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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This is the double standard from west that has most of non-European population against them.
West has many faults but in most cases is more open to critiscism/self inflection then those screaming “western hypocrisy”.

in muslim world there is immense double standard. Much larger then west.
see the reaction to millions of murdered armenians vs thousands of palestinians.

I personally am not a Russia supporter. But many around the world and on this forum could not care one way or the other from Russia but they do care about the double standard that pre-dates Feb Russian invasion. Israelis pretty much do as they please.
“You do not care about ethnic cleansing in eastern europe…but what is really important for you is to address the “double standard” west has against palestine”

This in itself shows your own double standard.

Treat them as second class citizens , barricade them in communities they live in, and it wasn’t enough they took their lands since the 50s but continue to expand settlements with Israeli settlers demolish Palestinian homes.

Which is why many european states supported UN declarations against them. Have significant minorities calling for boycotts…hell a lot of the subsidies and aid towards palestine comes from EU.

So the point is not to compare deaths since last Feb March but the entire idea of cleansing a population and have them live in refugee like status. And this has been going on for 60 years. Not enabled by Western Europe but certainly not resisted either.
Which is why almost all western countries want a two state solution.

As for not actively fighting israel…it is not a black and white situation.
The other party (arabs) refused the UN partition, started several wars of ethnic cleansing (and lost) and the palestinians themselves are knee deep in terrorism.

You yourself now personify that double standard from abstract concept of the ‘West’ to as an individual that has hypocrisy Written all over him.
Accusation without substance.
My logic is simple:
1: small scale
2: both parties morally grey

1: much larger scale
2: russia much more “in the wrong”

As such more of my sympathy and focus is on ukraine.
I voted parties who favor palestinian state and financial aid. Our country even paid for a palestinian harbor.

yet i get lectured on double standard?
Many of them cheering fucking Wagner and talking about divine punishment for the jews?
And don’t confuse Israeli Arabs that live in Israel as citizes. This discussion is about Palestenians that have been kicked out of Israel
Palestinians identified themselves majority as arabs. Arabs are heavily involved in the conflict. This discussion is larger.
Not to sure about that. I'm just supporting Russia's fight for it's independence from the claws of the economic hitman. Zero external debt from the IMF, Growing economy, endless resources, and fighting off passive aggression from your masters sitting in Washington.

So how about you keep yawning whilst kneeling in-front of your LGBTQ master Trudeau in the hope he'll drop you a few more cents Mr Brown Sahib.
bal bla bla more Yawn

You supporting Russia but your PM and army love west lmao. Keep crying. Russia will always choose india over pak any way. Ur brown *** will be use as ***** **** if u go to moscow lolz. since they dont like ur kind any way.
bal bla bla more Yawn

You supporting Russia but your PM and army love west lmao. Keep crying. Russia will always choose india over pak any way. Ur brown *** will be use as ***** **** if u go to moscow lolz. since they dont like ur kind any way.

"like ur kind any way"

Wow. Typical brown sahib language.

Keep yawning Mr. Brown Sahib

Just for the record, I'm a citizen of the West. But what I am not is a sell out Brown Sahib.
I call out the bullshyt of our governments in the West and their policies of aggression, expansion and deception.
I love Pakistan, but you're right on one thing. The Establishment/Generals are also Brown Sahibs and lick the Wests a$$.
Whether Russia choses Pakistan or India is irrelevant. What's relevant is that they're kicking the LGBTQ A$$ of your western masters for their aggression and wrongdoing.

As I said, keep kneeling in front of your LGBTQ master Trudeau. If you try hard enough, he may drop you a few cents.
"like ur kind any way"

Wow. Typical brown sahib language.

Keep yawning Mr. Brown Sahib

Just for the record, I'm a citizen of the West. But what I am not is a sell out Brown Sahib.
I call out the bullshyt of our governments in the West and their policies of aggression, expansion and deception.
I love Pakistan, but you're right on one thing. The Establishment/Generals are also Brown Sahibs and lick the Wests a$$.
Whether Russia choses Pakistan or India is irrelevant. What's relevant is that they're kicking the LGBTQ A$$ of your western masters for their aggression and wrongdoing.

As I said, keep kneeling in front of your LGBTQ master Trudeau. If you try hard enough, he may drop you a few cents.
yawn Lmao

India and pak is irrelevant lolz then why a pak moron like you sucking Russian dik

Well at the end those elite will rule and that’s the reality, get used to it

Keep crying

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Mean while ... ...

