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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The fact we’re even focusing on Soledar, a small town of 10K prewar, just proves how pathetic Russian efforts have been to date. This is a TINY area of the front. I still remember the days when the jokers here were claiming Russia would take Kiev, Kharkiv, and Odessa.

Meanwhile, Ukraine receives more and more advanced Western weapons. All the strategic initiative is with Ukraine.
Town after town after town!!!
yes...can you prove thats incorrect? No!
How much km did russia actually take since november (2 months now).
this "how many km did Russia take" is the reason Ukraine doesnt have good troops to hold off the RUssians- Ukraine lost sooo many valuable troops desperately holding "territory" that doesnt matter in the long run if you DONT HAVE TROOPS TO HOLD IT.

Russian troops dont go for kms covered, they go for strategic towns taken that'll make controlling East Ukraine and denazifying it irreversible, and that also Ukrainian manpower and equipment destroyed. You're obviously not good at military tactics, because you dunno whats important in this war.
You do realize that if russia simply throws more men and weaponry at 1 point in the line, the other side could choose or be forced to retreat because it want to avoid casualties or is locally outnumbered?
lmao- fuk your hypothetical example - i go by the real action on the ground- Ukraine LOST SOLEDAR recently- very valuable town, and now Ukrainian troops have to move their defense line probably close to Kyiv or Lviv...NATO Cant save its proxy rat this time.
Russia lost 5 soldiers to every german soldier in WW2…yet Germany was losing “town after town”.
am i debating WW2 with you German? i dont like or want to think about NAZI Germany ok?
1 simple example to show you how flawed and childlike simplistic your “logic” is
dont go by my logic- by by Russian troops achievements on the ground in Ukraine- reality is truth.
Yeah such a small town that 34,000 Ukrainians had to give up their life to defend it
There are no way that small town, around 6 square kilometer in size can have 34000 defender......you are talking about each soldier must be taking up 0.5 square kilometers.....I don't know human can be that small.

It's at most around a Brigade (4500) job for the defence of Soledar. I wouldn't put Russia loss taking Soledar over 10,000 certainly not 36000 Ukrainian lost defending it. You really have to be very naive to believe Ukraine lose 34000 men died defending that town, that level not even seen in the hard fighting in Siverodonetsk (10,000 high estimate) which is about 10 times in size.
The fact we’re even focusing on Soledar, a small town of 10K prewar, just proves how pathetic Russian efforts have been to date.
you think population size is what matters? how does population size matter when Soledar was 1 of the 2 KEY supply routes to the Ukrainian troops in the Bakmut defense line??? why is your denial so strong?
This is a TINY area of the front.
but its critically important- thats why Ukraine lost 30-40K soldiers there..and more are still dying now..Russia is happy to meatgrind Ukrainian troops when they make it easy for Russian forces to do so -good troops cant be replaced easily.
I still remember the days when the jokers here were claiming Russia would take Kiev, Kharkiv, and Odessa.
thats irrelevant now- Ukraine has obviously lost the initiative and is losing important towns and territory. Ukraine cant even hold small towns like Opytne anymore..but if they're strategic and help corner UA forces, then so be it, RUssian troops will take advantage.
Meanwhile, Ukraine receives more and more advanced Western weapons. All the strategic initiative is with Ukraine.
receives more weapons, because its rate of losses alarmed the west- equipment doesnt win wars- didnt you learn that from your defeat by the Taliban?
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i saw this video claiming those are mines or ide and not artillery
most likely mortar or drone drop grenade, mine don't explode like that. That is a surface explosion. The explosion is too small for Artillery round, but then not knowing the scale I don't know whether it is big enough for artillery.

Fyi, I disagree with terms like "paper tiger" and orcs. But the rest is on spot.

They simply report reasonably high numbers of wounded and this russian twitter bot pulls the conclusions out of his *** from there.

The orcs are so “unstoppable” they are fighting 5 months for a small city…and have not taken it yet by the way.

The fact we’re even focusing on Soledar, a small town of 10K prewar, just proves how pathetic Russian efforts have been to date. This is a TINY area of the front. I still remember the days when the jokers here were claiming Russia would take Kiev, Kharkiv, and Odessa.

Meanwhile, Ukraine receives more and more advanced Western weapons. All the strategic initiative is with Ukraine.
Yes its laughably pathetic.

First the talk was:
To take Kiev and ukraine in 3 days
To “odessa”
To fighting over kharkiv and Kherson
To “breaking” ukraine in sevastopol (well…..we saw what happened after)
To annexing the four provinces
To sloviansk and Kramatorsk
To bakhmut
To soledar.

Slow clap…..

@925boy i decided not to respond to your trashpile of posts anymore. They are devoid of logic and intelligent thought.
You also refuse to learn from mistakes or given information and insights.

Please continue to believe that the loss of this “KEY village” Soledar will spell the fall of Kiev in the next weeks somehow.
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There are no way that small town, around 6 square kilometer in size can have 34000 defender......you are talking about each soldier must be taking up 0.5 square kilometers.....I don't know human can be that small.

