other parts of the world because of the influx of foreign fighters to the region. Extremists have taken advantage of the continuing conflicts in Iraq and Syria, with Syria in particular serving as a magnet for thousands of foreign fighters from more than 90 countries. While most of these ISIS combatants are men, many women have left their countries behind to join the “caliphate” and support its cause. Social media have played a key role in luring women to join ISIS. This study therefore analyzed the ISIS organization’s social media propaganda and grass-roots recruitment activities aimed at women in Turkey. The results of the analysis provide important information about the strategies that ISIS uses to spread its ideology.

ISIL movement was able to draw recruits from multiple countries through its social media campaigns in line with Islamic eschatology of the Black Banners: Mehdi will come and create an army of the Black Banners to defeat regional enemies and Dajjal. Many take this eschatology seriously.

Clear enough?

The assertion that CIA created ISIL is FALSE and advanced by the (Assad administration + Iran + Russia) COALITION. This is an attempt to conceal the fact that Syria contributed to ISIL movement as per Iraqi accounts and Assad administration benefited from this development while confronting Syrian rebels. ISIL made it possible for Assad administration to focus on Syrian rebels while it attempted to take over Iraq:


Donald Trump also falsely claimed that Obama founded ISIL:

American political polarization is a source of entertainment in itself.


Timber Sycamore Controversy

CIA Timber Sycamore program was aimed to support Syrian rebels with nod from Turkey and the Gulf Council Cooperation (GCC). But this program was poorly executed on the ground and a chunk of weaponry fell into the hands of ISIL.

Therefore, Obama administration launched Operation Inherent Resolve to destroy ISIL with support of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria and Iraqi government under PM Dr. Haider al-Abadi in 2014:

Iraqi account of the war against ISIL in following book:


Trump administration scrapped Timber Sycamore in 2017:

Iran vs ISIL

Iran fought ISIL with support of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq and Hezbollah in Syria:

But Assad administration and Russia offered limited support in this matter.

The Oil Fields

You mentioned:

Israeli (US) engineered war to gain access to the huge oil basin found near the river Euphrates on the border of Syria

ISIL had taken control of this region in fact:

But ISIL began to torch oil fields while on the retreat from US-led forces:

And local Kurd allowed US to use, restore, and improve oil fields under their control:

What is Israel up to?

Israel is not involved in Bush administration's Operation Iraqi Freedom and Obama administration's Operation Inherent Resolve.

But Israel is attacking Iranian forces and Hezbollah in Syria:

Russian invasion of Ukraine = Israeli (US) engineered war. Full well knowing what the Russian red line was, western policy makers went ahead with Anti-Russian activities in Ukraine. Oppression of Russian speakers, Clamping down on the Orthodox church, overthrowing a pro-Russian government replacing it with a Zionist comedian clown yes man. Breaking international agreements. Back stabbing whilst negotiating with Putin who was sincere. Look at Arestovichs videos where he blatantly is provoking Russia and wishing them to start war. WAR IS ARGUABLY JUSTIFIED AS RUSSIA HAD BEEN CONTINUOUSLY PROVOKED.

Ukrainian political crisis began in 2013 when then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych rejected EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and opted for Customs Union of Russia instead. This decision did not sit well with a part of Ukrainian population and protests broke out:

Yanukovych ordered crack down on the protestors but the movement grew to such extent that he chose to flee to Russia.

Yanukovych convinced Russia to intervene and Russian forces annexed Crimea as well as engineered a separatist movement in Donbas in 2014:

On the other hand, it is true that the American Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland was in contact with Ukrainian politicians and her leaked call suggests that she was involved in suggesting who is acceptable in the new political setup of Ukraine:

Of-course, Russia took advantage of this controversial call to build its own narrative and make its moves in Ukraine.

The next Ukrainian President Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko accepted EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and sought to modernize Ukrainian armed forces in the face of Russian intervention in Crimea and Donbas:

Poroshenko was making the right calls for the country in the context of its national interests but corruption charges led to his defeat in the Ukrainian Presidential Elections held in 2019:

Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine on the other hand:

President Vladimir Putin complained that those in the WEST lie but Russia also lied when questioned on the purpose of its military buildup:

Post in thread 'Putin slams West’s ‘empire of lies’' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/putin-slams-wests-empire-of-lies.736589/post-13595966

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments-part-2.746450/post-14094949

But Poroshenko's reforms seem to have paid off:

Post in thread 'Russia is inexperienced in how to deal with NATO - They should learn from Af-Pak - Patience and let fatigue get the beast' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russ...et-fatigue-get-the-beast.767579/post-14366061

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What Syria and Ukraine had in common?

An old school leadership that refused to acknowledge shift in Public opinion, chose to suppress calls for change from within the country, and sought foreign support when local measures to stop protests failed.

Yanukovych is now seen as nothing more than a Russian stooge who prioritized Russian interests over Ukrainian interests. He cannot set foot in his country again.

Assad administration chose to bomb Syrians who desired change with support of foreign powers such as Iran and Russia when its rule was under threat. Much of the Syria is reduced into a pile of rubble consequently.

---- ---- ----

You mentioned:

Israeli (US) engineered war to gain access to the huge oil basin found near the river Euphrates on the border of Syria

Let's focus on the Euphrates river part.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) cautioned about Euphrates treasures. Wars will be fought for these treasures and a huge number of people will die consequently. This will be a time when Euphrates will be drying up. Holy Prophet (PBUH) advised Muslims to keep their distance from this cycle of Fitna-o-Fasad.

Euphrates passes through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Turkey is at war with a Kurd faction identified as PKK while Syria and Iraq lay in ruins. The cycle of Fitna-o-Fasad in this region commenced with arrival of Saddam and has continued non-stop.

This river is drying up now and this development might set the stage for a significant humanitarian crisis in the region by extension. Possibility of another big war cannot be ruled out in this region.

What is the solution to this problem? Blaming US and Israel will solve this problem? What about regional tyrants who do corruption and mischief and make it possible for other powers to intervene and do their bidding? Who has the moral high ground in this cycle of Fitna-o-Fasad?

Both US and Russia have shown imperialistic tendencies, and meddle in internal affairs of other countries when it suits either camp.

But US has also fought to liberate countries occupied by other powers from time to time. US has also fought to defeat some of the worst terrorist organizations to have emerged in modern times. To assume that US is EVIL while others are SAINT is wrong.

Humanitarian services of modern Russian for reference:

Criticism should be FAIR and BALANCED.

There is much propaganda in the air to influence minds and motivate people to pick sides. To spread hatred. This is how Cold War is fought. Do not be a part of the Cold War. Do your homework and don't pick sides blindly.

Discuss this war and its developments but don't be a part of the propaganda machine.
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