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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is sh\itting in his pants. I thought the Western mouthpieces claimed that Russia is running out of weapons. Now, the new claim is "we must be ready to provide long-term support to Ukraine."

"'The Ukrainian forces had the momentum for several months, but we also know that Russia has mobilized many more forces, many of them are now training," Stoltenberg said.

"All that indicates that they are prepared to continue the war and also try to potentially launch a new offensive,' he added."

HiMARS this, HIMARS that. 👇

Nobody is doing anything in their pants other than you as a Putin employee mindlessly broadcasting without looking at details. If you bothered to look (or your Kremlin handlers did) at details what he said was to prepare for long-haul and NATO to supply more weapons. He is not panicked and his pants are unfortunately clean. He is signaling to NATO countries and also the public opinion to not assume that this is over in two months.

With an industrial capacity 15x of Russia, that won’t be an issue.

This is quite different from the pants business in Russia: from a ’special ops’ to install a new Govt and march up to the capital to staying on the eastern border only, then losing half of that territory, and then giving a pathetic new year speech that the survival of the country depended on it: thats where the pant issue comes up. This the opposite of looking at the situation objectively and mobilizing your public opinion.

You are right in that weapons supplies for either side are not infinite. NATO will have to produce more. And Russia is getting weapons from Iran, and North Korea. Thats not a dream, its reality

Let's see how u want this war to end , a mulitipolar world where usa can switch off ur swift and ur country is economy paralyzed, or a multi polar world where usa swift isn't the only option. This war had taught many countries alot of things we should have another way can trade in other currencies , usa can have ur money seized in west declaring you oligarchs. It's good it happened sooner
Atleast gulf middle eastern countries know now where to invest
And most importantly Ukrainian lives are secondary to USA it's all crocodile tears
A multipolar world would have been better (or what was effectively a tripolar one with China since China wasn’t aligned with Russia in its foreign policy goals).

As for seizing money, this is not the first time obviously and goes back to 1979 with the revolution Iran.

Gulf Middle Eastern countries have not shifted their investment strategies because of this. Yes they are supplying more oil to more preferred and newer alliances. The money they gain is still very much ending up in Europe where there is some confidence in the justice system, vs. giving it to countries led by strongmen who decide what will happen with their investment and when
Heard some rumour the DOD is looking for people to refurbuish those old tank, not sure if it was make it combat ready or make it a target drone. But something is definitely going on I would say, but not sure what.

Ukrainian army is not really that mechanised, most of them still use civilian car as their mode of transport, we need to give them more armoured transport to begin with, M113 is probably the best choice there are, as I said before, it is a adaptable platform, you can put TOW on top, you can put chain gun on top, you can also use it as battle taxi. What I would do if I was in charge of Ukrainian program is to armed 1 Ukrainian Mechanised Division, that include 80 M1/M60 tank, 80 M2 Bradley and 40 M113 in several command set. That alone can blow ay organise Russian unit out of water, and the cost of that is minimal.
Yeah we can easily see so many variants they made especially during the Cold War. And now Turkey has pushed it to its limit what it can. Same for other countries still using that design like Israel and South Korea. Israel has their Namer and are replacing them, think in the hundreds or thousands. Think Turkey may be building a replacement as well. The U.S. have already the Armor Multi Purpose Vehicle replacing the thousands of M113s. Helps Ukraine during and post war when giving it to them.
Nobody is doing anything in their pants other than you as a Putin employee mindlessly broadcasting without looking at details. If you bothered to look (or your Kremlin handlers did) at details what he said was to prepare for long-haul and NATO to supply more weapons. He is not panicked and his pants are unfortunately clean. He is signaling to NATO countries and also the public opinion to not assume that this is over in two months.

With an industrial capacity 15x of Russia, that won’t be an issue.

This is quite different from the pants business in Russia: from a ’special ops’ to install a new Govt and march up to the capital to staying on the eastern border only, then losing half of that territory, and then giving a pathetic new year speech that the survival of the country depended on it: thats where the pant issue comes up. This the opposite of looking at the situation objectively and mobilizing your public opinion.

