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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

There are two layers. First layer is soft kill with jamming and spoofing. Second layer is hard kill with air defense missiles and cannons.
That’s not new. Ukraine uses similar strategy with electronics jamming.
now recently the Russians uses another 2 phase tactic to overcome Ukraine air defense. They fire en mass inexpensive rockets, missiles and drones then launching high precision missiles once Ukraine air defense run out of ammo. overwhelming Ukraine air defense. Zelinskki needs more anti aircraft guns from the NATO.

Ukraine-Überblick: Mitglieder der mobilen Luftverteidigungsgruppen am 1. April 2023 in Hostomel, nahe Kiew.

Mitglieder der mobilen Luftverteidigungsgruppen am 1. April 2023 in Hostomel, nahe Kiew. © Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters
That’s not new. Ukraine uses similar strategy with electronics jamming.
now recently the Russians uses another 2 phase tactic to overcome Ukraine air defense. They fire en mass inexpensive rockets, missiles and drones then launching high precision missiles once Ukraine air defense run out of ammo. overwhelming Ukraine air defense.

Ukraine-Überblick: Mitglieder der mobilen Luftverteidigungsgruppen am 1. April 2023 in Hostomel, nahe Kiew.

Mitglieder der mobilen Luftverteidigungsgruppen am 1. April 2023 in Hostomel, nahe Kiew. © Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters

Pantsir is said to be effective against HIMARS rockets. The missiles have long range and if the rocket makes it past that, there's 30 mm cannons.

Pantsir is said to be effective against HIMARS rockets. The missiles have long range and if the rocket makes it past that, there's 30 mm cannons.

That’s not easy. The problem for the Russians is Ukraine fire two types of missiles on Russia positions, one with inexpensive Grad, one with Himars. Both missile types have similar fly characteristics. The Russian crews have 30 seconds to decide which numerous missiles they want to intercept? Pantsir has limited missiles and ammo to fire. Maybe 2 minutes or less constant firing.
Plus, Himars are very precise they fly very fast. Until now there is no report that Russia air defense can intercept Himars missiles.
That’s not easy. The problem for the Russians is Ukraine fire two types of missiles on Russia positions, one with inexpensive Grad, one with Himars. The Russian crews have 30 seconds to decide which numerous missiles they want to intercept.
And Himars are very precise they fly very fast. Until now there is no report that Russia air defense can intercept Himars missiles.

The missiles have proximity fuse. They don't have to hit the rockets, just get close enough. And that's not hard considering the missiles are probably faster than the rockets by the time the rockets are engaged. The rockets are not powered. They will be slowed down during their flight by air resistance.
The missiles have proximity fuse. They don't have to hit the rockets, just get close enough. And that's not hard considering the missiles are probably faster than the rockets by the time the rockets are engaged. The rockets are not powered. They will be slowed down during their flight by air resistance.
A Pantsir has 12 missiles. they have 30 seconds to decide which incoming enemy missiles they want to intercept? Let’s say an Ukraine artillery unit fires a salvo of 40 Grads and 6 Himars.
Russia crew sees 46 missiles coming fast as red dots. flight characteristics are similar they fly over Mach 2. Ok you can say the Russians put more Pantsirs in place.
A Pantsir has 12 missiles. they have 30 seconds to decide which incoming enemy missiles they want to intercept? Let’s say an Ukraine artillery unit fires a salvo of 40 Grads and 6 Himars.
Russia crew sees 46 missiles as red dots.

Ukraine don't have many Grads left. Almost all of them had been destroyed by now. On top of that, Russia has more Pantsir trucks than Ukraine has Grad + HIMARS trucks. Russia can afford to shoot anything coming their way, regardless of Grad or HIMARS. Don't forget there's also 30 mm cannons other than the missiles.
Ukraine don't have many Grads left. Almost all of them had been destroyed by now. On top of that, Russia has more Pantsir trucks than Ukraine has Grad + HIMARS trucks. Russia can afford to shoot anything coming their way, regardless of Grad or HIMARS. Don't forget there's also 30 mm cannons other than the missiles.
Pantsir guns have limitations. They have effective range of 2km. They are most effective when targets coming in 180 degree. Unless Putin can produce enough Pantsir and put them in every 2km front line. We will see.
Source: Trust me bro

If you expect me to blindly worship you that won't happen. I don't support people or sides because I owe them something. I don't owe the West any gratitude. I work 5 days in a week, pay my taxes and raise my kids. What money are you talking about? The salary that my boss pays me for my work? I earn that money. As for hospitality, dude I was born and raised in this country. What hospitality are you talking about? 🤔 You guys have no arguments. You get personal and ugly when you run out of arguments. You expect me to kneel and prostrate because you are hospitable and paying me money? 😂 Dude, you need a reality check. Even if my father is in the wrong I would correct him. I only kneel in front of God. I don't kneel in front of any man.

Awwwww. So cute. The Ukrainians are paying for their foolishness. Instead of being a good impartial neighbor the Ukrainians decided to become European and American snitches. The Ukrainians should have played a reconciliatory role. Instead Ukraine chose to become a snitch. I have no sympathy for snitches.

Where was your outrage and anger when American bombs were killing brown people in various places in the world? You belong to a country that produced Hitler and killed countless people. Don't lecture me on cheering the deaths of Ukrainians. You want me to cry for your blue eyed and blonde haired European brothers and sisters? I won't. Let the Ukrainians first decide how to be impartial instead of licking Western boots.

