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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The US has about 2,000 of these in moth balls. Sending some or all of these would cut down on storage costs. They are fitted with a TOW anti-tank missile system so can take out tanks, especially the antiquated tanks the Russians are now forced to use.

All new build Russian tanks are T-90M with a production rate of 100 a month. Many 80s T-72 were upgraded to B3 standard. While 80s Bradley is good in the 80s. It is extremely vulnerable to modern drone based warfare where drones are used at the squad level for recon.

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Anybody know if existing stock exists and this is being to replinish, or US never had the need for this and is a completely new build to end up in Ukraine?

Pentagon awards L3Harris $40 mln anti-drone weapon systems contract​

The Pentagon building is seen in Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

The Pentagon building is seen in Arlington, Virginia, U.S. October 9, 2020. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Jan 6 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense awarded L3Harris Technologies Inc (LHX.N) a $40 million contract to deliver 14 anti-drone weapon systems to bolster Ukraine's security forces, the defense contractor said on Friday.
The company said its Vehicle Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment (VAMPIRE) kit will allow Ukraine ground forces to target, shoot down enemy drones and defend against ground threats.
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Under the contract, L3Harris will deliver four VAMPIRE units by mid-2023 and ten more by year-end.
Anybody know if existing stock exists and this is being to replinish, or US never had the need for this and is a completely new build to end up in Ukraine?

Pentagon awards L3Harris $40 mln anti-drone weapon systems contract​

The Pentagon building is seen in Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

The Pentagon building is seen in Arlington, Virginia, U.S. October 9, 2020. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Jan 6 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense awarded L3Harris Technologies Inc (LHX.N) a $40 million contract to deliver 14 anti-drone weapon systems to bolster Ukraine's security forces, the defense contractor said on Friday.
The company said its Vehicle Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment (VAMPIRE) kit will allow Ukraine ground forces to target, shoot down enemy drones and defend against ground threats.
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Under the contract, L3Harris will deliver four VAMPIRE units by mid-2023 and ten more by year-end.

Vampire is a souped up pickup truck. It is very vulnerable to anti tank missile.
The US has about 2,000 of these in moth balls. Sending some or all of these would cut down on storage costs. They are fitted with a TOW anti-tank missile system so can take out tanks, especially the antiquated tanks the Russians are now forced to use.
The russians dig deep and vast trenches in Donbas, Luhansk, Kherson, Crimea and everywhere. Then they flank these WW1 trenches with rows of artillery. Without tanks Ukraine army cannot overcome those obstacles. These infantry tanks Bratley, Marder, french RC are good but not good enough for Ukraine to win the war.
Ukraine says she needs at least 400 heavy tanks.

The russians dig deep and vast trenches in Donbas, Luhansk, Kherson, Crimea and everywhere. Then they flank these WW1 trenches with rows of artillery. Without tanks Ukraine army cannot overcome those obstacles. These infantry tanks Bratley, Marder, french RC are good but not good enough for Ukraine to win the war.
Ukraine says she needs at least 400 heavy tanks.

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If used correctly in a combined arms industry supported role and receiving 50 units ( depending on model and features) the Bradley should be quite effective against almost any Russian armour. If provided and trained on sooner than later it will give Ukrainian a much bigger advantage and punch especially, when advancing against hardened and dug in positions as we’ve seen Russian s use all to often. Since there are many rivers and bodies of water needed to be traversed to take their land back, the Bradley will be perfect especially since UKR doesn’t have to build temporary bridges and infrastructure to effectively advance over water under fire. It could become another US provided game changer especially in the south.
I don't care about libturd leftists who have sex with foreigners.
They are liking so called refugees. I like them too, if they damage the lefts in the one manner or the other. :)
I don't like that if a drunk black African is yelling "Heil Hit'er!" it's counted as a right wing crime, to say we have sooo many "Nazis".

You like right-wing Hungarians because their leadership is against EU-based "values" (which I can REALLY understand) but then I can understand too that this Hungary is beating so called refugees to a pulp on the border for illegal-invasion like trespassing. :D <3

You still like Hungarians the same level like hippity hoppity libturds who are with the one half of their brain for so called refugees?

