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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Smerconish: Is US sleepwalking into WWIII?

The U-S has been incrementally doling out billions in aid and weaponry, moving the line of what it will and won't provide. CNN's Michael Smerconish asks, is it sleepwalking into another World War?
How is the lolling? And where are Abrams?

They made it up about them being in Ukraine. It was actually training in Russia itself. Abrams will come later.
I don't see any push that big; I mean if they really do dump 200,000 men like Western Intelligence suggest and they made progress no better than June last year? That is going to be a problem for Russia, because you need to contempt with a possible counterattack THAT'S ALWAYS COMING, and the real estate is the buffer you have (as Russian side) to stabilise the line so they can prepare for defensive position behind the line. This happens after Ukraine counter attacked from Izyum (They don't do that after Kharkiv because that's goes back to Russian territories) they pull back to Kreminna and building the line in svatove. And then we also see it from Kherson when the Russian retreat from Kherson and building fortification on the other side.

But then, if they just able to take Bakhmut (that is if they were able to close the cauldron to begin with) that place would have been counter attacked almost immediately after Ukraine made its move. And that's bad in military term because you are going to trap a bunch of firepower in that area because, well, you just push to get there. Russia need to push the line 20-30km away from Bakhmut for it to be a safe gain, and I seriously doubt the Russian can do that before May. Which is most likely when they culminated.
Yeah not like the push that we saw in February of last year with massive waves in coordination in multiple directions at once.
No Western country is specifically supplying weapons to KSA in relation to the Yemeni civil war. In fact most of them stopped their "offensive weapons" exports to KSA after 2014, forcing KSA (luckily in hindsight) to focus on their thriving local arms industry and looking at in-house production of key components (bombs included), and looking elsewhere for imports.
However those deals with Western firms were signed before the civil war began, meaning the deals are not party to/directly tied to Yemen. There have been deals after the war started but you should point out the nature of the deals and if they are related to Yemen because I am not aware of that being the case.

In fact there has been a gigantic propaganda campaign from Western media that falsely points to a few civilian casualties in a list of 10.000's of air operations that largely eliminated their intended targets (non-civilians). Most of the casualties are internal Yemeni vs Yemeni fighting on the ground or humanitarian related due to Houthi incompetence/policies. Case in point, zero starvation in Yemeni government controlled areas since 2014, meaning the areas where KSA/Arab coalition and the international community can freely send supplies too. Not to say that Yemen, since always in modern history, has relied completely (economically) on KSA. To this day most of Northern Yemen is financed by Northern Yemeni expats working just across the border in Southern KSA.

Western/outside assistance to KSA in regards to the Yemeni civil war (ground operations) has been limited to the US Navy patrolling international waters of which the Gulf of Aden, Bab el Mandeb, Arabian Sea, Red Sea etc. are key in terms of trade and free navigation and the dual usage of drone warfare to target specific AQAP targets and the usual counter-terrorist operations.

In any case there is no Saudi Arabian war on Yemen, unless Houthis equal Yemen. There is Saudi Arabian assistance to the legitimate and internationally recognized government in Yemen (Hadi) against an internationally recognized terrorist group (Houthis) who took power through a coup in 2014 (early phase of the so-called "Arab Spring") and later launched hostile actions towards a neighbor (Yemen). No country in KSA's position would have remained silent. In any case there has been a ceasefire for almost 1 year by now, and KSA's involvement has been limited to air campaigns and a limited number of ground troops in Southern, Eastern and Northern Yemen which all ended with liberation of Yemeni territory from the Houthis and later AQAP. Anyway Yemen is outside of the scope of this thread.
RSAF has been flying Typhoons, F-15s in air strikes plus with support from Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain F-16s and F-18s. These airplanes don't run on air. To fly and drop weapons , you need to replinish them. This is where US and UK (or rather the consortium that makes the Typhoon) have very much been at the forefront. I did not talk about casualties, I talked about the war.

And yes there is lots of Yemen vs. Yemen fighting but there is proof of civilians being killed by airstrikes. I won't let you distract from the main point that under no circumstances can this coalition led by Saudi Arabia be flying 1000s of sorties without parts being replinished.

Listen to yourself: 'Saudi Arabian campaign has been limited to Southern, Easter, Northern Yemen'. Wtf is left.