You are right in that weapons supplies for either side are not infinite. NATO will have to produce more. And Russia is getting weapons from Iran, and North Korea. Thats not a dream, its reality

A multipolar world would have been better (or what was effectively a tripolar one with China since China wasn’t aligned with Russia in its foreign policy goals).

As for seizing money, this is not the first time obviously and goes back to 1979 with the revolution Iran.

Gulf Middle Eastern countries have not shifted their investment strategies because of this. Yes they are supplying more oil to more preferred and newer alliances. The money they gain is still very much ending up in Europe where there is some confidence in the justice system, vs. giving it to countries led by strongmen who decide what will happen with their investment and when
The NATO chief is right. The ammo production must be increased to meet Ukraine ammo needs. That’s a war of attrition. The aim to kill more than being killed.

Per Putin’s secret Russia regular army now has the size of 1.15 million men, up 137,000 men. That will increase further to 1.5 million men.

Is Putin a product of the Russian mentality and culture?

Definitely. The former President of Finland, Juho Kusti Paasikivi (as President 1946–1956) described the modus operandi of the Russian society as such:

"The immutable Russian policy is to get whatever they can with the least possible effort, and then ask for more. They never sacrifice their immediate benefits for future goals. They never take into account what has been said, but what has been done. They try to exact a high price for anything that they understand they have to do in any case. They are immune to ethical, humanitarian and abstract juridical arguments, being affected only by practical and realistic points of view."

We have a saying in Finland: “Scrath a Russian, reveal a Mongol”. The Russianness - the Russian core value set (or rather lack of it) and the idea of Russian socity is product of the Mongol Yoke - the 250 years of slavery under the Golden Horde 1237 to 1480.

No matter what the Russians themselves say about it, the Mongol Yoke was a disastrous period to the Russian society, Russian culture, Russian state apparatus and Russian mentality. This era saw Russia departing its Scandinavian and Norse roots and becoming a Central Asian society.

Do not get it wrong. The Mongols were brutal, ruthless and cruel rulers without absolutely any interest of the welfare of their subjects. They never saw their domain as a state - a thing to be protected, developed and grown rich - but rather a grounds for exctraction of riches to the ruling class. A poem of the era describes the brutal Mongol taxation:

Hundred roubles he took from a prince
fifty from a boyar
one from a peasant
Who couldn’t pay, he took his son
who hadn’t a son, he took his wife
who had no wife, he took himself

One rouble equalled 1/8th of a Russian pound of silver. Inability to pay the taxes meant being taken as a slave by the Mongols. The Mongols retaliated any dissence with wanton brutally. As result, there never were any rebellions against the Mongol rule until 1378.

The only way to survive such rule was to ditch any moral compass and ethical backbone and assume moral relativity - the concept that there is no right and no wrong, but everything depends on one’s vantage point - and a similar cruelty towards one’s subordinates and similar servility towards one’s superiors as the Mongol rulers and servants demonstrated.

The Khanate never had any vestiges of rule of law, but the word of the Khan was the law. This led to arbitrariness by the ruler and the idea that violence makes right. Laws in Russia exist only to prop the status of the powerholder and as a tool to punish any subordinates who think they have any rights.
There is only a rooster’s step from moral relativism to logical relativism: that there is no objective truth, but everything depends on who presents it. There are two words for “truth” in Russian, and three words for “lie”: “istina” means a scientific truth while “pravda” means truth as the one who insists it sees it; “lozh” means a blatant lie, “vranyo” means bullsh1tting (as a deception) and “nyepravda” as untruth. There is a constant state of greyshades between lie and truth in the Russian mind.

While the rest of the Europe assumed Feudalism and Capitalism and rule of law and restriction of the power of the ruler, Russia developed into Authoritarian Patrimonialism. This is a form of statehood which has never existed in Europe - perhaps the Ottoman Turkey is the closest thing. In Authoritarian Patrimonialism, the ruler is the supreme ruler of the land, not to be questioned by any means, he rules with force and no laws bind him, and all power springs from him. All economy is state-owned or state-controlled and there is no law-guaranteed right of ownership, but a limitless right of possession by the close circle of the rulers.
In Authoritarian Patrimonialism, the subjects are little better than worker ants. Serfdom ended in Russia de facto only in 1974, when kolkhoz peasants got a freedom to move to towns if they wished.