Putin's surprise show of force in Pacific; Russian warships on high alert amid bigger war fear​

Check original thread here
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Arrest expected soon in connection with intelligence leaks, source says​

Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder speaks during a media briefing on Thursday.
Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder speaks during a media briefing on Thursday. (Alex Brandon/AP)1 hr 9 min ago

Leaked classified Pentagon documents appear to show extent of US spying on Russia and Ukraine​

From CNN's Zachary Cohen, Natasha Bertrand and Kylie Atwood

Ukrainian servicemen fire at Russian positions in the Donbas region last month.
Ukrainian servicemen fire at Russian positions in the Donbas region last month. (Aris Messinis/AFP/Getty Images)
Leaked Pentagon documents contain a wide range of highly classified information – providing a rare window into how the United States spies on allies and adversaries alike.
CNN has reviewed 53 leaked documents, all of which appear to have been produced between mid-February and early March.
Some of the documents, which US officials say are authentic, expose the extent of US eavesdropping on key allies, including South Korea, Israel and Ukraine.
On Russia and Wagner Group: Others reveal the degree to which the US has penetrated the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group, largely through intercepted communications and human sources, which could now be cut off or put in danger.
On Ukraine's military and Zelensky: Still, others divulge key weaknesses in Ukrainian weaponry, air defense, and battalion sizes and readiness at a critical point in the war, as Ukrainian forces gear up to launch a counteroffensive against the Russians – and just as the US and Ukraine have begun to develop a more mutually trusting relationship over intelligence-sharing.
One document reveals that the US has been spying on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That is unsurprising, said a source close to Zelensky, but Ukrainian officials are deeply frustrated about the leak.
The US intelligence report, which is sourced to signals intelligence, says that Zelensky in late February “suggested striking Russian deployment locations in Russia’s Rostov Oblast” using unmanned aerial vehicles since Ukraine does not have long-range weapons capable of reaching that far.
Signals intelligence includes intercepted communications and is broadly defined by the National Security Agency as “intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems.”
On South Korean officials: Yet another document describes, in remarkable detail, a conversation between two senior South Korean national security officials about concerns by the country’s National Security Council over a US request for ammunition.
The officials worried that supplying the ammunition, which the US would then send to Ukraine, would violate South Korea’s policy of not supplying lethal aid to countries at war. According to the document, one of the officials then suggested a way of getting around the policy without actually changing it – by selling the ammunition to Poland.

What causes Putinski cultural warriors more anxiety here on Quora, the qualitative or quantitative magnitude of the world’s reaction to their primate behavior?

Putinski cultural warriors on Quora are paid a wage. They are just doing their jobs.
Most of them don’t really care what is the world’s reaction; they just post. Doesn’t bother them, what people think; they aren’t saying what they think; they write according to the instruction manual (“metodichka”).
A few years ago, the daily task of a commentator on salary was 120 comments per shift.
The task for writers (authors answering questions) is in words – they need to write, let’s say, 5,000 words per day.
The set up also includes upvotes and downvotes, mass-reporting of answers that contain opposing opinions, etc.
It’s all structured.

Russian troll factories really exist.
Until February 2022, when Russia attacked Ukraine, topics of Russia and Russian politics were mostly dominated by answers of “Putinski warriors” (aka “Kremlebots”).
After Russia invaded Ukraine, more Quora writers became interested in these topics, as well as topics of Russia-Ukraine relations. It became much harder for “Putinski warriors” to dominate answers, and it doesn’t look like they got more staff to do the job.
There are, of course, some people who are misled by Russian propaganda, but they nearly all stopped defending Putin by now, after so many abhorrent crimes against humanity committed by Russia.
So, the methods used by “Putinski warriors” are what they had been taught to use, and they don’t have personal grievances about the world’s reaction. It’s just a job.

Talking of troll factories. What beef do Indians have in this fight besides Russia being their weapon vendor? I have thought all the Marxist solidarity was gone few times over by the time Modi came to power?

Do these HT trolls do it because they really believe in it? Or just trolling for hire through commercial operation?

I have long suspected RU being way more interested in South Asia than the public acknowledges.
yawn Lmao

India and pak is irrelevant lolz then why a pak moron like you sucking Russian dik

Well at the end those elite will rule and that’s the reality, get used to it

Keep crying


I'm not crying you clown. Rather rejoicing that the order which has been spreading war, destruction and economic enslavement is being challenged and brought down.
Once Pakistan sorts it's internal situation out Russia will engage happily as Pakistan is an integral part of the Asian architecture. But again that's irrelevant to the topic at hand.

