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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

"Perception" is self belief and may or may not be true. e.g. you have perception that he has wrong perception.

Who shall we believe?

Following some one must be based on facts not perceptions. Example in USA perception (from out sider's perspective based on image painted by media) is that all Republicans are bad, Dems are savior and has better policies both are wrong... another example of perception that EU countries has freedom of speech it's ain't true
“Again and again we are forced to repel the aggression of the collective west.”
He says, trying to paint us all as nazis.

While in ww2, the usa and uk kept russia in the fight with MASSIVE material support.

“Even before the United States entered World War II in December 1941, America sent arms and equipment to the Soviet Union to help it defeat the Nazi invasion. Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today’s currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.” “

  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food
Only america is sending millitary aid to Ukraine why dont nato is sending millitary aids to Ukraine when nato countries are closer to russia in kilometers then united states isnt nato worried about their own security is tied with Ukraine to defeat invading russian armed forces and russian establishment
Because European countries have been pacified for so long that, they are worried of anything war nowadays. In fact most Euopean countries didnt even take their own defence seriously for a while. Why do you think the US has been urging European countries to spend the minimum.percebtage that was agreed by NATO for a while now? Yet very few European countries met the requirement. The truth is, European powers that have the industrial, economic, military means to support a independent standing European military dont have the political will to do so at all. Germany for example have been very reticent to adopt any measures whatsoever against Russia despote Russia blatant invasions, blackmail and aggression towards its Eastern European and balkan neighbours..same with France, Italy etc to be honest. In fact if not for the US and UK to a lesser extent I'm 100% sure Ukraine would have lost to Russia already and a new Russian appointed (puppet) government would have been installed by Putin by now in Ukraine.
This conflict has shown that Eastern European countries can't really count of the two main European powers Germany or France much. Only the US can be relied upon for them. At least Britain has been one of the few European countries to always adopt a hard-line and cautioness towards Russia, and we have been providing full military/economic support to Ukraine before and after Russia's invasion.

From the article I quote:

The UK is already the second largest military donor to Ukraine, committing £2.3bn(almost $3billion ) in 2022. We have trained 27,000 members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2015, and in the last year we have provided hundreds of rockets, five air defence systems, 120 armoured vehicles and over 200,000 pieces of non-lethal military equipment.

Last week saw the largest commercial road move of ammunition since the Second World War as tens of thousands more rounds of UK-donated artillery ammunition went to the front lines in Ukraine.

The precise nature of UK military support in 2023 will be determined based on the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, it is expected to include equipment like the Multiple Launch Rocket System, provided to Ukraine by the UK and others, which has been decisive in allowing Ukraine to re-gain over 3,000 square kilometres of territory in recent days

If only France and Germany (even more giving they are the largest economic/industrial power in Europe) gave or committed the same support to Ukraine like we have been doing, then I'm sure Ukraine would be in a far more better position in repelling Russia today from their territory.
“Again and again we are forced to repel the aggression of the collective west.”
He says, trying to paint us all as nazis.

While in ww2, the usa and uk kept russia in the fight with MASSIVE material support.

“Even before the United States entered World War II in December 1941, America sent arms and equipment to the Soviet Union to help it defeat the Nazi invasion. Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today’s currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.” “

  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food
Oranges and apples ...
USA helped and Russia has been paying them despite west has sieged their assets.

I was merely stating that perception is not always right, as you have rightly said that whole west is not Nazi and similarly Russian are not Orc/ Pigs/ Drunks/Rapist as they have been portrayed in western media.

He is in war (for wrong/ right reasons) with whole EU/NATO and if he plays perception card to rally support, his opponents most not cry. Since he is playing as per western play book.
Reports I have are also of units having to severely ration ammo now because UA logistics wasn't ready for such wide flare up, and the modest Ukrainian advatntage in fires they had for 2 months is no longer there.

Seeing reports today that Ukraine has sent significant reinforcements to the Bakhmut front
Ukrainians should fight till the bitter end and not give up if nato and allies cant help Ukraine the way it should then the Islamic world will help Ukraine whatever it takes
Thanks God you are not the spokesperson for Islamic world.
Islamic world is not cannon fodder for European wars. It's their war and they most solve their. Difference themselves.
It's not our problem. If they want sacrifice themselves and their economy for a certain country on other shore of Atlantic let them do that.
Yes clean up the storage. it’s like great garage sale. Germany made 4,700 leopards 1, don’t know how many still operational.
Then coming over 2,200 operational leopards 2. If the NATO is generous, they can donate to Ukraine. That’s huge, the London based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) says, if Ukraine just has 100 leopards 2 then they can make a difference on battlefields.

Germany will focus on making leopards 3 and the new panthers. Rheinmetall says the new tanks will be readied in 15-18 months.

Will be a redux of battle of Kursk.
I say it's wise of Germany to do so. Keep leopard 2s for yourself give leopard 1s to Ukraine make space for newer generation of weapons specially as they increased their military budget considerably.

