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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Urgent .. Russian Defense:
By order of Commander Vladimir Putin, our forces began maneuvers with intercontinental ballistic missiles "Yars".
The maneuvers have now started with more than 3,000 soldiers and about 300 pieces of equipment.

Russian news agency TASS: Yars nuclear missiles have entered combat patrol status.



"President Vladimir Putin has aimed to make the Yars missile system, which replaced the Topol system, part of Russia's "invincible weapons" and the mainstay of the ground-based component of its nuclear arsenal."
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So, let Russia do Russian things, not like you fighting the damn war.
Waste of lives. Can’t they do something useful instead? What’s about a nuclear powered vacuum cleaner that sucks all CO2 out of air? That’s I am waiting for.
Its was such an obvious propaganda stunt. But the pro russian trolls do not care, they will just move along searching for another lie to spread.
Must of those claims have been refuted, but once shared they will resurface again and again in support of the russian narrative trying to justify the russian invasion.

They never spend a second replying or defending their obvious lies. This is deliberate.

1. They know its undefendable bullshit anyway
2. Better to bring up another lie or half-truth or whataboutism.

Goal is that some of this stuff “sticks”.
“Truth is in the middle” reflex.
Losing sight of what was debunked or not.

Ich is one of putins useful idiots.
A conspiracy nutter who thinks germany is a horrible slave state (despite scoring top 10 on freedom/upward mobility/human rights/economy) and would rather live in something like Belarussia under Putins sweet embrace.

Through this…he is a part of a nazi-like russian propaganda campaign to justify a campaign of ethnic cleansing and annexation of ukraine.

If the west was taking this conflict serious he would be trialed for treason or face steps for being a russian propagandist.
(But then again…i am more of a hardliner with communist inclinations…)
Waste of lives. Can’t they do something useful instead? What’s about a nuclear powered vacuum cleaner that sucks all CO2 out of air? That’s I am waiting for.
If you suck all co2 out of air, then nearly all plants will die and then also nearly all human will die cause of much to low oxygen in the air. So now you know how bullshit this "climate-change" agenda is.
If you suck all co2 out of air, then nearly all plants will die and then also nearly all human will die cause of much to low oxygen in the air. So now you know how bullshit this "climate-change" agenda is.
Ok good. Plants need co2, but plants need co2 on earth near atmosphere. humans don’t need co2 at all.
Putin can use ICBMs to transport nuclear power vacuum cleaners into the space. And then put them so about 100km above earth surface. The global warming begins there.
Plus all those tank would need a rework before they can put into use. It's like the Leo 1 that belgium company have, engine, transmission and suspension all needed to be rework before they can be put in the field, and then the guns also need to rewoprk and retune.

They may have 10000 old T-62/T-55 tanks in storage (I actually doubt that number) but the number they can use is extremely small, because you most likely need to cannibalise them, l so maybe 4 in 1 would ever work again.

It would have been nice if the journalists could have found out roughly how many T55s are thought to be in storage - but the 2,500 T62s are enough to last Russia about 4 months, at the rate Ukraine have been killing them. And iirc it was already a good while ago those started to be sent to the frontline. All sorts of estimates floating around - Wikipedia says there might have been ~60,000 of these old tanks manufactured but it's how many they kept or can get working again
Ok good. Plants need co2, but plants need co2 on earth near atmosphere. humans don’t need co2 at all.
WOW! So humans dont need co2, but oxygen. And plants take co2 out of the air, splitt it of into C and O, use the C and give back the O to the air. The O is then used by humans.
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