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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

For all the Russophiles celebrating Russia's minor and strategically worthless gains in Bakhmut, Ukraine has make significant progress in the Kherson region, which threatens to split Russian occupied territories into two chunks.

Good job celebrating incompetence.

The imminent capture of Bakhmut is far from worthless. Not only is it important as a foothold for the remaining part of the Donbass, but it also served its purpose of being a meat grinder tearing through Ukrainian reserves to the point that Ukraine is now on it's third army.

With regards to Ukrainian Advances in Kherson; A very bold move indeed! Most of the tiny parchment of land they have taken is no man's land / swamps where heavy equipment can't be placed. When the time comes, a salvo of a few TOS-1A will clear the advance.

Let's see how it pans out over the next couple of weeks.
Remaining Ukrainians in Bakhmut are fcuked! They should have re-treated but the clown of Kiev sitting next to the fireplace had other ideas.


The imminent capture of Bakhmut is far from worthless. Not only is it important as a foothold for the remaining part of the Donbass, but it also served its purpose of being a meat grinder tearing through Ukrainian reserves to the point that Ukraine is now on it's third army.

With regards to Ukrainian Advances in Kherson; A very bold move indeed! Most of the tiny parchment of land they have taken is no man's land / swamps where heavy equipment can't be placed. When the time comes, a salvo of a few TOS-1A will clear the advance.

Let's see how it pans out over the next couple of weeks.

If Ukraine loses Bakhmut, it be as bad as Guan Yu Shi Jing Zhou. It could be a turning point of the war.
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The imminent capture of Bakhmut is far from worthless. Not only is it important as a foothold for the remaining part of the Donbass, but it also served its purpose of being a meat grinder tearing through Ukrainian reserves to the point that Ukraine is now on it's third army.

With regards to Ukrainian Advances in Kherson; A very bold move indeed! Most of the tiny parchment of land they have taken is no man's land / swamps where heavy equipment can't be placed. When the time comes, a salvo of a few TOS-1A will clear the advance.

Let's see how it pans out over the next couple of weeks.
What the Russians want in Bakhmut? The city is destroyed to ashes. There is no foods, no waters, no electricity, no shelters, no nothing. The Russians can’t survive. They will continue their bloodshed elsewhere. Strategically unimportant. Russia can’t win the war. Unless they kill the last Ukraine, the last animal.
What the Russians want in Bakhmut? The city is destroyed to ashes. There is no foods, no waters, no electricity, no shelters, no nothing. The Russians can’t survive. They will continue their bloodshed elsewhere. Strategically unimportant. Russia can’t win the war. Unless they kill the last Ukraine, the last animal.

Ukraine will be defeated. There are no 2 way about it. The best thing they can do now is to come to the negotiation table. Otherwise more parts of ukraine will suffer the same fate as Bakhmut.
Ukraine will be defeated. There are no 2 way about it. The best thing they can do now is to come to the negotiation table. Otherwise more parts of ukraine will suffer the same fate as Bakhmut.
Negotiate over what? Moscow wants unconditional surrender it wants half of Ukraine, almost all Ukraine natural resources, sea access. if Kiew agrees to Russia conditions then Ukraine can’t survive on the barren lands that remain.
It’s much like the Chinese ask us to surrender the seas, the islands. Ok, why not put us in gas chambers? It would be quicker than a slow death.

It’s better for any case for Ukraine people to fight until the bitter end.
Ukraine will be defeated. There are no 2 way about it. The best thing they can do now is to come to the negotiation table. Otherwise more parts of ukraine will suffer the same fate as Bakhmut.

First you need to understand russias interpretation of peace which is for ukraine to cede all land under Russian occupation, that's not peace that's appeasement, do not trust putin he will take more and find more excuses to annex land by staging f alse f lag attacks in other regions…….
Ukraine will be defeated. There are no 2 way about it. The best thing they can do now is to come to the negotiation table. Otherwise more parts of ukraine will suffer the same fate as Bakhmut.
The first thing after Russia defeats Ukraine, will impact Pakistan Ex PM Imran Khan to come back to power and do regime change for better. Global politics has changed.

Negotiate over what? Moscow wants unconditional surrender it wants half of Ukraine, almost all Ukraine natural resources, sea access. if Kiew agrees to Russia conditions then Ukraine can’t survive on the barren lands that remain.
It’s much like the Chinese ask us to surrender the seas, the islands. Ok, why not put us in gas chambers? It would be quicker than a slow death.

It’s better for any case for Ukraine people to fight until the bitter end.
This is called LANDLOCKED NATION which is basically a curse.
The first thing after Russia defeats Ukraine, will impact Pakistan Ex PM Imran Khan to come back to power and do regime change for better. Global politics has changed.

This is called LANDLOCKED NATION which is basically a curse.
The fastest way to peace is either Ukraine kills off all uninvited Russian hooligans and rapists or Putin just calls off the invasion and go home. I don’t see any other options. Negotiation is worthless.
Negotiate over what? Moscow wants unconditional surrender it wants half of Ukraine, almost all Ukraine natural resources, sea access. if Kiew agrees to Russia conditions then Ukraine can’t survive on the barren lands that remain.
It’s much like the Chinese ask us to surrender the seas, the islands. Ok, why not put us in gas chambers? It would be quicker than a slow death.

It’s better for any case for Ukraine people to fight until the bitter end.

Well, the Ukrainians should have thought long and hard about oppressing the people of Donbass for years before then. No point crying now that the chickens are coming home to roost.
Russia did not want to invade Ukraine, and was happy for it to exist so long as it didn't pose a threat to Russia. Soon as the West began meddling in Ukraine internally, things began to go downhill and then the annexing of Crimea took place. Having still not learnt his lesson, the clown of Kiev continued with his anti-Russian stance and now the Donbass will be annexed. Is he not getting the pattern?
The people of Ukraine would be wise to get rid of the Clown of Kiev as his policies are detrimental to Ukraine. The only negotiations left now are to ceed the Donbass and broker a lasting ceasefire.
The alternative is far far worse, not just for Ukraine but also for the rest of the world.
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