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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That's because at this time Europeans/US were most sophisticated and there were much more people on earth.
And because they could.
Ghengis Khan killed 11% of population back than, much more brutal, ruthless. Sure, other morale compass back then.
Spartans, Vikings, Arabs, Romans, Persians, Greeks, weren't bad but brutal but that was back then the norm.
Today wildlings are Russians and Afghans in Soviet Afghan war as an example, it's how they fought and killed each other, very barbaric-style.

- Israel saves the US 150.000 troops in this region.
- mostly a self-sufficient outpost which CREATES and DEVELOPS things which are then used by the US and allies.
- the US is giving money which has to be spend to 3/4 in US firms, so subvention OWN companies.
- the 1/4 for own creation where the US has a thing to say if Jews wanna export that.
- Germans did the same with the U-Boats, subventing own company, Jews got money and had to spent it on German subs.
- Israelis did many improvements on F-15/16 and US used these in later blocks/variants.

US/Europe feeding ungrateful Palestinians
- Palestinians danced on 911 and children were smiling in the cameras. Big Satan, who FEED us, got hit.
- Well, and burning the flags of countries who say to Israelis stop when they go on another punishment mission because the Arabs wanna fight.

too many pages have passed and I dont have time to catch up

all I can say is a German man supporting Jews is like a Russian supporting Nazi, impossible

you are a German supporting Jews when you killed 6 million of them for what reason ?

Palestinian's are killing them because they steal land but why did you forefather kill 6 million jews ? for fun? for what reason?

now you pretend to support Israel ? very funny

Europeans wiped Jews from Europe during Spanish inquisition you killed 8 million Jews

White Europeans killed so many Jews there is hardly any left in the World now

and now you are taking the moral high ground and pretending like you support Jews? are you retarded ?

you lot are so hypocritical no wonder UK is run and governed by Asian Indian and Asian Pakistan

Rishi Sunak and Hamza Yousuf run UK so go cry we HAVE taken over
too many pages have passed and I dont have time to catch up

all I can say is a German man supporting Jews is like a Russian supporting Nazi, impossible

you are a German supporting Jews when you killed 6 million of them for what reason ?

Palestinian's are killing them because they steal land but why did you forefather kill 6 million jews ? for fun? for what reason?

now you pretend to support Israel ? very funny

Europeans wiped Jews from Europe during Spanish inquisition you killed 8 million Jews

White Europeans killed so many Jews there is hardly any left in the World now

and now you are taking the moral high ground and pretending like you support Jews? are you retarded ?

you lot are so hypocritical no wonder UK is run and governed by Asian Indian and Asian Pakistan

Rishi Sunak and Hamza Yousuf run UK so go cry we HAVE taken over

I don't care about Jews, I don't care about Muslims.
I care about my own people and if there are some Jews and/or Muslims I care about them too as long as I can live with them.
You know why? Because THESE Jews/Muslims are or at least can be Germans too.
Why should I think about people who doesn't even bring an advantage to me, my people, my country?
There is no reason to help somebody or to pretend to care about somebody who has NOTHING to offer.
All muslim countries who talk of the best Ummah-Jummah but still doing business with the Chinese, are hypocrites and only dare to point the finger at "the West".
Israel as a country is a highly developed which produces some very nice things.
It can offer more than some olive trees or just many babies.
And yes, Spaniards were angry on Jews because of several reasons.
Jews worked openly with European-killing/surpressing Muslims.
Were big involved in sex trafficking into the several giant harems. In generally slave trade too (no matter Arab-African or Arab-European slavery history).
Were strong Catholic and didn't want to share anything.
Jews were always good at making money and with money comes power and with power come political intrigues etc.
During the Crusades Jews were often fu*ked too, why? Because you needed a scape goat for some circumstances and/or a unwealthy "Lord" wanted to get money from them for his personal goal in the "Holy Land".
So they forced the Muslims and Jews who were still there to become Christians, otherwise fu*k off or stay and die.
There were times, everybody did it.
I personal say the HC was just another genocide, the problem is, Germans are very precise, even in genociding.
Look, the Balkans were much more cruel in the Modus Operandi of killing minorities, even SS was disgusted. But they didn't had the capacity to kill so many and so efficient.
And Jews are especially angry at Germans because in the time from 1871-1933, not one country had assimilated Jews so well like Germany.
Look at the Japanese and HOW they killed the conquered people. Much more brutal in most cases compared to Germans.
Thing is, Japan was catapultated from a medieval society to modern era just few decades ago before their brutality. So people say Germans should have learned, Japanese were like dumb children who couldn't understand their crimes. ^^
Shoigu is just a cuck. Prigozhin called him a bitch, and Shoigu gives him what he wants.

What a coward.
This is war. Calling bitch does not mean literal bitch, he was showing frustration at battlefield. Shoigu is no cry baby that just because someone called him bitch would cry like a baby.
This is war. Calling bitch does not mean literal bitch, he was showing frustration at battlefield. Shoigu is no cry baby that just because someone called him bitch would cry like a baby.
Shoigu and Prigozhin are in direct competition with each other, that's how Russian politics works. This may be war, but to ignore Russian political theater is ignoring the forest for the trees.
Most of you on here using insults seem to be more invested in this war than the actual Ukrainians and Russians...

From now on I'll just ban people from this thread who can't control their emotions. If you don't like something someone posts ignore it, don't insult them on a personal level. What's even better don't engage them.
Im just a watcher here but a mod should not be invested in the war as well. A pro ukraine mod is ruining everything

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