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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The fact that Russia didn't use them until long after the war started is highly suspicious.

It is understood that until long after the war started, Russia was using tactics less conducive to their deployment, as stressed by user Hack-Hook. Indeed kamikaze UAV's have been deployed to target fixed dual-use infrastructure, something Moscow was deliberately avoiding for numerous weeks into the conflict.

Initially, Iran denied ever selling the drones in the first place, so we have no reason to trust Iran's narrative.

Careful examination of Iranian declarations will show that what Iran denied, was the notion that drones were supplied specifically for or during the conflict in Ukraine. So Iran's statements have been consistent.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said Saturday Tehran provided Moscow with a limited number of drones months before the war in Ukraine ( ... ). Previously, he had said, "Iran has not provided any weapons to Russia for the war in Ukraine," implying that some arms were transferred, without referring to drones.
https://www.iranintl. com/en/202211059003

"We have various forms of cooperation with Russia, including in the sphere of defense, but we are not helping either side involved in the [Ukrainian] conflict because we are certain that it should be concluded.

also, Iran does have a history of faking weapons programs,

Token instances of inadequate presentation rather than faking.

but when it comes to UAVs I've always thought Iran was and is quite capable.

I was referring to the (pro-)western sources which claim Iran has supplied drones to Russia after the start of the current conflict. (Pro-)western media did not share your assessment on this, since they are pretty much on the record for trying to sow doubts about the authenticity of Iranian achievements in the drone department. One common example among plenty:

Iran’s Drone Fake?​

Iran is claiming to have America’s RQ-170 UAV drone seemingly intact. Some suspect the images were faked.

By December 09, 2011

Elsewhere sources aligned on NATO have even insinuated that Iran is selling ammunition to Ukraine.

I choose not to trust such self-contradicting narratives.

Again, we both know this. It suits your narrative to deny it, but the truth remains the same.

You're speaking for yourself.
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Saddams regime was illegal.

The USA regime assisted Saddam's Baath Party in seizing power in Iraq. Washington is therefore responsible in this regard.


Saddam was prosecuted and convicted by an Iraqi court after being defeated in a war he started.

Not for his crimes against Iran. The kangaroo court before which Saddam was hauled deliberately failed to mention these. Unsurprisingly, since Iraq's occupiers who set up the court had themselves been involved in this aggression. Including in facilitating WMD attacks on Iran by way of chemical weapons. This makes them accomplices and aggressors too.

Some details can be found here:

Moreover, USA regime officials are yet to be prosecuted and judged for empowering the Iraqi Baath Party to take over the government in Baghdad.

The US presented three Casus Belli. For the war to be illegal, all three have to be false.

Making up fake casus belli is what aggressors do. It's not the behaviour of a law abiding state. The fact that the USA regime fabricated several bogus casus belli shows it had no leg to stand on legally.

The other casus belli you're presenting as valid, boils down to a statement by USA intelligence services (namely, that Iraq had sought to assassinate Bush senior in Kuwait during a state visit years prior). The same intelligence services which had contributed to peddling lies about Iraqi WMD and links to the 9/11 attacks. Of course no evidence was shown for the assassination story.

Bottom line, the USA invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a characterized illicit aggression.

International Law exists, but that does not mean that law breakers like Russia and Iran always get their deserved punishment.

Law breakers such as the USA regime and a number of its close allies will face international justice. It's only a matter of time.
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90%+ of the equipment of the Iraqi Armed Forces came from the Soviet Union.
The only combat aircraft I am aware of that was delivered was the Mirage F1.
The French held up further deliveries for years after the invasion started.
F1s and the Exocets were enough to cause mayhem in the Persian Gulf shipping lanes, even leading to the accidental destruction of USS Stark from a misfired Exocet. You can't fly F-1s for 8 years into the war and keep firing exocets (Stark was in 1988) without fresh missiles and continued aircraft parts.

So the higher moral ground of not supporting a combatant against Iran does not fly.
Careful examination of Iranian declarations will show that what Iran denied, was the notion that drones were supplied specifically for or during the conflict in Ukraine. So Iran's statements have been consistent.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said Saturday Tehran provided Moscow with a limited number of drones months before the war in Ukraine ( ... ). Previously, he had said, "Iran has not provided any weapons to Russia for the war in Ukraine," implying that some arms were transferred, without referring to drones.
https://www.iranintl. com/en/202211059003

"We have various forms of cooperation with Russia, including in the sphere of defense, but we are not helping either side involved in the [Ukrainian] conflict because we are certain that it should be concluded.

