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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine is Nazi, and the USA wants to use the Nazis.
Funny to see, how butthurt this MeFishToo everytime is, if someone points to this fact.

He is since May in this forum and already has two times more post than me, acting like a propaganda bot. And all post are the same: Russia bad. Did i forget something? Ah, yes: Whitewashing the westoids and their usefull nazi idiot Ukropistan.
Ok but passive radars can do the same thing as active radars. They can detect flying objects, determine the bearing, the range, the speed, the size. If comparing to active radar it’s hard to impossible for the enemy to detect because it emits no active radar beams. A good thing.
But to be fair too. There is no good passive radar yet. All still in infancy. Will take time.

I guess u got spanked enough by ur ex enemy and new masters 😂. Was fun seeing u spanked by them while u keep trying ur best to be a loyal subject 😂
well, what about a network of radars what detect the "airplane" far away and then send the coordinates to a SAM-batterie what is "near" the "airplane" and what then look at these coordinates with EO and detect with EO and then fire a missile to the EO-coordinates and then the missile homing in with own seeker? Ah, sorry, just dreaming...
It is dreaming because coordinates imply stationary? Maybe, just maybe, you do your own research about the subject.
Ukraine is Nazi, and the USA wants to use the Nazis.

You are right. US imposed Regime in Kiev is Nazi, so is current regime in Washington.
USA created in the former Ukraine cult of Nazi Stepan Bandera.

Monument of US-founded Nazi Stepan Bandera in the former Ukraine:

US stooge and former "president" of the Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko promoting US-founded Nazi Stepan Bandera (he is advertising "Bandera" honey) :
Były prezydent Ukrainy reklamuje słodycze z wizerunkiem Bandery.png

Another US stooge and also former "president" of the Ukraine Petro Poroshenko promoting US-founded Nazi Bandera (he is driving a car with "Banderomobil" sign):
Poroshenko Banderomobil.jpg

Stepan Bandera and his thugs while working for Nazi Germany killed tens of thousands of Polish People in Wolhynia region. After Germany was defeated by the Soviet Union Bandera started to work for the so called USA.
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I guess u got spanked enough by ur ex enemy and new masters 😂. Was fun seeing u spanked by them while u keep trying ur best to be a loyal subject 😂
He is so servile, writting his *ss of to spread UKUSA propaganda. Trying to teach people here about eastern Europe and Ukraine, because he as a Vietnamese living in Germoney is such an expert regarding that matter. :lol:
It is dreaming because coordinates imply stationary? Maybe, just maybe, you do your own research about the subject.
No coords don't imply stationary, you are trying here to build a strawman argument.

You have more or less exact coords + vector + timestamp and and a more or less live update. Even in the Vietnam War Russian S-75 SAM were able to use this and then open suprisingly fire with an another battery. Yes, this battery had to use it's own radar then, but the warning time was so small for your murican aircraft, because they were deep in the destruction zone, so they got downed.

And this SAM networking was used >50 years ago ...
No coords don't imply stationary, you are trying here to build a strawman argument.

You have more or less exact coords + vector + timestamp and and a more or less live update. Even in the Vietnam War Russian S-75 SAM were able to use this and then open suprisingly fire with an another battery. Yes, this battery had to use it's own radar then, but the warning time was so small for your murican aircraft, because they were deep in the destruction zone, so they got downed.

And this SAM networking was used >50 years ago ...
Aaahhh...So you are talking about real time update from remote transmitters km away to the SAM launchers. In other words, you got no real defense against US SEAD/DEAD tactics. Like I said many times before, if US/NATO airpower is in Ukraine, we would own the sky. :enjoy:
Aaahhh...So you are talking about real time update from remote transmitters km away to the SAM launchers. In other words, you got no real defense against US SEAD/DEAD tactics. Like I said many times before, if US/NATO airpower is in Ukraine, we would own the sky. :enjoy:
Even the old BUK M1 TELAR would give you a serious *** kicking, because they were developed to overcome your typical SEAD tactics.