The deaths of innocent Ukrainians is on the hands of tyrant Zelensky and the Western powers who agitate Russia. If you want to blame someone you can blame that clown and yourself.
Like I said multiple times before... Ukrainian (especially innocent civilians) are just being used as sacrificial goats my major powers.
WhatsApp Image 2023-05-05 at 12.17.45.jpeg
So you want him to bear the burden of shame for Germany's Hitler. The corollary to that collective shame is that YOU, who were born/raised in the Western system, owes that system your gratitude.
Throughout her history of existence, the USA acted like a Hitler in the world and still is acting now, putting her nose in each and every matter to destabilize others, bringing death, destruction, and chaos and it is even more evident now. What burden shall you bear as a proud American and what moral values do you have to right to teach to others?

For the price of 100,00 death and wounded.
100,000 deaths of whom? Ukranians or Russians? Please be specific.

Redeploy to where? Putin gives no money more to Prigozhin. the wagners is finished. The chechens are now Putin’s darling. Putin is much a mafia boss.
Oh dear :rolleyes1:
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There are 450 million arabs vs 9 million israeli.

Arabs have been humbled by israel
You did not mention IsraHell is backed by the USA and many other superpowers of the world. It is not alone. Taking 10 million US dollars in aid per day for 6+ million heads occupying a small land mass as compared to neighbors ... But it is only living on high doses of steroids.
The day the USA withdraws her support a little and spineless Arab leaders show a little courage Israhell will be wiped out from the surface of the earth in a matter of few hours.

HIMARS strikes have now become routine. Just like the destruction of Russian tanks and armor.

Meanwhile the Russian offensive has been a huge failure and Russia lost territory in April.
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I mean seriously, why the hell should I care about Ukrainian people getting killed? How is that even important for us?

People are dying in Yemen and Syria right now as we speak. They have suffered for almost 10 years in Syria since the civil war started. And Yemenis and Syrians in particular are far closer to us than Ukrainians will ever be.

These Ukrainian people are the very same people who cheered for the Americunts while they were bombing the shit out of "Arabs" (i.e. Afghanistan and Iraq). Heck, they even participated in the Iraq war, a war that was none of their business to begin with.

These are the very same scumbags that are cheering for Nazis now and supporting a Zionist clown that applauded Israeli heavy bombing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Russia is protecting its self interest and future preservation. Slava Russia...
Agreed with everything but I, myself, still cannot celebrate the deaths of common Ukraine people (civilians). They are just like sheep led by wolves.
And yes, the USA and the West do not care anything about Muslim world issues.
Remember! A Muslim child from Palestine, Syria, Yemen, or any other part can never be equal to a blue-eyed child from Ukraine.
Ukrainians are heroes who are fighting for their country but all else above are simply terrorists and worthless, better as dead.
Even at this point, a constant assault is going on, especially in occupied Palestine, and civilians and children are killed on daily bases, houses, fields, and farms of Palestinas bulldozed, and Mosques and holy sites are being stormed by Israhelli forces but you will not find a shxt about this in Westen media. You will not find any of these double-faced double-standard people even shed a crocodile's tear for such woes.
As long as Arab leaders are slaves of the USA and West and non-arab leaders are stupid enough to get into the traps this will continue to happen.
This Russia-Ukraine (USA+NATO) war brings some change, like a silver lining in the clouds.
Hopefully, it will change the current order of the world to something less worse.
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I havnt fact checked your numbers by the number of wars

but its not the numbers of wars I care about

I care about the number of humans lives lost

2 wars alone during the 20th century killed over 65 million people, WW1 and WW2, Europeans at each others throats without any outside interference

that should be more than enough to cover last 10,000 years of the whole World

That's because at this time Europeans/US were most sophisticated and there were much more people on earth.
And because they could.
Ghengis Khan killed 11% of population back than, much more brutal, ruthless. Sure, other morale compass back then.
Spartans, Vikings, Arabs, Romans, Persians, Greeks, weren't bad but brutal but that was back then the norm.
Today wildlings are Russians and Afghans in Soviet Afghan war as an example, it's how they fought and killed each other, very barbaric-style.
then why Americans giving billions In aid to Israel when Israel never benefited USA?

USS Liberty caused the deaths of 34 sailors and yet US still support Israel


but then school drop losers like you who claim to have military service are too thick and stupid to add 1+1 together
- Israel saves the US 150.000 troops in this region.
- mostly a self-sufficient outpost which CREATES and DEVELOPS things which are then used by the US and allies.
- the US is giving money which has to be spend to 3/4 in US firms, so subvention OWN companies.
- the 1/4 for own creation where the US has a thing to say if Jews wanna export that.
- Germans did the same with the U-Boats, subventing own company, Jews got money and had to spent it on German subs.
- Israelis did many improvements on F-15/16 and US used these in later blocks/variants.

US/Europe feeding ungrateful Palestinians
- Palestinians danced on 911 and children were smiling in the cameras. Big Satan, who FEED us, got hit.
- Well, and burning the flags of countries who say to Israelis stop when they go on another punishment mission because the Arabs wanna fight.
There is a Western mod in this forum whose duty is to give laughing reactions to every post which is not Pro Ukranian (neutral or pro-Russian doesn't matter).
Personally, I do not know why is he so ''insecure'' :rolleyes1:
Also, the guy is sooooooooooo trigger happy (for negative ratings). Seems like any button he hits on keyboard directly translates into the negative rating. :enjoy:

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