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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Heeeee Hooooo!!!
Bakhmut & Avdeevka should fall within a few weeks. With limited supply lines to Bakhmut, food and ammunition and supplies for the poor souls defending the town for the Clown of Kiev will run out. Then the PMC will roll in.
Avdeevka's encirclement is nearly complete too.

I don't think the US can play victim here. It has been deliberately 'fingering' the situation via its surveillance flights close to the war zone. To eventually provoke. If US really needed this intelligence it would send armed escort with it.

I don't think US would like Russian drones off its florida coast (in international waters). We got a glimpse of that with the balloon situation. In this scenario , after doing this for a year, it was eventually expected that there will be some retaliation. May be the US keeps doing it. May be it supports it with some EW jamming assets to make it harder to detect, or AWACS to allow drone to withdraw so SU27s are chasing ghosts.

Either way, i am surprised it took this long for RuAF to react...
Sorry but its a big difference when you have planes or drones over territory than over international waters. U.S. doesn't shoot down balloons that is still far in international waters. The Black Sea is not Russian waters. And the Russians have flown close to U.S. borders many times but never shot down.

The debut of the show involved Byers' father faking his death to uncover a conspiracy to hijack an airliner and fly it into the world trade center. The Lone Gunmen try to get to the truth of his supposed death and uncover the conspiracy.

One retrospectively relevant aspect of this pilot episode is that the airliner has been hijacked (via remote control of the plane's autopilot) and, by the end, both Byers and his father have boarded the plane to try to stop the hijacking. Through the aid of the other Gunmen, they are able to regain control of the plane and just miss crashing into the World Trade Center with the airliner. This episode aired about six months before the actual September 11 attacks against the World Trade Center later that year.

And even without proves at all, who can believe that 911 attacks were not (at least) allowed by USA deep state? someone besides you?
You ever read a disclaimer in books where they said "This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental."
Heeeee Hooooo!!!
Bakhmut & Avdeevka should fall within a few weeks. With limited supply lines to Bakhmut, food and ammunition and supplies for the poor souls defending the town for the Clown of Kiev will run out. Then the PMC will roll in.
Avdeevka's encirclement is nearly complete too.

The Wagner zombies are finished. Most are dead and wounded. They can’t take Bakhmut since 7 months. They won’t take it in the future. Putin runs out of money. He can’t pay the Wagner. He can’t give enough ammo for the Wagner.
As for poor souls, you can tell to 400,000 new Russians Putin wants to mobilize. Most of them will die worthless.

The Wagner zombies are finished. Most are dead and wounded. They can’t take Bakhmut since 7 months. They won’t take it in the future. Putin runs out of money. He can’t pay the Wagner. He can’t give enough ammo for the Wagner.
As for poor souls, you can tell to 400,000 new Russians Putin wants to mobilize. Most of them will die worthless.

Think the British MOD latest briefing said the Russian are pulling out of Bakhmut and redeploy their troop elsewhere and strengthen their line. That's what I have been saying for over 2 weeks now, they are running out of time in Bakhmut, they need to wrap things up there otherwise other part of their line would be threatened.
Think the British MOD latest briefing said the Russian are pulling out of Bakhmut and redeploy their troop elsewhere and strengthen their line. That's what I have been saying for over 2 weeks now, they are running out of time in Bakhmut, they need to wrap things up there otherwise other part of their line would be threatened.
Well, if I was a Russia general I would begin to worry. Russia’s spring offensives have stalled at all fronts they can’t do more. Putin can brag about making 1,600 tanks per year. Medwedew can threaten gulags to Russia military complex if they fail to deliver. That not changing anything.
Ukraine counteroffensives are looming. Will be interesting to observe where Ukraine tanks will break through.
Ah …Putin is serious about Russia military complex which can make 1,600 tanks per year. Triple the amount of western 420-440 tanks, Ukraine will receive this year. He means using old refurbished tanks. Factory workers are forced to work 6 day week, 12 hours shift.
Russia inherited a giant inventory of 10,000 old Soviet tanks. If he can buy or smuggle spare parts from somewhere then very possible Ukraine would face more assaults by the Russians.

Workshop for the production of tanks at Uralvagonzavod, illustrative photo from open sources
Workshop for the production of tanks at "Uralvagonzavod", illustrative photo from open sources
Ah …Putin is serious about Russia military complex which can make 1,600 tanks per year. Triple the amount of western 420-440 tanks, Ukraine will receive this year. He means using old refurbished tanks. Factory workers are forced to work 6 day week, 12 hours shift.
Russia inherited a giant inventory of 10,000 old Soviet tanks. If he can buy or smuggle spare parts from somewhere then very possible Ukraine would face more assaults by the Russians.