And by the way those leopard 1 are no worse than what already given to Ukraine.

View attachment 914873

New $2.2B weapons package for Ukraine
By the rate they are using them in Ukraine probably the ammunition will be used in less than 2 to 3 week.
Better prepare the next round of shipment very fast.
Only america is sending millitary aid to Ukraine why dont nato is sending millitary aids to Ukraine when nato countries are closer to russia in kilometers then united states isnt nato worried about their own security is tied with Ukraine to defeat invading russian armed forces and russian establishment
You don't get it, Europe is mostly a disarmed continent. They rely on mutual Defence and NATO namely USA for their security.
all nato weapon reserve is not even 1/10th of USA reserve. They are giving what they can. USA have thousands of tank in reserve France for example only have areund 300 in active service
I am becoming a big fan of Ukraine.

I am becoming a big fan of Ukraine.

They are in dire situation and desperate and desperation leads people to act/ React unimaginable ways!
I am becoming a big fan of Ukraine.

They don't get it.
They think energy in the world is indefinite, they can Sanction three of the biggest energy producer in the world and then they go and by energy from places they usually provided energy to other region of the world ND don't regions not to get it from the other places. Namely the sanctioned area
I already said weeks ago that Leopard 2 tanks will unite Russia because it will be Germans tanks in Ukraine bringing up the Nazi past of WWII

and guess what

Putin today said German tanks with crosses on them are once again coming East to threaten Russia security

now Russia will fight even harder and I can only image the Russian weapons factories going into over drive to out build the rest of the World combined

those T90M are rolling off the production lines , yes Russia loses alot but that is part of their learning

Russians adapt and they change and historically speaking always wear the enemy down by sheer numbers

they worked out the TB2, they worked out the laser guided shells and they worked out the HIMARS

and now they are working out the Leopard 2
You don't get it, Europe is mostly a disarmed continent. They rely on mutual Defence and NATO namely USA for their security.
all nato weapon reserve is not even 1/10th of USA reserve. They are giving what they can. USA have thousands of tank in reserve France for example only have areund 300 in active service

“America is sending 31 tanks!
Germany only 14! “ You would hear.

Yeah but USA has 6000 Abrams in service or stock. Germany 300.

Europe had greatly disarmed itself over the years. even sold off or scrapped much of their cold war stocks for this “era of peace”.
I already said weeks ago that Leopard 2 tanks will unite Russia because it will be Germans tanks in Ukraine bringing up the Nazi past of WWII

and guess what

Putin today said German tanks with crosses on them are once again coming East to threaten Russia security

now Russia will fight even harder and I can only image the Russian weapons factories going into over drive to out build the rest of the World combined

those T90M are rolling off the production lines , yes Russia loses alot but that is part of their learning

Russians adapt and they change and historically speaking always wear the enemy down by sheer numbers

they worked out the TB2, they worked out the laser guided shells and they worked out the HIMARS

and now they are working out the Leopard 2
Russian propaganda has been telling this story for at least the last ten years. It doesnt matter what the germans do or dont. Reality is that Russia is now reaping what it has been sowing through its propaganda outlets for decades. Now it is actually facing a united west. Point of no return has passed. Russia can produce itself to death, it doesnt matter. They are going to fight forever just to hold eastern Ukraine.
I already said weeks ago that Leopard 2 tanks will unite Russia because it will be Germans tanks in Ukraine bringing up the Nazi past of WWII

and guess what

Putin today said German tanks with crosses on them are once again coming East to threaten Russia security

now Russia will fight even harder and I can only image the Russian weapons factories going into over drive to out build the rest of the World combined

those T90M are rolling off the production lines , yes Russia loses alot but that is part of their learning

Russians adapt and they change and historically speaking always wear the enemy down by sheer numbers

they worked out the TB2, they worked out the laser guided shells and they worked out the HIMARS

and now they are working out the Leopard 2
Nah the Russians and Germans are waiting for the Leo2 and the T90 to face each other, not to see who will come out on top, but to see war thunder happen in real life
I already said weeks ago that Leopard 2 tanks will unite Russia because it will be Germans tanks in Ukraine bringing up the Nazi past of WWII

and guess what

Putin today said German tanks with crosses on them are once again coming East to threaten Russia security

now Russia will fight even harder and I can only image the Russian weapons factories going into over drive to out build the rest of the World combined

those T90M are rolling off the production lines , yes Russia loses alot but that is part of their learning

Russians adapt and they change and historically speaking always wear the enemy down by sheer numbers

they worked out the TB2, they worked out the laser guided shells and they worked out the HIMARS

and now they are working out the Leopard 2
The soviet union was a much larger beast and was crushed by the economic and military weight of Nato.
The same will happen now.

Its production is also not enough vs whole Nato. Once they burn through their soviet stocks they will have a massive problem.
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