This is fair position if true.
Iran should stay neutral to this conflict.
Friends are valuable but one should draw a line at acts of aggression.
It is understood that until long after the war started, Russia was using tactics less conducive to their deployment, as stressed by user Hack-Hook. Indeed kamikaze UAV's have been deployed to target fixed dual-use infrastructure, something Moscow was deliberately avoiding for numerous weeks into the conflict.

Careful examination of Iranian declarations will show that what Iran denied, was the notion that drones were supplied specifically for or during the conflict in Ukraine. So Iran's statements have been consistent.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said Saturday Tehran provided Moscow with a limited number of drones months before the war in Ukraine ( ... ). Previously, he had said, "Iran has not provided any weapons to Russia for the war in Ukraine," implying that some arms were transferred, without referring to drones.
https://www.iranintl. com/en/202211059003

"We have various forms of cooperation with Russia, including in the sphere of defense, but we are not helping either side involved in the [Ukrainian] conflict because we are certain that it should be concluded.

Token instances of inadequate presentation rather than faking.

I was referring to the (pro-)western sources which claim Iran has supplied drones to Russia after the start of the current conflict. (Pro-)western media did not share your assessment on this, since they are pretty much on the record for trying to sow doubts about the authenticity of Iranian achievements in the drone department. One common example among plenty:

Iran’s Drone Fake?​

Iran is claiming to have America’s RQ-170 UAV drone seemingly intact. Some suspect the images were faked.

By December 09, 2011

Elsewhere sources aligned on NATO have even insinuated that Iran is selling ammunition to Ukraine.

I choose not to trust such self-contradicting narratives.

You're speaking for yourself.
You're arguing semantics. But again, I'm not gonna stop you from pretending otherwise, go ahead. I'm just here to inform you that no one buys your narrative.
What u.s needs to do is throw its entire weight behind Ukraine in order to give a bloody bloody nose and destruction and shock and awe to invading russian establishment and invading russian armed forces
OK and then what?

You're arguing semantics. But again, I'm not gonna stop you from pretending otherwise, go ahead. I'm just here to inform you that no one buys your narrative.
I buy SalarHaqq narative, so you are wrong:rofl:
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This is fair position if true.
Iran should stay neutral to this conflict.
Friends are valuable but one should draw a line at acts of aggression.
Why should the Iranians be neutral when the same countries supplying arms to fight Russia also provide arms against Iran? Same with Pakistan , wasn't Swedish Bofors used against Pakistani soldiers on the border with India, Israeli weapons used in Kashmir, French Rafales will be used against PAF, US weapons left in Afghanistan are killing PA soldiers in NWP and Baluchistan, French missiles used by India during Kargil etc etc.
Confrontation between a Russian tank and a Ukrainian grenade launcher. Footage of an unusual battle in Ukraine. The Russian UAV operator, through a communications intermediary, sent the T-72 tank to the Ukrainian infantry positions, the tank, having fired at the infantry positions, continued to move, believing that everyone was destroyed there. After the passage of the tank, one of the Ukrainian grenade launchers fired a shot at the back of the tank, fortunately the armor withstood and ricocheted the grenade launcher. How the battle developed further is not reported.

The first four Russian robots "Marker" arrived in Ukraine. The robots will begin to work out combat algorithms as part of a group of combat robots. In the video, there are 2 versions of the "Marker" robot - shock and cargo. The shock version of the robot has a turret combat module capable of turning around to track a target in one second. The robot can be equipped with various weapons. The cargo version of the robot has an onboard container for transporting various cargoes, or a capsule for evacuating the wounded, equipped with a life support system.

An unusual incident occurred in Ukraine. A Russian soldier caught a drone of the Ukrainian army with his hands. The operator of the Ukrainian drone dropped a grenade on the Russian soldier, the Russian soldier, seeing this, jumped to the side and pretended to be dead. After that, the drone descended to a low altitude, where it was caught by a Russian soldier.

Russia starts the long participated offensive with 3 divisions towards Luhansk. The fightings focusing on Swatowe-Kremina line.
The Russians seem in hurry. The temperature will rise over the next days and weeks, the mud season comes faster than expected. that will make tanks movement harder.

Abwehrfeuer: Ukrainische Artillerie schießt am 24. Januar auf russische Ziele in der Nähe der umkämpften Stadt Bakhmut

Abwehrfeuer: Ukrainische Artillerie schießt am 24. Januar auf russische Ziele in der Nähe der umkämpften Stadt Bakhmut Bild: REUTERS

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