It's like Muslims would like to change US/Israeli troops with Russians/Chinese.
You know that Russians/Chinese don't have this liberal human value based rules?
Often hypocritical based values, I know but let it sound cynical, still better than be trashed in the corner like under Russian/Chinese hard hand.
At least you have the chance to improve your life under US/Western dominance, look at Germany, Japan, (South)Korea, hell, even Vietnam is doing fine, even 25 generations will have problems with genetic defects.
Only the "typical" countries will still be shitholes ... FUNNY.

Overwhelming majority of these "typical" countries are doing fine and don't have your degeneracy. The ones who are not doing fine is due to Western powers' interference in their internal affairs.

But you as a German - if you are a German - shouldn't be pointing fingers. Truth is Germany, Japan, and South Korea are colonies of America. President Putin recently explained it. Your side of the Nord Stream II gas pipeline was recently destroyed. You, your country, and your leaders know who did it. But since you're a country that is under full domination by others, you and your leaders don't dare to move your heads up and say who did it.

When American Neocons were invading Iraq and other countries, they ordered Germany to contribute tens of billions of USD to their murderous campaign. And being the subjugated colony you're, you obliged to it and provided the tens of billions of USD that were used for the invasion. You shouldn't be calling anyone else "undeserving" when you're a subjugated degenerate.

Let us not forget how your subjugated country (Germany) provides tens of billions of USD to Israeli territorial expansion. This is all because of what happened in the WWII.

Finally, the reason why many of the "typical" countries are agreeing with Russia and China is they are not interfering in the internal affairs of the "typical" countries. It is the West that has been looting their natural resources and funding every insurrection in these countries in addition to countless sanctions and invasions.
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All new build Russian tanks are T-90M with a production rate of 100 a month. Many 80s T-72 were upgraded to B3 standard. While 80s Bradley is good in the 80s. It is extremely vulnerable to modern drone based warfare where drones are used at the squad level for recon.

BMP is garbage sorry. The problem with Russian tech is , that BMP1 and BMP2 have no targeting computer that does the work for you, also the weapon stabilisation is much worse for the BMP’S , as is protection. Also the optics and therefore situational awareness of the Bradley is Far superior. If I had to bet, the Bradley will hit first in 99% of cases when the circumstances are even.

It will also chew up T72s by the dozen
Ah yes. Scott ritter.
Claimed russia would not attack but it did
Claimed ukraine would fall in weeks.
Then claims every week how ukraine has no chance in this war

In meantime 300 days and counting…..50% land retaken

The Bakhmut and Soledar meat grinder do tell a different story. The Ukrainians have taken a heavy beating there, and the Russians have really pooled their resources there, got enough Ukrainians who desperately tried to hold it, and slowly applied an overwhelming artillery-led bombardments on the defending Ukrainians.

The idiotic Western leaders and their propagandists never understood the true aims of the Russian military leaders in Bakhmut. They thought Ukrainians holding it were heroic. But the truth is Russians were slowing eliminating the most experienced Ukrainian forces in the Bakhmud - Soledar meat grinder.

You can continue believing your fairy tales though.
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If used correctly in a combined arms industry supported role and receiving 50 units ( depending on model and features) the Bradley should be quite effective against almost any Russian armour. If provided and trained on sooner than later it will give Ukrainian a much bigger advantage and punch especially, when advancing against hardened and dug in positions as we’ve seen Russian s use all to often. Since there are many rivers and bodies of water needed to be traversed to take their land back, the Bradley will be perfect especially since UKR doesn’t have to build temporary bridges and infrastructure to effectively advance over water under fire. It could become another US provided game changer especially in the south.
Yes certainly better than nothing. Those western infantry tanks are superior to Soviet infantry BMP tanks. Just saying however Ukraine would suffer heavy looses if running against Russia hardened positions with those infantry tanks.
Only heavy tanks offer speed, firepower and armor.
If Germany agrees today then 10 NATO members will deliver leopards to Ukraine immediately tomorrow.

Ukraine army urgently needs tanks for the incoming spring and summer offensives.

"35K" "Meat Grinder" meanwhile the field is so full of Russian soldiers, which meat grinder ? 🤡

Looks like someone is counting leaves as humans. Meanwhile, this video shows the beating that the Ukrainians have taken in Bakhmut - Soledar front. 👇

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