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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No other Nato ally has supplied Ukraine with modern Main Battle Tanks because the most suitable tanks that can be sourced are German tanks. British Challenger 2’s had a limited production run and as such are in low supply. American Abrams tanks are made for Us supply lines and require huge massive amounts of jet fuel and a hoard of jet mechanics. German leopards 2’s are readily available in quantities, run on Diesel and can be replaced within a reasonable timeline. I guess we could look to the french , but ….I mean. They’re like cats. They do what they want, when they want. Maybe they’ll help, maybe they’ll just sit down and lick their @%%. Who knows? German leopards 2’s are really the only sane option.
Abrams runs on everything, not just jet fuel, you can run diesel with Abrams, all you need is a converter in the fueling system, which I would imagine the US will supply and install them if and when they decided to give them to Ukraine.

maintenance part, yes, I agree with you, that's probably why US still unwilling to give them to Ukraine. They are quite advance and require a certain level of knowledge to fix that, so if they really do transfer these article to Ukraine, I would imagine they will set up repair shop close to Poland border or establish shop in Ukraine staffed by contractor.
this is sick and this is just sad they are still someones son

Russia is just throwing men into the death

over the years how many men has Russia lost ?

in WWII how many Russians died ? it takes 18 years to make a man

how many more will die, throwing men at at war like they are chickens

well I think if they were chickens they would have better chance

its just like slaughtering a lamb

My argument to that is that seeing dead Russian is funny.

Also less rapists, looters & murderers running around in Ukraine.
Russians are gonna come back to Kherson and the South once they fully liberate Donbass region.
Sure. “Just after the next town!” Right?
It will not happen.

And even so…geopolitically russia has lost ukraine:

From a small minority preferring eu ties to a vast majority and great hatred for russia.

Kazachstan is falling away from russian control as well.

That is what you need to understand "khaniis" boy.

Your awfully pre-occupied with these things and thinking about “that lifestyle” there buddy.

Bakhmut - Soledar front speak for themselves.
A lot of dead wagners?

I see no difference from severodonetsk which you claim would slell the end for AFU as well.

anyway…bradleys and later perhaps leopolds for next spring/summer. Interesting times!
The situation is still difficult on the southern approaches to Bakhmut, which is very important in Solidar
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding the remnants of Opetny and Bydgorodny, preventing them from breaking through to Klichevka
Unfortunately, the enemy's maneuver to the east of Solidar was successful and worsened the position of the armed forces in the entire direction..

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Ukraine's ambassador to London:
We're losing people left and right. We don't announce the number of dead military or civilians, but you can imagine the numbers are huge ..

The Wall Street Journal quoted Slomir Debski, director of the Polish Institute of International Relations:
Poland intends to transfer German Leopard tanks to Ukraine after Warsaw received equipment from South Korea and the USA to replace them.
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Sheltering the poor is unlikely to be a federal thing. It is the responsibility of each state. Putin has much more control, being a dictatorship.

I think Hassan is talking about the cold wave deaths in the US. A milder cold wave claimed 17 people in Japan. Cold waves kill everywhere, unfortunately.

Hassan mistakes a natural disasters for man-made disaster served by Putin.
the problem is GEPARD and NASAM proven ineffective , NATO need to send more potent air defense and they refrained to do so till today only old systems

Umm, the attack drawn down by roughly 80% is "proven ineffective"?

Again, do me a favor, go back and find footage of Russian Drone/MIssile Strike footage before and after Gepard and NASAM and IRIS-T put into service, and compare what it was and what it is now.

Now that the US and Germany also giving them Patriot and more NASAM. I would like to hear what's your definition of "Ineffective"
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