I don't care about libturd leftists who have sex with foreigners.
They are liking so called refugees. I like them too, if they damage the lefts in the one manner or the other.
I don't like that if a drunk black African is yelling "Heil Hit'er!" it's counted as a right wing crime, to say we have sooo many "Nazis".
You like right-wing Hungarians because their leadership is against EU-based "values" (which I can REALLY understand) but then I can understand too that this Hungary is beating so called refugees to a pulp on the border for illegal-invasion like trespassing.
You still like Hungarians the same level like hippity hoppity libturds who are with the one half of their brain for so called refugees?
It's like Muslims would like to change US/Israeli troops with Russians/Chinese.
You know that Russians/Chinese don't have this liberal human value based rules?
Often hypocritical based values, I know but let it sound cynical, still better than be trashed in the corner like under Russian/Chinese hard hand.
At least you have the chance to improve your life under US/Western dominance, look at Germany, Japan, (South)Korea, hell, even Vietnam is doing fine, even 25 generations will have problems with genetic defects.
Only the "typical" countries will still be shitholes ... FUNNY.