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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

According to a comprehensive US intelligence report William Burns the director of the CIA says there will be very heavy losses in the few next months before the counter-offensive in the middle of spring.. and presented a forecast view where he emphasized that the Ukrainian army has lost its basic characteristics and its ability to conduct counter-offensives.. and that according to the ground realities the AFU will be in a worst situation from here to the middle of spring or middle of April.. and in this period of time the AFU is going to lose big numbers of its forces on top of thousands of kilometers it is holding now.. Confirming that the next 6 months will be decisive in this war..he splits this period to 2 phases; in the first phase the AFU should prepare itself for very heavy losses.. in men, material and ground..Because the Russians are going to destroy its defensive lines.. Also the political elite of Ukraine will hence feel fatigue and deception because of the losses on the ground..He also confirmed that the speculations in the west that the arrival of tanks to Ukraine will change the situation is not true..The training on these tanks will take 1 and a half month at least.. and there should not be any exaggerations about the role of these tanks.. There is no doubt about losing Bakhmut and other cities.. and it is clear that the Russians will liberate the whole Donetsk and Luhansk before the AFU is ready to conduct a counter-offensive..

Also today according to the governor of Donetsk, Denis Bushlin, The RF have finished the encirclement of Bakhmut and all its supply lines..thus trapping 3000 soldiers from the AFU inside it..The foreigners have all fled..

In the meanwhile today, Germany approved sending 88 Leopard1 tanks to Ukraine.. but they have only 5000 shells for it..which might be spent in one day of battle..Germany asked Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil for more munition.. but they refused and said they value their neutrality.. Now Germany is asking Qatar to sell it back 15 Leopard2 that were sold before the world cup..

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According to a comprehensive US intelligence report William Burns the director of the CIA says there will be very heavy losses in the few next months before the counter-offensive in the middle of spring.. and presented a forecast view where he emphasized that the Ukrainian army has lost its basic characteristics and its ability to conduct counter-offensives.. and that according to the ground realities the AFU will be in a worst situation from here to the middle of spring or middle of April.. and in this period of time the AFU is going to lose big numbers of its forces on top of thousands of kilometers it is holding now.. Confirming that the next 6 months will be decisive in this war..he splits this period to 2 phases; in the first phase the AFU should prepare itself for very heavy losses.. in men, material and ground..Because the Russians are going to destroy their defensive lines.. Also the political elite of Ukraine will hence feel fatigue and deception because of the losses on the ground..He also confirmed that the speculations in the west that the arrival of tanks to Ukraine will change the situation is not true..The training on these tanks will take 1 and a half month at least.. and there should not be any exaggerations about the role of these tanks.. There is no doubt about losing Bakhmut and other cities.. and it is clear that the Russians will liberate the whole Donesk and Luhansk before the AFU is ready to conduct a counter-offensive..

Also today according to the governor of Donesk, Denis Bushlin, The RF have finished the encirclement of Bakhmut and all its supply lines..thus trapping 3000 soldiers from the AFU inside it..The foreigners have all fled..

In the meanwhile today, Germany approved sending 88 Leopard1 tanks to Ukraine.. but they have only 5000 pieces of munition for it..which might be spent in one day of battle..Germany asked Switzerland, Argentina and Brasil for more munition.. but they refused and said they value their neutrality.. Now Germany is asking Qatar to sell it back 15 Leopard2 that were sold before the world cup..

Real question is what will russia do.
Russia will take areas it claim before may as ukrainian front is collapsing.

What happens when russia complete its objectives and calls a unilateral cease fire.

Will ukriane continue with russians dig in their positions, will west continue to supply ukriane?
Real question is what will russia do.
Russia will take areas it claim before may as ukrainian front is collapsing.

What happens when russia complete its objectives and calls a unilateral cease fire.

