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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Who cares what Putin demands.

Russia is struggling to conquer small villages, and youve fallen for the russian narrative. The democratic countries have provided small arms, and a few dozen heavy artillery systems, less than hundred towed artillery and some outdated Sovjet armoured vehicles and MBT. If that is all it takes to stall your mighty mother Russia, they should consider themself lucky those so called 50+ countries doesnt call Putins nuclear bluff and roll some “peace keepers” into Ukraine.

Let me predict something too. By september the russians are retreating from the western side of Dnieper River. Lets see how the russian public and the armed forces react to news like that.

Soviet Union prepared itself for the European battlefield the flat open plains

a area they know all too well, they are estimated to have over 40 million 122mm shells for their artillery systems

another words they can keep firing at this rate for years probably decades

US on other hand has built around 550 HIMARS and have stocked around 50,000 GMLRS

only 16 HIMSRS firing 2 times per day would use close to 6,000 missiles

do you understand why now US doesnt want to give more HIMARS? they simply dont have enough missiles the burn rate is too high, a dozen is the most they can send

GMLRS is a extremely expensive missile and build rate is very low even if US goes into a war footing and sends 100 x HIMSRS firing 2 times per day the entire US inventory would empty in 80 days
Soviet Union prepared itself for the European battlefield the flat open plains

a area they know all too well, they are estimated to have over 40 million 122mm shells for their artillery systems

another words they can keep firing at this rate for years probably decades

US on other hand has built around 550 HIMARS and have stocked around 50,000 GMLRS

only 16 HIMSRS firing 2 times per day would use close to 6,000 missiles

do you understand why now US doesnt want to give more HIMARS? they simply dont have enough missiles the burn rate is too high, a dozen is the most they can send

GMLRS is a extremely expensive missile and build rate is very low even if US goes into a war footing and sends 100 x HIMSRS firing 2 times per day the entire US inventory would empty in 80 days
The sovjet union prepared to wage a war like its 1945. Welcome to the future. Notice how the russians are doing in ukraines flat open plains? The russian army is build to defend Russia. Forget about moving this giant collection of scrap metal into the rest of Europe. They cant even defeat a handfull of dedicated ukrainians hidding in hedgerows with some anti tank rockets, guided missiles and manpads.
8 years of repeated warnings from Russia and the comedian thought it was just a joke

Russia could have taken entire Donbas in 2014 and it would have been much easier at that time Ukraine was weak

they said time and time again Ukraine cannot join EU and NATO

imagine Alaska breaks away and invites Russia or Scotland breaks away and invites Russia

and like cowards 50+ nations on one side and Mother Russia on the other and still they are hammering all the nations combined since no one has the guts to go on 1:1

today they have taken central Bakhmut after taking control of the East and Pisky is now 90% under Russian control

by end of August Bukhmut-Soledar-Severk

and by September Kramatrosk-Slokiasnk

and if Ukraine dont give up Odessa will be next, all the other cowards sending billons of dollars of equipment into Ukraine and the Soviet Steamroller just keeps rolling
Alaska is a bad example: US purchased it with gold and it was not a soverign country (minus a few 100 eskimos) so does not equate well.

Lets say your point is valid, that Russia wanted a buffer state and occupy it: was it worth it? Its oil supported economy will be on decline in a decade as transition from fossil accelerates. Its ability to source anything that needs a micro processor completely gone. Europeans put sweaters inside the house and deal with the winter, but how will Russia reign supremacy.

Regrettably, Putin fell into the same trap as Qaddaffi and Saddam: self-grandeur without realizing their true weaknesses because too many timid yes men surrounding them.
Alaska is a bad example: US purchased it with gold and it was not a soverign country (minus a few 100 eskimos) so does not equate well.

Lets say your point is valid, that Russia wanted a buffer state and occupy it: was it worth it? Its oil supported economy will be on decline in a decade as transition from fossil accelerates. Its ability to source anything that needs a micro processor completely gone. Europeans put sweaters inside the house and deal with the winter, but how will Russia reign supremacy.

Regrettably, Putin fell into the same trap as Qaddaffi and Saddam: self-grandeur without realizing their true weaknesses because too many timid yes men surrounding them.
Its a bad example because this has nothing to do with breakaway regions. Russia instigated, supported and participated in the so called uprising, chased away alot of ukrainians and oppressed the remaining civilians with puppet regimes to a point where nobody dares to do nothing but parroting the russian narrative.

Putin calls Russian arms ‘significantly superior’ to rivals​

President Vladimir Putin says Moscow’s weaponry is years ahead of rivals as his troops continue to battle in Ukraine.

Forever the comedian
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Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression in the EU is bogus. Here you have a young German journalist who tried to report on what is happening in Donbas to the rest of the world. The German authorities first froze her bank account(s) and then her father's and now her mother's bank accounts. Why kind of a system goes after the family of a journalist who all she has done is not to toe the line of West's narrative in Ukraine and Ukraine's criminal acts in the Donbas region?

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No transmission by radars. That is not classical radar. That’s not c band radar or something similar waves. Those radio waves are emitted by common radio stations. A stealth fighter like F35 disturbs the wave fronts when flying thru the wave soup.
The principle to passive radar was developed and deployed by Germany in WW2. German air defense was able to detect incoming British bombers.
The vid is in German however the animations show how it works.

Finally, we are getting somewhere. Basic radar principles operate on REFLECTIONS and reflections can happen only if there is/are transmission source(s). If the radar is the transmission source, aka 'ownership', then the system is considered the 'classical' setup. But if the transmission source(s) are not from the system, then it operate on the bi-static or multi-static setup. The transmissions came from other sources such as common radio signals, TV, or even cosmic background radiation (CBR). The bi/multi-static setup is misleading called 'passive radar' when it should be technically correct as passive sensor or detector. There is no such animal as a 'passive radar'.

The idea is not new and neither is the attempted execution, but to date, no one has made a consistently successful system. The Ukrainian Kolchuga system have been discussed on this forum for ten yrs. I explained what it is, how it operate, and its weaknesses. And the Kolchuga have not been successful as how many PDF-ers predicted to be the end of 'stealth'. The US Lockheed Silent Sentry is another attempt and is largely backshelf. Other countries had their own attempts and they also relegated the idea to lower priority, little more than a feel good science projects.

Here is a simplified diagram of the bi/multi-static detector setup...


The Receiver does not own the Transmitter. The Transmitter can be anything from anyone. The Receiver simply pick up any reflections from any frequency and try to sort out what reflected signals represents what. Tactically speaking, gaps can be created by damaging/destroying the city's electrical sources or by broad spectrum EM jamming, just a couple examples.

Technically speaking, does the Receiver know the reflections came from a TV or radio source? That is critical because in the classical setup, the radar computer know exactly what it transmitted and analyze the reflections for the same signature. But with the Kolchuga and Silent Sentry systems, the Receiver must be able to discern TV from radio to cellular and if there are shipping activities nearby there would be marine safety radio signals in the mix. Do you see why the attempts are largely abandoned?
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