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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It’s amusing that Pro-Russians are excited and excited and happy about this

Chaps…it’s taken , what 9 months to take THIs?????
well, I'm glad they are taking their time , the longer they are busy at Europe , we have more time here to solves our issues and make peace here at middle east

Russia launches massive air, land & sea attacks on Ukraine, Army positions hit, '55' troops killed​

It seems russians upped their game with lancets and targeted strikes (probably aided by traitors).

Ukraine is moving air defence assets to the front for the counter offensive, but seen losing several. They need to watch out cause this is an critical asset to cover any push (russia still has more air-control).

Perhaps west should just start supplying F16s to even the odds and lower ukranian
reliance on air defence.

It is Germany that needs to rearm.

Germany has wasted a year in not building the factories for a re-armament to greater than the strength of Russia or China. With a focus on shoulder fired weapons, howitzer artillery, mortars, drones, and layered air defenses. And develop laser air defenses and defenses from hypersonic and ballistic missiles.

Only with a Europe greatly increasing in arms, can Europe spare some arms to Ukraine. If Ukraine is depleting the arms of Europe with not fast enough replacements and arms build up, you are playing into Putin's hands. UK, Canada, Australia and US are safe from Russia ground invasion and occupation. Let them give aircraft to Ukraine.

UK is retiring tranche 1 Eurofighters.

Australia is retiring F/A18s

US has many older F-16s.

Europe barely has a military to counter Russia. Ukraine is the strongest military in Europe (xRussia), and have difficulty retaking back Ukraine. Europe needs atleast 5 or 6 times+ their present ground forces to be able to face Russia. How many towed and SP artillery does Ukraine have from 2021 supplies, from capture from Russian forces, and from donations. 2000-3000+?

Ukraine does not have enough compared to Russia. Needs far more and far more ammo.

How many howitzer artillery does Germany have - ~108!

The effective war will be ranged. Howitzers, mortars, rocket, drone, bombs, missile. That is how the US wins wars.

Those that want Europe to burn down drool when they see how weak Germany is. Germany has to rearm. And not by getting 10 more SPG, with an option for an additional 18. Germany needs 1000s. If you want Russian occupation, then build 5 more tanks and 10 more howitzers. If you don't want Russian occupation, then make 10000s of howitzers and 1000s of tanks. And 100000s of shoulder fired weapons. Germany is being fed vomit that Russia is weak and Russia is too pleased that the next war vs EU, their enemy Europe believes the vomit and swallows the vomit that Russia is weak.

Europe is being deliberately told lies that Russia is running out of this and that. To lull Europe to not rearm. To have the Europeans swallow the vomit of Russia is losing in Ukraine so Europeans waste year after year in not rearming.

Russia is holding back their air force, navy, hypersonic missiles, much of their tanks and artillery. And have millions of vatniks to die to occupy Germany. Ignore the lies. Russia is not running out of ammo, Putin has prepared this war on Europe for over a decade. Putin wants you to believe Russia is out of ammo, so you feel safe for a few weeks or months and do nothing.

Putin is not going to be couped by pro-democracy forces as the shills say. Putin could be replaced by another crazed Slavo-zionist in Russia, there are many. Russia is planned to remain the threat to Europe. Independence and freedom in Germany by rearmament is the solution.

You want this dufus Trump to defend Europe. Not going to happen.

Trump, friend of Putin, says Putin responds to strength. If you are weak, Putin believes you are a pushover.

Thus Europe needs to rearm.
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Europe is deliberately hit with crisis after crisis.

A couple years ago, money that should go to rearmament because Europe is weak goes to COVID relief because Europe was hit with economic stalling - European crisis 1

Money that should go to rearmament goes to Ukraine aid - European crisis 2

Money that should go to rearmament goes to pay high energy prices - European crisis 3

Money that should go to rearmament is planned to go to rebuild Ukraine. Russia is going to want their frozen assets returned as part of the peace deal. Watch how Ukraine is going to demand Europe to pay billions to rebuild Ukraine and the money to return to Putin/Russia, as part of the peace terms. - European crisis 4

Europe is so unprepared. Europe has to rearm.

Putin wants to destroy Europe. And how is Europe doing in their needed massive rearmament.
It is Germany that needs to rearm.

Germany has wasted a year in not building the factories for a re-armament to greater than the strength of Russia or China. With a focus on shoulder fired weapons, howitzer artillery, mortars, drones, and layered air defenses. And develop laser air defenses and defenses from hypersonic and ballistic missiles.

