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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Finland will join the NATO within days.


Great slap in the face for Putin, for Russia

Turkey hints to approve Sweden after national election.

Finland and Sweden have been NATO countries since 1940s.

Deputy chairman of the Russian security Council and former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev writes : Europe is discussing the crazy idea of sending some "peacekeepers" to Ukraine under the auspices of NATO. What do you think of this? Alliance countries continue to supply the Kiev regime with weapons, tanks, and other military equipment as best they can. They send their killing instructors and bloody mercenaries every day. They support, praise, and kiss the Banderite bastards with all their hearts and give them various prizes and medals. And now, therefore, they are supposedly going to persuade them not to go to war with Russia, to "stick a bayonet in the ground." The NATO is not just a bunch of punk-*** bitches who are off their rocker and have the nerve to do anything about it. They take everyone else for a bunch of fucking idiots. And, smirking cynically, they offer their "peacekeeping" services. Their true intentions are clear: to establish a profitable peace on the line of contact from a position of force [by using force]. To introduce their "peacekeeping" troops into Ukraine with machine guns and on tanks, wearing some blue helmets with yellow stars. The history of operations carried out by the United States and its allies in various regions of the world shows how they end. The tragedies of Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many African countries... It is clear that the so-called NATO peacekeepers are just going to enter the conflict on the side of our enemies. to get their hands dirty on this, bringing the situation to the point of no return. to unleash the very Third World War, which they are so afraid of. It is also obvious that these "peacemakers" are our direct enemies. Wolves in sheep's clothing They will be a legitimate target for our Armed Forces if they deploy on the front lines without Russia's consent with weapons in hand and directly threaten us. And then these "peacekeepers" must be ruthlessly destroyed. They are soldiers of the enemy. They are combatants, not "letter writers," and they will die in hostilities. The only thing that remains to be clarified is whether Europe is ready for a long line of coffins of European "peacekeepers."
Typical hypocrites. And they are not even ashamed of themselves.

Precisely, which is why Russia must win in Ukraine. For far to long the world has been living in there BS "Rules Based Order" and all the while they have subjugated, controlled and interfered with many nations around the world under the guise of freedom and democracy. Prime examples being Pakistan & Ukraine. Enough of their BS.

Putin starting the war skyrocketed gas prices. It also took several months for EU to set up alternatives.

So with 10 fold price, that half year of gas use was still a record year.

But look at the second half 2022 usage?

Now gas price is back to 40.
I assume you know basic math?
Extrapolate jan/feb use times price for the year and you will see a record low revenue for 2023 coming in for russia….
The low price is due to low business activities also there is recession in Europe
The low price is due to low business activities also there is recession in Europe

Lower price is due to panic settling down and market re-routing. Alongside less demand. There is not even a serious recession yet…else prices would go to 20 and russia would be even more fucked.

2022 was a windfall for russia with high prices and high demand.
2023 will have low prices and low demand (part due to sanctions)

Pain is coming for russia.
Gas to europe was 10 times the amount it can pump to china….poof..gone.
Deputy chairman of the Russian security Council and former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev writes : Europe is discussing the crazy idea of sending some "peacekeepers" to Ukraine under the auspices of NATO. What do you think of this? Alliance countries continue to supply the Kiev regime with weapons, tanks, and other military equipment as best they can. They send their killing instructors and bloody mercenaries every day. They support, praise, and kiss the Banderite bastards with all their hearts and give them various prizes and medals. And now, therefore, they are supposedly going to persuade them not to go to war with Russia, to "stick a bayonet in the ground." The NATO is not just a bunch of punk-*** bitches who are off their rocker and have the nerve to do anything about it. They take everyone else for a bunch of fucking idiots. And, smirking cynically, they offer their "peacekeeping" services. Their true intentions are clear: to establish a profitable peace on the line of contact from a position of force [by using force]. To introduce their "peacekeeping" troops into Ukraine with machine guns and on tanks, wearing some blue helmets with yellow stars. The history of operations carried out by the United States and its allies in various regions of the world shows how they end. The tragedies of Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many African countries... It is clear that the so-called NATO peacekeepers are just going to enter the conflict on the side of our enemies. to get their hands dirty on this, bringing the situation to the point of no return. to unleash the very Third World War, which they are so afraid of. It is also obvious that these "peacemakers" are our direct enemies. Wolves in sheep's clothing They will be a legitimate target for our Armed Forces if they deploy on the front lines without Russia's consent with weapons in hand and directly threaten us. And then these "peacekeepers" must be ruthlessly destroyed. They are soldiers of the enemy. They are combatants, not "letter writers," and they will die in hostilities. The only thing that remains to be clarified is whether Europe is ready for a long line of coffins of European "peacekeepers."

Wrong. Finland, Sweden are part of the west, not NATO. I can drive my car from Germany to Finland, Sweden without any restrictions, without any control. Just take the highways. Putin pushing them into the NATO. Great move. Russia in opposite is part of barbarism. A wrong word, a wrong sentence will bring you into the next gulag.

Wagner advances in Eastern part of Central Bakhmut. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.01

Deputy chairman of the Russian security Council and former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev writes : Europe is discussing the crazy idea of sending some "peacekeepers" to Ukraine under the auspices of NATO. What do you think of this? Alliance countries continue to supply the Kiev regime with weapons, tanks, and other military equipment as best they can. They send their killing instructors and bloody mercenaries every day. They support, praise, and kiss the Banderite bastards with all their hearts and give them various prizes and medals. And now, therefore, they are supposedly going to persuade them not to go to war with Russia, to "stick a bayonet in the ground." The NATO is not just a bunch of punk-*** bitches who are off their rocker and have the nerve to do anything about it. They take everyone else for a bunch of fucking idiots. And, smirking cynically, they offer their "peacekeeping" services. Their true intentions are clear: to establish a profitable peace on the line of contact from a position of force [by using force]. To introduce their "peacekeeping" troops into Ukraine with machine guns and on tanks, wearing some blue helmets with yellow stars. The history of operations carried out by the United States and its allies in various regions of the world shows how they end. The tragedies of Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many African countries... It is clear that the so-called NATO peacekeepers are just going to enter the conflict on the side of our enemies. to get their hands dirty on this, bringing the situation to the point of no return. to unleash the very Third World War, which they are so afraid of. It is also obvious that these "peacemakers" are our direct enemies. Wolves in sheep's clothing They will be a legitimate target for our Armed Forces if they deploy on the front lines without Russia's consent with weapons in hand and directly threaten us. And then these "peacekeepers" must be ruthlessly destroyed. They are soldiers of the enemy. They are combatants, not "letter writers," and they will die in hostilities. The only thing that remains to be clarified is whether Europe is ready for a long line of coffins of European "peacekeepers."

Russia's "red lines" have been violated so many times, they won't do sh/t even if NATO sends troops to Ukraine. Putin is all talk only to please his internal and third world audience.

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