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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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Their is no Soviet Union or a communism threat anymore so they will not protect Turkey from any sh*t.

That's what I meant. Europe will not risk itself for Turkey. I have seen the attitudes here, most people want Turkey out of EU.
Seems like the Russians sure hate Turkish people.
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when every 1 is jumping in future just wana ask a thing if pakistan becomes a strong ally of russia they way the relations are going between pak and russia and their is a war between Turks and Russia wht Pak will do any clue
As i told to an Armenian once, we'll fight with Russians eventually.

We should get THAAD instead of S400s + this "news" doesn't say where the S400s will be placed

Please put them in Armenia :D

Nice to know that you are thinking of me :D

S400s will be in Armenia once Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus combine air defense systems in a year or so. Not really sure why you want this to happen though...Turkey does not and will not have anything that can surpass the S400. Turkey can do nothing to Armenia if Armenia has Russian support (which will clearly be strong if S400s are transferred to Gyumri).

Btw, I've been meaning to ask you this: Why would Turkey attack Armenia anyway?

They were offering same missiles to Turkey during SAM tender, Ironic no ?

Slight correction: Turkey wanted S400 but Russia only offered S300.

What happened to that SAM tender anyway?

Turkey's influence area is expanding and Russia won't back off, these two powers ill eventually clash. When that time comes Turkey will use all the cards on the table including NATO.

When "the time comes", Turkey will get kicked out of NATO. NATO is not willing to put its neck on the line for Turkey's neo-Ottoman ambitions. It is annoyed as it is with Turkey's horrendous relations with its neighbors.
Might have more to do with the US moving in F-22s into that region recently, along with three aircraft carrier groups(two present, one approaching).

S-400 is supposed to have anti-stealth capabilities, and the Russians would want to discourage the US from getting any ideas. They do have a very long history of Americans infilitrating and flying aircraft overhead which the Russians were unable to hit, for decades.
As i told to an Armenian once, we'll fight with Russians eventually.

Not without NATO backing....best thing for Turkey is to maintain good relations with Russia. This placement of S-400s is for Russia's security and not an offensive move. It is also a chess move by Russia politically.

Mod Edit: Please don't post off topics

USA + EU NATO + Turkey + Sunni Powers (Egypt, Saudi Arabia) vs Russia + China + Iran + Lebanon + Syria
Turkish - Russian relations are good even though of syria . Russia has plans and projects that will have gas pipelines pass through our country , Nucleur powerplant to russians , many Turkish construction firms are building in Russia and between all of this we are having massive projects that will hurt russia , Nabucco pipeline , Transanatolian piple , Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and still good relations.
You don't go round picking up fights with the Russians. Everybody knows how much NATO stepped in during the South Ossetia invasion. NATO was nowhere to be seen. NATO will not want to get into conflict with the Russians and if Turkey goes into a sticky situation in any other country, Turkey will be forced to step back as a decision of NATO. Oil supplies of Europe being frozen during the winter is not a nice scenario as the Russians have proven before.
You don't go round picking up fights with the Russians. Everybody knows how much NATO stepped in during the South Ossetia invasion. NATO was nowhere to be seen. NATO will not want to get into conflict with the Russians and if Turkey goes into a sticky situation in any other country, Turkey will be forced to step back as a decision of NATO. Oil supplies of Europe being frozen during the winter is not a nice scenario as the Russians have proven before.

Really? You are talking to a descendant of those who burned Moscow many times. :D

Napolean burned Moscow once, we did 2, 3 or maybe 4 times. :D
S 400 ? Its an overkill...S300 is more than enough to cure excessive adventurism.
Really? You are talking to a descendant of those who burned Moscow many times. :D

Napolean burned Moscow once, we did 2, 3 or maybe 4 times. :D

My dear friend. Talk about current scenario. In the 12th century you would not take a fight with Malinese empire. Does not mean they are a super power today. Hope I made my point.
Targeting countries with anti-aircraft missiles... Those evil russkies :D

Guess Russia should put these to use in South America in a tit for tat in US, so they might stop playing strategic games for sometime !!
My dear friend. Talk about current scenario. In the 12th century you would not take a fight with Malinese empire. Does not mean they are a super power today. Hope I made my point.

I told you the current situation. We increase in numbers, They decrease.
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