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Russia to flatten Georgia if Iran attacked

Frustated Pakistanis have turned another thread into India bashing thread.. Their comments asking everyone to come and wipe out India proves that they are ready to lick anybodies a$$ for their hatred for India. They did the great job with Americans now doing it will China.. But what happened till now?? Wishing/Trying destruction of others have pushed Pakistan/Pakistanis in a big $hit-hole and now they are talking out of their minds..

May Allah relieve them of their misery!!
Every country takes care of its interests at the priority and Russia got brains to see what is right or wrong for it..

Another thing - Pakistan is a country who worry only about others then itself.. They are a mess and they are happy about it proves they don't even have wish to improve..
Admit it,deep down our hearts,all of us,would love something super-exciting and amazing to happen.Something like a Zombie Apocalypse,a World War,don't you???
Guess who's back? back again? Vladimir's back, tell a friend! )))))
American proxy comes to make personal attacks which add nothing to any discussion other than defend white man

that will be fun. I look forward to it we will liberate all the dalits and others

you cant do jack about India...even with china the hollow pipe...go smoke some..:P arayan...do something on ur own...
Guess who's back? back again? Vladimir's back, tell a friend! )))))

vladimir was already in power :)
Russia wants strong deal with U.S ;) so they will try to milk as much as they can.
International politics dont work like you are thinking..
if i kill one then you will kill two..:no:

and its upto U.S to give russia upto their satisfaction and russians wants to remove missile shield in europe;) + syria issue ;)
you cant do jack about India...even with china the hollow pipe...go smoke some..:P arayan...do something on ur own...

mate this is well off topic but bombay had attacks Indian govt blamed Pakistan and then were unable to do squat says how powerful India is. But lets try to keep on topic. I know it is difficult and I am as much to blame but lets talk about Russian interests that coincide with Iran's. It can not be in Russia's interest for Iran to be attacked by west and no doubt they have options that they have and Georgia is a possibility
vladimir was already in power :)
Russia wants strong deal with U.S ;) so they will try to milk as much as they can.
International politics dont work like you are thinking..
if i kill one then you will kill two..:no:

and its upto U.S to give russia upto their satisfaction and russians wants to remove missile shield in europe;) + syria issue ;)

He was, but this time he's the president, not prime minister.

What you're saying is absurd in my humble opinion. Not everything is only about milking others, you can't sell geopolitics for money always, in fact most of the time you can't. You can milk and take concessions from your rivals or others over things, but you can't change the fact that your country is a neighbor of another country which its security directly affects your security.
He was, but this time he's the president, not prime minister.

What you're saying is absurd in my humble opinion. Not everything is only about milking others, you can't sell geopolitics for money always, in fact most of the time you can't. You can milk and take concessions from your rivals or others over things, but you can't change the fact that your country is a neighbor of another country which its security directly affects your security.

I think the interesting think about the Russian attack on Georgia was that although Americans had encouraged Georgia to be belligerent when push came to shove America did not dare assist Georgians. this to me says that Russians do have power and America would not want to cross Russian red lines. I believe one of those red lines may be an attack on Iran
He was, but this time he's the president, not prime minister.

What you're saying is absurd in my humble opinion. Not everything is only about milking others, you can't sell geopolitics for money always, in fact most of the time you can't. You can milk and take concessions from your rivals or others over things, but you can't change the fact that your country is a neighbor of another country which its security directly affects your security.

Russia and U.S are great powers and they know how to deal.
pakistan is ruled by their army and their PM or pres are nothing more than puppet.
same way,putin was already in power like my above example.
Russian concern is not iran now but missile shield and syria.
But they can frustrate U.S by bringing iran in list.So its US which has to give them on their demands.
russians offered their bases for military stuff to a-stan:azn:(understood??)
you will be surprised to know that russians wants U.S to stay in a-stan coz of their bad relations with taliban.

Did russia give u s-300??where was neighborhood or brother hood??

Unfortunately in b/w big powers only small countries are sacrificed and it will happen again..
so dont take this news seriously..once russians are stuffed with their demands..they will back off..

even U.S and russia had deal that they will pretend against india but will not attack india in 71 war..and this happened too:laugh:

so iran cant do anything,its upto russia and U.S to do give and take

mate this is well off topic but bombay had attacks Indian govt blamed Pakistan and then were unable to do squat says how powerful India is. But lets try to keep on topic. I know it is difficult and I am as much to blame but lets talk about Russian interests that coincide with Iran's. It can not be in Russia's interest for Iran to be attacked by west and no doubt they have options that they have and Georgia is a possibility

so india will attack pakistan coz of 200 killed inside??every answer is not given direct Mr aryan ;)
india knows where and when to give answer ;)
Russia and U.S are great powers and they know how to deal.
pakistan is ruled by their army and their PM or pres are nothing more than puppet.
same way,putin was already in power like my above example.
Russian concern is not iran now but missile shield and syria.
But they can frustrate U.S by bringing iran in list.So its US which has to give them on their demands.
russians offered their bases for military stuff to a-stan:azn:(understood??)
you will be surprised to know that russians wants U.S to stay in a-stan coz of their bad relations with taliban.