Will ukriane continue with russians dig in their positions, will west continue to supply ukriane?
The risk is if the Ukrainian resistance collapses the Russians might go for the whole of Ukraine. The firepower the Russians are unleashing is causing immense damage to Ukrainian army and a lot of pain to the Russians.
Germany approved sending 88 Leopard1 tanks to Ukraine

88... Those who read up on neo-Nazism will be able to explain the popularity of this particular number with the political current in question. Indeed, the eighth letter of the Latin alphabet being h, 8 and 8 will thus be translatable into hh - in neo-Nazi symbolism, an abbreviation for "heil Hitler!" ("hail to Hitler!", a standard phrase of salutation in Germany during the Third Reich).

This sort of codification was resorted to by neo-Nazis mostly because the Federal Republic of Germany had banned the act of pronouncing the terms "heil Hitler" or "Sieg heil" ("hail victory") in an endorsing way in public, much like the act of performing the Roman salute or displaying a swastika have been outlawed. So pedantic can the German judiciary be about this, that a leftist activist of the so-called Antifa movement was sent to court (and sentenced if I'm not mistaken) for wearing a t-shirt which depicted a matchstick figure throwing a swastika into a trash bin, an obvious message of antagonism towards National-Socialism.

Whether the German regime's decision to approve dispatching 88 Leopard-1 tanks to Ukraine - not 87, not 89, is merely a coincidence or whether it's deliberately intended to add insult to injury in attempted psychological aggression against Russians (of pretty dastardly and hypocritical nature, if true), cannot be determined with certainty at this moment in time. However, deliberate or not, the odd occurrence is bound to make a nauseating impression on quite a few observers.
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Real question is what will russia do.
Russia will take areas it claim before may as ukrainian front is collapsing.

What happens when russia complete its objectives and calls a unilateral cease fire.

Will ukriane continue with russians dig in their positions, will west continue to supply ukriane?
Everything will most likely continue.. the West will continue sending weapons to Ukraine as they vowed to defeat Russia in Ukraine.. and the Russians will also continue with their plans.. Medvedev just vowed to take southern Ukraine..saying the latter will have no sea shores anymore.. So it is a war that will go on for as long as the belligerents want.. no one will blush..
OH again unnamed senior official are your source.
Sadly for you that's not evidence that's baseless accusation and as proof till today not a single Iranian missile found in Russia and all the drone found in Russia had production date prior to the start of war. No one even managed to take a single photo of Iranian weapon unloaded in Russia.
So iran is neutral the same can't be said about Sweden.
You are confused. Irans neutrality is not dependent on whether something can be proved on PDF or not. Reuters is a reputable news agency. They are not a propaganda unit like Press TV. They are reporting news, and are not specifically out to prove that Iran has violated the neutrality. Therefore the names are not important for a newsflash. They most certainly have the names of those interviewed and may have tapes of the interview as well. This means that the evidence can be produced where is needed.

So Yes, this is proof enough.

Who said you can't, you can but according to UN you will become an aggressor.
I refer you to definition of aggressor according to UN posted several page befor.
The laws of neutrality states what is allowed as a Neutral nation.
You are not allowed to ship arms to a belligerent nation. That is an ”aggression” towards the enemy of that belligerent nation.
You have not produced any proof that you are not allowed to defend against an aggressor.

You are not allowed to let a belligerent nation operate from your territory.

Assume Iran allows Russia to have airbases on Irans territory and they are are used to attack an nation at war with Russia.
You claim that non-neutral countries cannot be attacked means that that attacking those airbases would be a war of aggression.
Laws of War are not designed to give an advantage.

This simply means that your claim that non-neutral countries can be legally attacked - because they commit an aggression against the other party.

Yes repeating a lie don't make it true.

So stop lying about Iran shipping weapon.

Showing a link to a reputable news agency is not ”lying”.

So far, you have not shown any sources. You are just making your own claims, and then use your own claims as your sources in future postings.

I have produced a source that claims that delivering weapons is an act of aggression and a source which shows that Iran ships weapons toRusdia and thus has committed an act of aggression against Ukraine.

You have nothing.