Mmh, how many and what weapons has "the West" left to send to Ukrain? Europe is nearly empty. So i dont think that the war will last another year.

Hรถ? Armata is already in Donbas, waiting on the Abrams which never will come :p:

View attachment 916016

Armatas already waiting in Donbas but Abrams never will come
Stop posting this image of yourself. We are not interested in seeing what you look like.You have now posted this image more than once. You will be reported if you do this again. Find a different image of yourself.

As for Europe being empty: now I know the IQ of advisers that Putin took advice from: the entire air strike power of NATO is unutilized as well as all its troop strength.
Yeah not like the push that we saw in February of last year with massive waves in coordination in multiple directions at once.
Well, most intel source said the offensive is underway, but I still have not see coordinated attack like it was last year, most of the attack so far is basically dump people in place to try to overwhelm the Ukrainian defences locally, they do made some progress but this kind of attack is going no where near last year.

I don't know if there are anything Russia can pull out of the hat, but at this point, their attack does not look really good.
you are trashing this forum with this image that you post several times a day. Please remove or be reported
there are several people that do that , why just pick on him , because the image is on your nerve.
why i never saw any complaint about a member and his bodybuilder images ?
Russia assault on Wuhledar ends in a disaster.
The Russians ran into laid mine fields. Ukraine artillery decimated the entire tank column. Russia troops retreated in panic leaving 30 intact tank and armor vehicles behind.


Ein ukrainischer Soldat feuert nahe der Stadt Wuhledar Granaten auf russische Stellungen ยฉ Reuters


Bilder, die von den ukrainischen Streitkrรคften verรถffentlicht wurden, ...
(Foto: picture alliance/dpa/Ukrainian Armed Forces)


... zeigen die รœberreste des russischen Angriffs.

(Foto: picture alliance/dpa/Ukrainian Armed Forces/AP)

Russia cuts oil production by 500,000 barrels or 5 percent starting in March.
Time is not on Russia side. If the war continues down the road vast Russia population will face unprecedented poverty according to economists.
Russia will become a mix version of NK, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.

Russia cuts oil production by 500,000 barrels or 5 percent starting in March.
Time is not on Russia side. If the war continues down the road vast Russia population will face unprecedented poverty according to economists.
Russia will become a mix version of NK, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.

They can't possibly be cutting so little as they can't be exporting all the stuff they previously been exporting to Europe through the pipe through their ports.

Mostly for the reason that these oil wells are physically not connected go infrastructure going to their ports, and secondly due to their far eastern ports being very tiny.
They can't possibly be cutting so little as they can't be exporting all the stuff they previously been exporting to Europe through the pipe through their ports.

Mostly for the reason that these oil wells are physically not connected go infrastructure going to their ports, and secondly due to their far eastern ports being very tiny.
Itโ€™s all about raising the costs for Russia. Putin must chose between 3 meals per days for Russia population or war. Or he means Russians are tough they will survive on 2 or 1 meal per day.

Russia oil exports make up the largest portion of revenues. without oil exports Russia is bankrupt. Russia canโ€™t import anything. The biggest problem is Russia canโ€™t make much anything domestic. Putin is much a mafia boss he is much focused on selling oil, gas and other minerals. He ignores domestic productions.

Now with sanctions in place and more sanctions coming, Putin sells oil $25-30 lower than market price. Thatโ€™s not sustainable.
How much longer do you think Russia can sustain these levels of losses? Over 9,000 to date, over 5,000 of that is armor. At this level of intensity, Iโ€™m thinking two years tops before Russia has to wave the white flag. They have a ton of cannon fodder, but eventually your armor losses become to big to sustain operations.

This practice of " cannon fodder " is about to end soon.

By my calculations in two months most of the Wagner convicts will end their 6 month contract , while Wagner group said they are no longer recruiting convicts.

That is some 40,000 less Russian fighters.

The Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, said last week that โ€œthe possible decline in the Wagner Groupโ€™s prison recruitment campaign may be an indicator that the Russian Ministry of Defense intends to sideline the Wagner Group in future offensive operations,โ€ meaning โ€œthe Wagner Group no longer needs large numbers of convict volunteers for a high pace of attritional human wave attacks.โ€


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you are trashing this forum with this image that you post several times a day. Please remove or be reported

You dont like pictures of Joe Biden? I like him. He is a nice guy who help destroying US from within.
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