It's at most around a Brigade (4500) job for the defence of Soledar. I wouldn't put Russia loss taking Soledar over 10,000 certainly not 36000 Ukrainian lost defending it. You really have to be very naive to believe Ukraine lose 34000 men died defending that town, that level not even seen in the hard fighting in Siverodonetsk (10,000 high estimate) which is about 10 times in size.

Russians and their bots aren't even trying to throw credible figures but random numbers like Ukraine has lost close to 60K soldiers in Bakhmut and Soledar,had indeed Ukraine lost that many troops the front would have collapsed by now but it seems according to the Russians there's close to several divisions in each of Donbass towns and villages.

Ukrainians are dying in large numbers but I guess anglo saxon satanic black magic is bringing them back to life. After losing entire regions,the only recent Russian success (well we still don't know if it is russian or wagner success since they are fighting each others on who gained what) would be Soledar after fighting for it for half a year,turning it into rubble and losing "only" few thousands troops in the process.
Nobody counts the dead, the wounded, and the equipment loss on the Ukrainian side. Don't take it from me, you can hear it from CNN’s Yulia Keseiva. 👇

You selectively believe this source to match your preferences? You are not fooling anybody on this forum.

If the same CNN is to be believed by you than it also is visible on the same link that the Russian artillery fire was down 75%. Two days ago you said thats a lie to an article on the same link. So either nobody is counting the dead and Russian artillery is low, or there are no Ukrainian dead and artillery fire is not down.

This forum is your hero's Tass agency where you can choose to believe facts selectively. Either CNN is BS in your head or its NOT BS.

Wow a million have escaped Russia, but this was worth a keystroke even for you to have one French citizen want to move to Russia. Probably better there than a mental asylum or prison in France
Russians and their bots aren't even trying to throw credible figures but random numbers like Ukraine has lost close to 60K soldiers in Bakhmut and Soledar,had indeed Ukraine lost that many troops the front would have collapsed by now but it seems according to the Russians there's close to several divisions in each of Donbass towns and villages.

Ukrainians are dying in large numbers but I guess anglo saxon satanic black magic is bringing them back to life. After losing entire regions,the only recent Russian success (well we still don't know if it is russian or wagner success since they are fighting each others on who gained what) would be Soledar after fighting for it for half a year,turning it into rubble and losing "only" few thousands troops in the process.
Town that small, you can't possibly have even company base maneuver, which means even if you eliminated a single company of Ukrainian men a day, every day, it would take you a little less than 245 days to rack up 34000 killed.

You also need to account for attacker in most circumstance would suffer more killed than the defender.

Those number is just absurd......
you think population size is what matters? how does population size matter when Soledar was 1 of the 2 KEY supply routes to the Ukrainian troops in the Bakmut defense line??? why is your denial so strong?

but its critically important- thats why Ukraine lost 30-40K soldiers there..and more are still dying now..Russia is happy to meatgrind Ukrainian troops when they make it easy for Russian forces to do so -good troops cant be replaced easily.

thats irrelevant now- Ukraine has obviously lost the initiative and is losing important towns and territory. Ukraine cant even hold small towns like Opytne anymore..but if they're strategic and help corner UA forces, then so be it, RUssian troops will take advantage.

receives more weapons, because its rate of losses alarmed the west- equipment doesnt win wars- didnt you learn that from your defeat by the Taliban?

Soledar is a tiny town that has absolutely no strategic value in the grand scheme of the war. Khersons liberation? Now that was a strategic gain.

Russia is losing thousands of soldiers for a small area of the front that is of little value. Ukraine is there to bleed the Russians dry, just like they did in Severodonetsk/Lyschansk. What happened after that battle? Russia culminated and Ukraine were gaining huge territory for months.

Then again, your the same rube who said Ukraine would never take Kherson. You are intellectually dishonest and a proven liar. You’re not here to debate in good faith, but to latch on to any all Russian “victory” no matter how small and inconsequential and throw it in our faces. In other words, you’re a clown and not worth responding to.
The monkey is here you asshole whose occupied country (Germany) is forced to be part of a war that they didn't intend to be part of. And here is the Russian army making a progress when the American colony aka Germany had to supply a few IFVs to the Ukrainians that won't make any difference.

Russians are killing and wounding the most experienced Ukrainian forces in a faster rate. Going slowly means grinding assault to pin down the Ukrainian forces with an overwhelming force. And as we can see in Soledar and in Bakhmut, this approaching is superbly working.
When you have no facts other than RT propaganda you reduce yourself to personal insults. Yesterday you called somebody 'goofy' and today you graduated yourself to calling 'a*(&hole'. Classy. About the same trajectory as your hero (Russia) who have gone from the perception of being a world class near superpower to a 3rd degenerate country that could not take the capital, not install its own Govt, lost half territory it occupied, and now has record deficits while its best and smartest have left. Please don't take Putin's path.
Thats correct. The majority of Germans do not want any war with Russia, as many opinion polls show. Only the corrupt politicians mafia want it cause the shitty USA order it.
Majority of EU citizens are in favor of Ukraine so sorry to dissapoint you. Since you care so much about the will of the 'majority', do you have a survey (not a fake one from Putin) that shows Russia's support for going to war

There is a dictatorship in every country....Some countries have 'elections' where the citizens vote for different politicians, but then have some unelected obscure men making decisions that forced the hands of 'elected' leaders to follow.