Only with a Europe greatly increasing in arms, can Europe spare some arms to Ukraine. If Ukraine is depleting the arms of Europe with not fast enough replacements and arms build up, you are playing into Putin's hands. UK, Canada, Australia and US are safe from Russia ground invasion and occupation. Let them give aircraft to Ukraine.

UK is retiring tranche 1 Eurofighters.

Australia is retiring F/A18s

US has many older F-16s.

Europe barely has a military to counter Russia. Ukraine is the strongest military in Europe (xRussia), and have difficulty retaking back Ukraine. Europe needs atleast 5 or 6 times+ their present ground forces to be able to face Russia. How many towed and SP artillery does Ukraine have from 2021 supplies, from capture from Russian forces, and from donations. 2000-3000+?

Ukraine does not have enough compared to Russia. Needs far more and far more ammo.

How many howitzer artillery does Germany have - ~108!

The effective war will be ranged. Howitzers, mortars, rocket, drone, bombs, missile. That is how the US wins wars.

Those that want Europe to burn down drool when they see how weak Germany is. Germany has to rearm. And not by getting 10 more SPG, with an option for an additional 18. Germany needs 1000s. If you want Russian occupation, then build 5 more tanks and 10 more howitzers. If you don't want Russian occupation, then make 10000s of howitzers and 1000s of tanks. And 100000s of shoulder fired weapons. Germany is being fed vomit that Russia is weak and Russia is too pleased that the next war vs EU, their enemy Europe believes the vomit and swallows the vomit that Russia is weak.

Europe is being deliberately told lies that Russia is running out of this and that. To lull Europe to not rearm. To have the Europeans swallow the vomit of Russia is losing in Ukraine so Europeans waste year after year in not rearming.

Russia is holding back their air force, navy, hypersonic missiles, much of their tanks and artillery. And have millions of vatniks to die to occupy Germany. Ignore the lies. Russia is not running out of ammo, Putin has prepared this war on Europe for over a decade. Putin wants you to believe Russia is out of ammo, so you feel safe for a few weeks or months and do nothing.

Putin is not going to be couped by pro-democracy forces as the shills say. Putin could be replaced by another crazed Slavo-zionist in Russia, there are many. Russia is planned to remain the threat to Europe. Independence and freedom in Germany by rearmament is the solution.

You want this dufus Trump to defend Europe. Not going to happen.

Trump, friend of Putin, says Putin responds to strength. If you are weak, Putin believes you are a pushover.

Thus Europe needs to rearm.
Russia is grinding away its army in ukraine. And navy and airforce are no competition vs europe.

Poland is massively re-arming.
Whole europe is doubling or tripling defence budgets..dwarfing russia budget.

It will take russia decades to re-arm to where it can threathen germany.
So i for one am much less worried.

Most of the weapons donated were set to retire/mothballed/target practiced in time.
Atleast now they can do their coldwar purpose..kill russians.

What this war and trump era showed however. Is that europe needs to handle its own defence and cannot rely on naivity about a “world with no war” and/or Uncle Usa.
Hey @Deino This one is for you bro. You are such a cuddly creature.

Russia is grinding away its army in ukraine. And navy and airforce are no competition vs europe.

It will take russia decades to re-arm to where it can threathen germany.
So i for one am much less worried.

Most of the weapons donated were set to retire/mothballed/target practiced in time.
Atleast now they can do their coldwar purpose..kill russians.

What this war and trump era showed however. Is that europe needs to handle its own defence and cannot rely on naivity about a “world with no war” and/or Uncle Usa.
That is the perception Russia wants you to have. Is fighting an entire war based around those perimeters.

How stronger are Ukrainian Ground forces compared to Germany in terms of Army firepower. And Ukraine is losing. The territory Russia wants from Ukraine, Russia is occupying and successfully attacking. Russia did not throw everything at Chechnya, nor Georgia, nor Ukraine. Russia is planning to throw the entire Russian military at the EU and Germany.
Poland is only buying 100s of tanks. 100s of artillery. And other equipment. Limited amounts are sitting targets. (If the US can take out the targets in air strikes, so can Russia) Poland would be relatively weaker than Ukraine. Poland could be enough to cause headaches for Russia, along with Finland. Though this is not security, it is more of a risk fleet of the Imperial German Navy. The trouble for Germany and Europe is Russia is not threatened by anybody, only sees Europe as rival. So Poland and Finland as a risk army to scare away Russia is not enough. Trump America supports Russia. So if Russia is weakened in a war with Europe, no loss to Russia. Russia has China, UK nationalists, and MAGA to support Russia, (along with Likud Israel). The very parties cheering for Putin and the demise of Europe, while playing both sides and speaking from both sides of their mouth. Iran does this. China does this. Can you see Europe is being surrounded by enemies: Pro-Putin Brexit UK nationalists, MAGA Pro-Putin Trumpers. Chinese Putinites. Iranian Putinites. Russia. Read the comments here by the Islamic community, whitey did this and that... NATO is whitey... so they support Putin. These American Nationalist Trumpers, UK nationalists, Russians, Chinese anti-Americans don't care if Europe crashes and burns. Thus in a hostile neighborhood, you must rearm.

