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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

More fuel for the fire. Seems like NATO have replaced the whole military Ukrainian weapons with their own. How are they going to get the money back, there is something we are missing.?

Yeh make Ukraine a dumping down for all the redundant and obsolete weapons.

Defending Ukraine now is preventing a wider war later. That later war would be far more costly to the Europe

British taxpayer is footing the bill haha
Now it seems the this stock is outdated. No adversary is in a position to attack Israel and power of balance is permanently shifted to Israel.

The only non-friendly remaining is Syria that is mired in its own issues so clearly these artillery shells won't be needed

US has moved munitions stored in Israel for use by Ukraine​

Ukrainian service members fire a shell from an M777 Howitzer at a front line, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in Donetsk Region, Ukraine November 23, 2022.
Serhii Nuzhnenko/Radio Free Europe/Reuters


The United States has transferred American munitions stored in Israel for use in Ukraine and plans to send more soon, US and Israeli officials told CNN Wednesday.

A US official told CNN they have moved “some” of the 300,000 155-millimeter shells that the US and Israel agreed would be transferred, and that there are plans to move the remaining amount in the coming weeks.

Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Richard Hecht told CNN that the Americans notified the Israelis a while ago they were transferring munitions. Hecht said the munitions are US-owned, that their movements are “American business” and that they don’t need Israeli permission to move the munitions.

The New York Times first reported the American military is tapping into its munitions stockpile stored in Israel for use in Ukraine, noting Israeli officials had initially expressed “concerns about appearing complicit in arming Ukraine.”

Israel has been walking a fine diplomatic line during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While Israeli leaders have condemned the invasion, supported Ukraine in the United Nations, sent humanitarian aid and taken in refugees, Israel has drawn a hard line at sending military aid, citing its own security sensitivities. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said before he took office at the end of December that he would review Israel’s policy on Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The strain on weapons stockpiles – and the ability of the US industrial base to keep up with demand – is one of the key challenges facing the Biden administration as the US continues to send billions of dollars of weapons to Ukraine to support its fight against Russia. CNN previously reported a US official said the stockpiles of certain systems are “dwindling” after months of sending supplies to Kyiv during the high-intensity war, as there’s “finite amount” of excess stocks which the US has available to send.

CNN reported in November that the US intended to buy 100,000 rounds of artillery ammunition from South Korean arms manufacturers to provide to Ukraine as part of a broader effort to find available weaponry for the high-intensity battles unfolding in Ukraine.

The tears in NATO are not flowing. Economically Russia is finished and fell into a MI-6, CIA trap.

Russia overplayed its hand in terms of leverage over Europe and the higher prices that would fund the war.

Instead as early as Sept revenues had dropped even thought exports went up.

And in December the floor has fallen as China/India likely the price they are paying indexed to the amount EU put in. Its a 17% drop in Dec since the floor was put in.

Unfortunately, unless Putin pays its citizen soldiers in buckets of oil, the broader ability to fund the war machine on a long-term basis is limited.

Other than Putins' corrupt and idiotic military advisers who said they could invade and be done in weeks at the most, he had equally idiotic economic advisers at Gazprom who keep their personal wealth in London , Dubai. Mother Russia be damned!

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The tears in NATO are not flowing. Economically Russia is finished and fell into a MI-6, CIA trap.

Russia overplayed its hand in terms of leverage over Europe and the higher prices that would fund the war.

Instead as early as Sept revenues had dropped even thought exports went up.

And in December the floor has fallen as China/India likely the price they are paying indexed to the amount EU put in. Its a 17% drop in Dec since the floor was put in.

Unfortunately, unless Putin pays its citizen soldiers in buckets of oil, the broader ability to fund the war machine on a long-term basis is limited.

Other than Putins' corrupt and idiotic military advisers who said they could invade and be done in weeks at the most, he had equally idiotic economic advisers at Gazprom who keep their personal wealth in London , Dubai. Mother Russia be damned!

EA chief expects Russia to lose the energy battle, sees major difficulties for Moscow’s exports​

Published Wed, Jan 18 20238:57 AM EST

Sam Meredith@smeredith19
Key Points
  • “Russia will face major difficulties both for oil and gas exports, and, in my view, when we look in the next couple of quarters and years, Russia will lose the energy battle,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said.
  • His comments come shortly after an independent analysis showed that revenues from Russia’s fossil fuel exports collapsed in December, significantly hampering President Vladimir Putin’s ability to finance the war in Ukraine.