But keep bragging your murica stronk narrative. You obviously need it.
You are right. US imposed Regime in Kiev is Nazi, so is current regime in Washington.
USA created in the former Ukraine cult of Nazi Stepan Bandera.

Monument of US-founded Nazi Stepan Bandera in the former Ukraine:
View attachment 871264

US stooge and former "president" of the Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko promoting US-founded Nazi Stepan Bandera (he is advertising "Bandera" honey) :
View attachment 871266

Another US stooge and also former "president" of the Ukraine Petro Poroshenko promoting US-founded Nazi Bandera (he is driving a car with "Banderomobil" sign):
View attachment 871271

Stepan Bandera and his thugs while working for Nazi Germany killed tens of thousands of Polish People in Wolhynia region. After Germany was defeated by the Soviet Union Bandera started to work for the so called USA.
WhatsApp Image 2022-05-06 at 12.14.02 PM.jpeg
0    01                38053d2-8ab7-40e8-9df5-8831d28fd160.jpg
Good, so far they failed to gain air dominance. Now let see those bird fall from the sky or get blown up on their airports like in crimea.

After russia burned through their tanks, burns their artillery (barrel use), their smart munitions (using sam-300 for ground attack), now let them burn through their aviation.

Due to Ukraines noble sacrifices, atleast no country will have to fear russian invasions for atleast the next decade if not more.

In fact, we can clearly see from the voting results of the United Nations that Ukraine is indeed Nazi.

View attachment 871235

The United Nations proposed a ban on beautifying the Nazis. Only two countries in the world oppose this proposal. One is the USA, the other is Ukraine.
In context: They are against due to russia wesponizing the terminology to excuse murdering innocents and quelling internal resistence.

Furthermore, you didnt give a shit about UN when vast majority condemned Russias war of agression…..

And now when it “suits you” you quote them….hypocrite…human rights have a on/off button for you?
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Even the old BUK M1 TELAR would give you a serious *** kicking, because they were developed to overcome your typical SEAD tactics.

But keep bragging your murica stronk narrative. You obviously need it.
Considering the shiddy performance of the VKS over Ukraine, you should self restrain. We got plenty of your gear in the Nevada desert.
Good, so far they failed to gain air dominance. Now let see those bird fall from the sky or get blown up on their airports like in crimea.
What is your definition of air dominance/air superiority
Considering the shiddy performance of the VKS over Ukraine, you should self restrain. We got plenty of your gear in the Nevada desert.
Get your basic facts straight first. VKS wasn't even really used till today.

And Russia has plenty of experience with your tactics after all your wars etc. Here is one example. Too bad the libyan operators were too noobish to start the missiles sooner and get a SR-71 kill:

The type repeatedly ridiculed your nationality with a racialist epithet ("Iranian physics"), and you still deferently address them with "dear"?! Something tells me your tone would have been slightly less accommodating, had the user been Russian for instance.
you can ask anybody on forum how i speak with them even if I'm just angry at something and trolling, by the way that anybody don't include the super troll and false-flagger Falcon .
my harshest argument in the forum was with Mohsen , ask him how i addressed him.
Let this serve as a lesson illustrating the maniacal nature of the enmity harbored by US regime supporters against the Iranian nation and people. No matter how low you bow to them, they'll still treat you like dirt.
bowing to somebody means you let go of your belief and agree to whatever he say . has nothing to do with your tone , sometimes being gentle is a lot more effective than taking a sword in your hand and attack anybody

Worse, Ukraine long range artillery now is decimating Russians at the southern flank.
Unlike the terrain at Donbas, the south of Ukraine is mostly flat, very suitable for artillery strikes.
Now the Russians waiting for great offensive that may never come. Or at least not this month.
It looks like a Ukraine plot.
if it is flat , then its perfect ground for hunting those artillery . if Russia don't do that there must be something fundamentally wrong here
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