For instance, in the US, unelected and financial tycoons such as George Soros ultimately decide who becomes a senator, congressmen/women, and eventually a candidate for President.

These shakers and movers decide which country that the powers that be need to be in conflict with. This is how this current conflict between Russia and NATO/Ukraine started.

Hence, the whole "dictatorial" charge used against some countries' leaders by some is utter bs. There is a dictatorship in every country.
If this were true about George Soros, how did Trump become President. You would believe Soros is the reason Trump is NO longer president. But somehow these dictators /and rich men did not stop Trump from being president. The fact that power transitions from one leader to the other and from party to another actually proves the opposite

@Deino, you're an imbecile who all he can is give negative ratings to my comments while ignoring others. Not sure how you became a mod here. And if insults become the norm here, we can return it too.
You have no credibility in the insult world. Two days ago you called me goofy , and it was not in retaliation for something I called you. You had no basis to counter the argument so started with an insult. Feel sorry for your family members or colleagues around you if this is how you go off in a civilized conversation.
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Stop calling us fools.just because we shattered your fake Ukraine military dreams.
If Ukraine wasn't losing way more troops than Russia then why does it keep losing town after town?

Every since Ukraine got half of kherson In November, it hasn't gotten a other town since , and has now lost important towns like Yakovlevka....

It's clear Russia is increasingly controlling the tempo of the war.

S400s will smoke any fighter jet nato sends in..Russian military doesn't allow Ukrainian airforce fly at all.
There you go with your BS infatuation with the S400.

1. If its so effective why has a single Israeli intruder not been shot down over Syria as IAF goes uncontested
2. If S-400 is so great, and Turkey was willing to forgo its industrial share of F35, then why is it asking for upgraded F-16s. Seems like S-400 was what they needed over the F35 so why keep the F-16s

I think those like you come back with 'S400 is not activated in Israel). Why the "F' not: are they waiting for some real enemy to show up that's not Israel? Or waiting for Bashar Assad's son's wedding so they can use it as fireworks.
From FT based on official Russia numbers: Despite record high sales, its deficit is 2% of GDP. And this is after just one month of sanctions that kicked in in Dec.

But the Russia crowd is celeberating that may be Russians have taken a town of 10,000. May be while Russia's 1% surplus is a 2% deficit.

Moscow’s record oil and gas revenues fail to cover war cost​

The war in Ukraine is costing Russia more than it took from record oil and gas revenues, with the country’s budget gap widening significantly in 2022.
The public deficit for last year was 3.35tn roubles ($48bn) or 2.3 per cent of gross domestic product, said finance minister Anton Siluanov. Before Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year, Moscow had predicted a budget surplus of 1 per cent and in December it forecast a deficit of 2 per cent.
This official admission of worsening public finances comes despite record oil and gas revenues as a result of persistently high energy prices and Moscow’s ability to redirect its oil exports to Asia.
In 2022, revenues grew 10 per cent year on year but overall spending soared by 26 per cent. Budget spending details for 2022 are not available publicly as the ministry classified them in June due to “the US, the EU and other unfriendly countries’ pressure on Russia”.
“We do not understand the costs’ distribution, but we can assume that they largely went to the military financing. In September, planned spending increased by Rbs2tn compared with summer estimates. Then in December it rose by the same number again,” said Renaissance Capital economist Sofya Donets.
Moscow covered the deficit by redirecting money from its sovereign wealth fund, state borrowing and a windfall tax on Gazprom, the state gas monopoly.
“We have fulfilled all our planned tasks despite the geopolitical situation, restrictions and sanctions,” Siluanov said at a government meeting. “We have increased the spending . . . and this money was primarily used to support people.”
He mentioned increased pensions and a prolonged subsidised mortgage scheme but did not discuss the war. “We have also decided to finance some of the 2023 expenses in 2022 to sustain a stable budgeting process,” he added.
The minister said that a 2.3 per cent deficit estimate included transfers to social security and other non-budget funds, which did not receive some payments due to respite granted to businesses by President Vladimir Putin.
Russia’s conservative fiscal policies have helped to stabilise its fiscal position. But western sanctions that come into full effect this year will put more strain on budget financing.
The Urals, Russia’s flagship crude blend, is trading below $40, lower than the $70 set up in its budget law for 2023. The budget law projects defence spending to grow by 3.5tn to account for 30 per cent of all state spending in 2023.

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