Clearing the inventory?
Only america is sending millitary aid to Ukraine why dont nato is sending millitary aids to Ukraine when nato countries are closer to russia in kilometers then united states isnt nato worried about their own security is tied with Ukraine to defeat invading russian armed forces and russian establishment
Why are You trolling?

The Pentagon: The US arms package to Ukraine includes two Hawk air defense units and precision-guided missiles

The Pentagon: The package includes additional ammunition for HIMARS missile systems, 155 mm artillery shells and mine-resistant vehicles.



Ukrainian media:

This is how the high-precision GLSDB missiles work, which can reach the bases of the occupiers in the north of Crimea, and which we will get soon.

🎖 Zelensky:
NATO must nuke Russia before Putin nukes us.

Real question is what will russia do.
Russia will take areas it claim before may as ukrainian front is collapsing.

What happens when russia complete its objectives and calls a unilateral cease fire.

Will ukriane continue with russians dig in their positions, will west continue to supply ukriane?
Putin adopts a tactic of zombies: flooding Ukraine defenders with men and materials.

88... Those familiar with neo-Nazism have explained how this particular number happens to be popular with the political current in question. The eighth letter of the Latin alphabet being h, 8 and 8 will thus correspond to hh - in neo-Nazi symbolism, an abbreviation for "heil Hitler!" ("hail to Hitler!", a standard salutation phrase during the Third Reich).

These sorts of codifications were resorted to by neo-Nazis mostly because the Federal Republic of Germany had banned the act of pronouncing the words "heil Hitler" or "Sieg heil" in a supportive / affirmative way in public, much like the act of performing the Roman salute or displaying a swastika have been outlawed. So pedantic can the German judiciary be about this, that a leftist activist of the so-called Antifa movement was sent to court (and sentenced if I'm not mistaken) for wearing a t-shirt which depicted a matchstick figure throwing a swastika into a trash can, an obvious illustration of antagonism towards National-Socialism.

Whether the German regime's decision to approve sending 88 Leopard-1 tanks to Ukraine - not 87, not 89, is merely a coincidence or whether it's deliberately intended to add insult to injury in a move of psychological aggression against Russia (a pretty dastardly and hypocritical one if true), cannot be determined with certainty at this moment in time. However, deliberate or not, this is bound to make a nauseating impression on quite a few observers.
Nonsense. You apparently see nazi everywhere. 88 is considered as fortune number. Ask the Chinese they will confirm.
In Vietnam we consider 99 as fortune number.

If you want more fortune you add more 8 or 9 into the number: 888 or 999.
You are confused. Irans neutrality is not dependent on whether something can be proved on PDF or not. Reuters is a reputable news agency. They are not a propaganda unit like Press TV. They are reporting news, and are not specifically out to prove that Iran has violated the neutrality. Therefore the names are not important for a newsflash. They most certainly have the names of those interviewed and may have tapes of the interview as well. This means that the evidence can be produced where is needed.

So Yes, this is proof enough.

1) Reuters stating something without providing evidence does not constitute proof.

2) Yes, Reuters has and is publishing propaganda and inaccuracies on Iran. Their so-called reputability does not extend beyond the imperial realm of political, economical and cultural domination.

3) Your argumentation is confounding the facts. Reuters never quoted Iranian officials as claiming their government supplied weaponry to Russia after the start of the conflict. Reuters simply makes the unproven and questionable assertion, that Iran promised Moscow further drone deliveries i.e. that Iran had not gone ahead with these at the time of writing. A promise and an actual deed are two wholly separate matters, no court nor lawyer will ever proceed to equate them. So even if the story were true, it may refer to supplies scheduled to take place after the end of the war, or simply to an empty promise. This is why in international relations promises are valueless. Only signed and ratified contracts aren't.

In sum, you have nothing to substantiate the allegation that Iran transferred weaponry to Russia during the ongoing conflict. Hence the inoperative semantic slips and cognitive shortcuts you're bound to rely on.

Iran has perfectly observed neutrality in this affair. Now that Ukraine publicly declared it has carried out military aggression against Iran, Tehran is legally entitled to strike back if it so chooses.
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