The IEA’s Birol said that prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 last year, “Russia was the number one energy exporter to the world.”
Natalia Kolesnikova | Afp | Getty Images
International Energy Agency (IEA) Executive Director Fatih Birol believes Russia will lose its energy war with the West, saying China and India’s crude oil purchases will likely fall short of offsetting the fall in shipments to Europe.
“Europe is having major economic problems, but for Russia, Europe was a very, very important client,” Birol told CNBC’s Joumanna Bercetche at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Last week, an independent analysis from the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air showed that revenues from Russia’s fossil fuel exports collapsed in December, significantly hampering President Vladimir Putin’s ability to finance the war in Ukraine.
The Finnish think tank’s report found that the first month of the European Union’s ban on seaborne imports of Russian crude and the G-7′s price cap had cost Moscow an estimated 160 million euros ($173.4 million) per day.
It said that the Western measures were largely responsible for a 17% fall in Russia’s earnings from fossil fuel exports in the final month of 2022. A spokesperson for Russia’s Finance Ministry did not respond when asked to comment on the report’s findings.
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China is the ‘biggest uncertainty’ in global oil demand, IEA says

Birol described Russia as “the number one energy exporter to the world” prior to Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 last year.
Roughly 75% of Russian gas exports and 55% of its oil exports went to Europe, Birol said, before the EU sought to rapidly wean itself off Moscow’s fossil fuels.

“So, to find a client for gas and oil so easily to replace Europe will be extremely difficult,” he said. “I know that there are some countries in Asia, [such as] China and India, that are benefitting from this situation, and they are buying a lot of Russian oil, but I would be very careful to believe that those countries’ imports will, both in volume terms and revenue terms, combine to what Europe was doing.”
“Russia will face major difficulties both for oil and gas exports and, in my view, when we look at the next couple of quarters and years, Russia will lose the energy battle,” Birol said.
The politics are volatile politicians in Jerusalem need to tread carefully around 18% of the population are Russian Speakers & voters about 1.6 million out of a population of 8million plus
Ukrainians are not manipulated, idiotic , morons. You may come across a lot of them where you live, but not in Ukraine. They decided to put up the fight and lose men and women the same way Taliban decided to put up their own fight.

Nobody needs to play the 'poor helpless victim' card as if they don't know whats good for them and easily manipulated by some country, any country.

Yemenis decided to draw a line in the sand and fight the same way out of their own conviction as Ukrainians.

You don't have to agree with the convictions of any active resistance on an invasion but its a fact. Those with conviction don't need anybody's sympathy, and certainly don't want to be insulted by thinking that there is a bigger puppet master.
How funny that at all the countries you listed up the US was/is military involved ;)
Ukraine is suffering alot.

Russians are suffering, too. The difference is, Russians are dying on the fields and inside the trenches in a foreign country. For Putin, Oligarchs and Co. Ukrainians are dying on their own country's soil. For their home.

Yes. Its a shame that Ukrainians have to die for the psychopatic US.

And Iranians for a bearded dictator. Russians for oligarchs.
It is naive to assume the war would end should Russia leave... Ukraine is no longer a state for all intents and purposes! It is wounded, destabilized with a power vacuum... in coming years it will resemble more Afghanistan than anything else. Of course, the combined west will fill that vacuum and Russia will find a permanent enemy at it's borders. It is a bigger fight now than just a cause to liberate Donbas as they put it...
I'm afraid Russia has no choice but to end this conflict on it's terms and nothing less.

There's a considerable amount of confiscated money from the Russian state and oligarch elites in the Western financial institutions. For once, that money will off for a good cause, which is to rebuild Ukraine.

For all the definition of a state, Ukraine is a state. It continues to function all the basics of a state in areas not invaded or destroyed by Russia: including basic utilities, pensions, and schooling. The government stands, not even has to function in exile. Even Syria is not a failed state. Libya, perhaps.
Russians are suffering, too. The difference is, Russians are dying on the fields and inside the trenches in a foreign country. For Putin, Oligarchs and Co. Ukrainians are dying on their own country's soil. For their home.

And Iranians for a bearded dictator. Russians for oligarchs.

Seeing your flag, I have a question, do you have family members that were drafted? As a Russian, how do you think this will end?

Looks like a construction dumping site. And not well-managed at that.

They served a purpose. Nonetheless, a shorter contract is likely preferable for the company, that is, Wagner.

They served a purpose. Nonetheless, a shorter contract is likely preferable for the company, that is, Wagner.
Russia wont be able to take over ukraine
however, if Russia take over the terroties it claim and call for cease fire it will put NATO and Ukraine in a tough spot
because it will be endless war that Ukraine and NATO will be asking for

realistically that's the best outcome of this war and is the only way the war will end soon
This will NEVER be an endless war. This can be on and off, but this particular war will last only until either side run out of soldier or run out of money.

I don't think either side will run out of people to fight this war, but in term of money, you have to look at who is at a better position, and then bear in mind, it was the West bankrolling the Ukrainian, while Russia depends on selling cheap oil to India and China. Russia knows that, because Putin knows that is the reason why Soviet Union was brought down in the first place, but until Russia is able to find another market that can go toe to toe with Europe, and not discounting their sale to other counrties, they know they cannot continue this war.
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