Russians fail game theory. They see everything as zero-sum games and they cannot understand the concept of mutual benefit. This is why Russia can never tolerate independent Baltic states - their security is off from the Russian security and their wealth is off the Russian wealth.

Russians prefer having enemies over having friends. This is a consequence of failing the game theory. Having enemies means you are feared and thus repected; having friends means you are weak and vulnerable.

Vladimir Putin is a perfect product of this kind of society. And same inverted: Russia is astonishingly immune to any attempts to reform the society, and it always returns back into Authoritarian Patrimonialism. While Nazism was a short spell of lunacy in Germany, Communism fit to the Russian idea like a nose on a human face. Communism was a perfect application of the Authoritarian Patrimonialism - the revolution changed absolutely nothing.

Yes, and whoever will replace Putin, will replace nothing. His successor will be a similar product of the similar mentality and similar culture.
Susanna Vilianen. Authoritarian Patrimonialism. That's where you got your knowledge about the state of affairs in Russia. To explain everything with the Mongools' influence on the Russian society & mentality is simplistic, misleading and racistic., not to mention your thesis on Nazism ---"a short spell of lunacy"-- and Communism, which would be fitting to the Russian idea "like a nose on a human face" (sic)... Seriously, were you lectured and fed with such a narrative at an academic level in Finland?! Moreno Boni
For me now it's best Ukrainian leaves Ukraine leave Ukraine and Russia nuke it to oblivion, well usa used nukes to end WW2 as they say LOL Russia should do the same we are never going to unipolar world never again
So if India invaded Pakistan and US come help defending Pakistan with weapon supplies and intelligence sharing, I want to know if you would think that Pakistani live are "Secondary" to USA because of that and that was just crocodile tears?? Or you would think Pakistani should rather just surrender to avoid Bloodshed instead becoming "Secondary" to the USA?

I mean you have a weird sense of nationalism.
What a lousy argument, if Pakistan builds an army base in Nepal Bangladesh and other Indian neighbouring countries India is not gonna sit and watch it will attack Pak with all it's might . U can't keep on surrounding Russia by expanding nato
Yeah we can easily see so many variants they made especially during the Cold War. And now Turkey has pushed it to its limit what it can. Same for other countries still using that design like Israel and South Korea. Israel has their Namer and are replacing them, think in the hundreds or thousands. Think Turkey may be building a replacement as well. The U.S. have already the Armor Multi Purpose Vehicle replacing the thousands of M113s. Helps Ukraine during and post war when giving it to them.
Yeah, I think Ukraine will most likely buy a lot of ex-US article after the war is over more than likely they will go with older generation Armour like advanced M60 or older M1..Either with US aid or in exchange of some partnership.
For me now it's best Ukrainian leaves Ukraine leave Ukraine and Russia nuke it to oblivion, well usa used nukes to end WW2 as they say LOL Russia should do the same we are never going to unipolar world never again

What a lousy argument, if Pakistan builds an army base in Nepal Bangladesh and other Indian neighbouring countries India is not gonna sit and watch it will attack Pak with all it's might . U can't keep on surrounding Russia by expanding nato
How is it lousy?? Care to explain?

If Nepal and Bangladesh are willing to let Pakistan build base and joint in alliance with Pakistan. If India did invade after Nepal and Bangladesh is willing, then the world will isolate India like they did with Russia.

Again, you are talking about a SOVERIGNTY Nation being invaded for their Independent foreign policy, You can't invade just because you don't like what they did, it's THEIR country, not yours. That same with Russia, India or anyone. You do that, they fight back, and when they fight back, they ask for help, it's that simple.

And in case you are wondering, this is exactly why NATO is expanding, or you really think Russian invasion is no big deal to country like Sweden or Finland that had traditionally neutral?? And evidentially they did applied to join NATO. Russia is the perfect excuse because Russia is giving it to them.
What’s happening to Putin’s great plan freezing Europa to death? Seems not working well.
The weather is too hot, thanks to global warming. electricity spot price 1.3 cent per kWh. Down 99 percent from the peak.
Also, natural gas, retail gasoline on downward trend, so cheap as before the war, Germany gas storage 100 percent full.


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