"Well at the end those elite will rule and that’s the reality, get used to it"

Thanks for demonstrating what I've been saying all along. You're nothing but a brown sahib slave who loves being ruled over.
A Brown Sahib Gandu of the highest order. Become balless soon as that VISA for Canada landed so you could fit in....lol!

Like I said, keep yawning Mr Brown Sahib. Justin Trudeau may throw you a few extra dollars for being loyal to his elite Zionist order. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Since you've outed yourself as a Brown Sahib Gandu, I will not engage with you going forward.

Sleep well whilst Russia shatters your dreams.
Talking of troll factories. What beef do Indians have in this fight besides Russia being their weapon vendor? I have thought all the Marxist solidarity was gone few times over by the time Modi came to power?

Do these HT trolls do it because they really believe in it? Or just trolling for hire through commercial operation?

I have long suspected RU being way more interested in South Asia than the public acknowledges.
Indians are wayy more loyal to Russia as original source of friendship.
Indians also have communist block within their own society which resembles directly to China PLA & Russia Marxism + Stalin followers.
Total Indian population is wayy bigger than whole muslim world + they have all the backing of Western nations.
West has many faults but in most cases is more open to critiscism/self inflection then those screaming “western hypocrisy”.

in muslim world there is immense double standard. Much larger then west.
see the reaction to millions of murdered armenians vs thousands of palestinians.

“You do not care about ethnic cleansing in eastern europe…but what is really important for you is to address the “double standard” west has against palestine”

This in itself shows your own double standard.

Which is why many european states supported UN declarations against them. Have significant minorities calling for boycotts…hell a lot of the subsidies and aid towards palestine comes from EU.

Which is why almost all western countries want a two state solution.

As for not actively fighting israel…it is not a black and white situation.
The other party (arabs) refused the UN partition, started several wars of ethnic cleansing (and lost) and the palestinians themselves are knee deep in terrorism.

Accusation without substance.
My logic is simple:
1: small scale
2: both parties morally grey

1: much larger scale
2: russia much more “in the wrong”

As such more of my sympathy and focus is on ukraine.
I voted parties who favor palestinian state and financial aid. Our country even paid for a palestinian harbor.

yet i get lectured on double standard?
Many of them cheering fucking Wagner and talking about divine punishment for the jews?

Palestinians identified themselves majority as arabs. Arabs are heavily involved in the conflict. This discussion is larger.
These Putinites have no clue that the US cia Republicans, Brexit UK mi6 Tories and Likud gets stronger with a weaker EU.

I am not the only one saying this. The same Trump, that wanted to give Jerusalem to Israel, wants the EU as weak as possible:

We are (for the) first time in the history in a situation where the President of the United States and (the) President of Russia seem to share the same view on Europe: the weaker, the better, because they think that it’s better for their own country, which is obviously not right,” Katainen, who is also the former prime minister of Finland said.

Washington, London, Tel Aviv don't want to lose Europe to Europe finding out the US cia Republicans are behind the war, behind Putin, so the US, UK and Israel support Ukraine overtly.

Trumper Republicans Bannon, Flynn, Tucker and the rest of the GOP Russia Republicans cheer for Putin, support Russia, because Putin is doing the deed that cia Washington wants of Putin, to destroy rival Europe.

Donald Trump Says European Union 'Is a Foe' Bigger Than Russia and China​

Trump is the fake populist, the face of the cia Pompeo deepstate agenda against Europe.

Trump wants to break apart Europe. Trump sees the EU as bigger foe than China. Pro-Putin Trump and pro-Russia Trumpers support Putin, Russia and the war on Europe, covertly or overtly. Putin is seeking to destroy Europe.

These connections cannot be more clear. The weakening of Europe was the policy of the Trump during the Pompeo years. Pompeo calls Putin savvy and said Pompeo has enormous respect for Putin. While Mike Pompeo own policy was the weakening of Europe with Trump. Russia Republicans do not want a weakened Russia, they want Ukraine to give land to Russia in a victory for Putin.

The US is at a place where with cia Republicans consider allies to be foes, and want their allies as weak as possible.

The GOP that is privately cheering for Putin.

How the GOP Became the Party of Putin​

Russia is no threat to the deepstate of cia Republicans. The European Union is the bigger foe than China. To hide this covert warfare, Biden sends enough arms to Ukraine to not liberate the entirety of Ukraine, only prolong the war, with more covert warfare against the EU with high energy prices and economic troubles.
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