If Imperial Germany could afford a navy stronger the the UK, then advise in 1910 - get one. Same advise for security in Europe, get a military more capable and stronger in terms of firepower than Russia. And in swarms. In large numbers.

The Russians never unleashed their full air power. Are capable of US-style strikes on ground targets. They chose not to because they don't want to spook the Europeans into an arms race. If an arms races happens, Russia loses the arms race. Putin loses by default. I want the Europeans to venture on an arms race. Because it would give Europe full security and full independence from foreign influence.
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well, I'm glad they are taking their time , the longer they are busy at Europe , we have more time here to solves our issues and make peace here at middle east
I hope this gives everybody pause (like WWII did) that wars don't solve things and make things worse in a planet with declining resources....and for selectively taking sides in other regions that exacerbate conflicts.

Hey @Deino This one is for you bro. You are such a cuddly creature.

View attachment 927285
Nothing better to do?

He has and there is no point of return...

No matter what the Western world says, Russia will continue to fight until all objectives are met.
Much like the Kremlin met all its objectives in Afghanistan: indefinite bringing in of Afghanistan in its orbit and improve access to warm water port to project USSR power globally. Wait, none of those objectives were satisfied and it accelerated Soviet Union's collapse.

Stop having blind faith in any power (NATO or Russia) and conviction stronger than the leaders of those own countries.

USSR satisfied no objective in Afghanistan (other than making Pakistan more militant and violent as a side effect) . Russia is a portion of USSR and will see the same result as it did in WWI when it lost Finland, Estonia etc...
Poland is only buying 100s of tanks. 100s of artillery. And other equipment. Limited amounts are sitting targets. (If the US can take out the targets in air strikes, so can Russia) Poland would be relatively weaker than Ukraine. Poland could be enough to cause headaches for Russia, along with Finland. Though this is not security, it is more of a risk fleet of the Imperial German Navy. The trouble for Germany and Europe is Russia is not threatened by anybody, only sees Europe as rival. So Poland and Finland as a risk army to scare away Russia is not enough. Trump America supports Russia. So if Russia is weakened in a war with Europe, no loss to Russia. Russia has China, UK nationalists, and MAGA to support Russia, (along with Likud Israel). The very parties cheering for Putin and the demise of Europe, while playing both sides and speaking from both sides of their mouth. Iran does this. China does this. Can you see Europe is being surrounded by enemies: Pro-Putin Brexit UK nationalists, MAGA Pro-Putin Trumpers. Chinese Putinites. Iranian Putinites. Russia. Read the comments here by the Islamic community, whitey did this and that... NATO is whitey... so they support Putin. These American Nationalist Trumpers, UK nationalists, Russians, Chinese anti-Americans don't care if Europe crashes and burns. Thus in a hostile neighborhood, you must rearm.

If Imperial Germany could afford a navy stronger the the UK, then advise in 1910 - get one. Same advise for security in Europe, get a military more capable and stronger in terms of firepower than Russia. And in swarms. In large numbers.

The Russians never unleashed their full air power. Are capable of US-style strikes on ground targets. They chose not to because they don't want to spook the Europeans into an arms race. If an arms races happens, Russia loses the arms race. Putin loses by default. I want the Europeans to venture on an arms race. Because it would give Europe full security and full independence from foreign influence.
You are seriously giving Russia too much credit. Russia does indeed consider everything a zero sum game, and do wage asymetrical warfare against EU. But they are in no position to take on Germany, France or the UK in a conventional war. Poland has even risen as a regional power in the east, and a ukrainian style russian offensive in Poland would leave them even more battered than in Ukraine.
Ukraine was dysfunctional because of influence and corruption sponsered by Russia, which even lead to southern Ukraine being taken in a small period of time. Once the ukrainians got it under control, Russia was unable to counter ukrainian resitance.
I fail to understand why you are saying Russia could do US style ground strikes, when the air situation in Ukraine is close to parity. No russian jets are doing uncontested deep strikes into Ukraine. They hardly do that at the frontline.
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