Workshop for the production of tanks at Uralvagonzavod, illustrative photo from open sources
Workshop for the production of tanks at "Uralvagonzavod", illustrative photo from open sources

The reality of this war is there are very little tank on tank battles and a T62 upgraded with IR sight Will be close to if not just as effective as aT90m or m1 Abrams both sides are using tanks and more of an indirect fire role. Not saying tank on tank battles are not happening it’s just less frequent. The majority of tanks are getting disabled by artillery. Russia betting on the fact that losing a t62 is a lot more cost effective than losing a t90.
The reality of this war is there are very little tank on tank battles and a T62 upgraded with IR sight Will be close to if not just as effective as aT90m or m1 Abrams both sides are using tanks and more of an indirect fire role. Not saying tank on tank battles are not happening it’s just less frequent. The majority of tanks are getting disabled by artillery. Russia betting on the fact that losing a t62 is a lot more cost effective than losing a t90.
Rightly said.

I want to add one thing. The way people are treating t90 especially m is wrong its a great modern tank and can face nato tanks easily. Russia should deploy them when nato tanks arrive. Otherwise use tanks of other variants like t62, t72 or t80 for anti infantry, bunker and fortifications. Its much effective.
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The reality of this war is there are very little tank on tank battles and a T62 upgraded with IR sight Will be close to if not just as effective as aT90m or m1 Abrams both sides are using tanks and more of an indirect fire role. Not saying tank on tank battles are not happening it’s just less frequent. The majority of tanks are getting disabled by artillery. Russia betting on the fact that losing a t62 is a lot more cost effective than losing a t90.
Yes that’s because of the nature of this war. little to nothing what the NATO calls „combined arms operations“ or in German „Gefecht der verbundenen Waffen“.
Russian tank battalions storm forward without aerial cover, without artillery, without infantry, without pioneers, without prior reconnaissance. The Russians fight WW1 tactic including human waves.

Actually Ukraine is an ideal terrain for tank operations. Germany invaded USSR with thousands of tanks, millions of men. The German tank armies moved very fast forward because Ukraine terrain is mostly flat, little vegetation, open areas, less populations in large territory.
The reality of this war is there are very little tank on tank battles and a T62 upgraded with IR sight Will be close to if not just as effective as aT90m or m1 Abrams both sides are using tanks and more of an indirect fire role. Not saying tank on tank battles are not happening it’s just less frequent. The majority of tanks are getting disabled by artillery. Russia betting on the fact that losing a t62 is a lot more cost effective than losing a t90.

Really, REALLY depends on your combine arms doctrine.

In this case, Russia are more infantry based formation and their doctrine for armour is basically using them as infantry support, tanks move as much as infantry moves. They do what we do back in WW1 (you probably have heard about it a thousand time but don't know what it means) What it basically happens was, Russia will move its troop into position first, then use the tanks to support the infantry, suppressing the target with the Infantry moving along, that's how they are fighting since WW2.

If this is the case, then yes, most of the time you won't see Tank on Tank battle because you will have to get past the screening infantry first, then you can hit the tank formation.

If Ukraine uses more or less a US version of combine arms warfare, the tanks move on and tag the infantry along, the entire formation traveling at Tank speed, and the tank would then be used to exploit and engage enemy weak point. Then you would expect tank on tank battle, and that's what we expect to see IF the Ukrianian follow the NATO playbook by the letter, whether or not they can or will is another issue.

Here is a very good video made by US Army University Press about Combine Arms Warfare

Yes that’s because of the nature of this war. little to nothing what the NATO calls „combined arms operations“ or in German „Gefecht der verbundenen Waffen“.
Russian tank battalions storm forward without aerial cover, without artillery, without infantry, without pioneers, without prior reconnaissance. The Russians fight WW1 tactic including human waves.

Actually Ukraine is an ideal terrain for tank operations. Germany invaded USSR with thousands of tanks, millions of men. The German tank armies moved very fast forward because Ukraine terrain is mostly flat, little vegetation, open areas, less populations in large territory.

As usual as a Calvary always is. If you come up to a tank /IFV obstacle as you described, yes artillery fires suppressive fire. But tankers and infantry Also provide suppressive fire while the combat Engineers clear the obstacles and saves your troops! ! Problem with Ukraine is just that same thing, they do not have a sufficient amount of engineering assets for their mechanised efforts.
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