Did russia give u s-300??where was neighborhood or brother hood??

Unfortunately in b/w big powers only small countries are sacrificed and it will happen again..
so dont take this news seriously..once russians are stuffed with their demands..they will back off..

even U.S and russia had deal that they will pretend against india but will not attack india in 71 war..and this happened too:laugh:

so iran cant do anything,its upto russia and U.S to do give and take

lol. Russia wants the USA to stay in Afghanistan because of their bad relations with the Taliban? :lol: That explains how much you know about the region. :lol::lol: No one in the region sees the US presence in Afghanistan as beneficial. China obviously finds it difficult to accept the US presence in its neighborhood. Moreover, Afghanistan without the USA would mean China and Iran would have a short and secure path to construct railways, gas pipelines, etc...
Russia also doesn't see the US presence in Afghanistan as beneficial either because it neighbors Central Asia which is considered Russia's backyard. I don't know how you came up with the conclusion that Russia wants the USA to stay there. About Russia's offer to the USA, that doesn't mean Russia and the USA are getting close to each other. We also worked with Americans in Afghanistan during Herat uprising, but it didn't mean our ideas were converging, it means we wanted a greater role in Afghanistan and we also wanted to show what we could do if we help the USA and what they couldn't do without us.

About S-300, many people in Russia disagreed with that decision and it hurt our military ties but it certainly wasn't because the USA and Russia had the same strategy toward Iran. Russia just wanted to project its power over Iran but on the other hand Iran brought the case to the court for arbitration until Russia paid every penny that Iran had paid for it. China is growing its influence in Iran while Russia-Iran military trade is decreasing, so Russia wanted to see how Iran would react to that and you saw how Iran reacted to that.

Iran isn't a small country, check your geography, Iran's area is over 1,600,00 kilometers square and it is an energy super power with a population close to 80 million people. and Iran won't be sacrificed because it's independent. We fought with Iraq for 8 years even though the Soviets were siding with Iraq and as history proved we did fine while both the Western and Eastern bloc saw Iran as a threat to their ideology.

Please do not generalize your ideas to other countries, especially Iran. It's true that India can't do anything and its decisions will always be shadowed by global powers as you people suggest to us, but that's not true about Iran. You are free to hold any ideas you want as an Indian for India, but please don't think others think like you because that's the Indian mentality, not the Iranian mind-set. Iran is an independent country with its own ideology that is getting momentum in the Middle East which is the most important part of the world when it comes to energy reserves, on the other hand, India is a country that follows global powers and not only its influence in the region is not increasing (India has a great potential to export its culture in the South Asian continent) but almost every one in South Asia is refusing to accept their Indian cultural heritage. Two completely different cases to be compared.

You also said Russia bothered about Syria, so you think it doesn't care about Iran? Syria is Russia's ally in the Mediterranean region but Iran is Russia's partner in the Middle East that holds more than 50% of the world's energy reserves. Iran is in control of the strait of Hurmoz that is a vital passage for the world's economy, Iran has the 3rd largest proven oil reserves and the second largest gas reserves in the world. If Iran turns its back to Russia and becomes an ally of the west under a new regime like the Shah era, Iran can directly threaten Russia's national security both in economic and military sense. Iran's gas can totally remove Russia's influence on Europe for energy, Iran's military equipped by the west can obviously be a challenge for Russia in the Caspian sea, etc... It's very obvious that Russia will not risk losing Iran if a war erupts.
Please do not generalize your ideas to other countries, especially Iran. It's true that India can't do anything and its decisions will always be shadowed by global powers as you people suggest to us, but that's not true about Iran. You are free to hold any ideas you want as an Indian for India, but please don't think others think like you because that's the Indian mentality, not the Iranian mind-set. Iran is an independent country with its own ideology that is getting momentum in the Middle East which is the most important part of the world when it comes to energy reserves, on the other hand, India is a country that follows global powers and not only its influence in the region is not increasing (India has a great potential to export its culture in the South Asian continent) but almost every one in South Asia is refusing to accept their Indian cultural heritage. Two completely different cases to be compared.
No offense mate but many of the iranians in this forum have difficulty thinking strategicaly, every discussion turns into a cat fight and troll fest.

Every nation follows there own strategic interest, that is the sad reality of todays geopolitics.
It is not some sort kinder garden fight where everything is black and white.
Some of the pakistani poster are thinking here that China and Russia will gang up against India, and why should they we have trade of close to 70 b$ with China.

The Russians are our strategic partners in military, 60% of military hardware that Russia sold was to India this year. We are partners with them in development of 5th genration fighter aircraft.
Now coming to India-Iran relation ship this relationship is not only about oil.
Before 9/11 during Taliban reign India,Iran and Russia where the 3 countrys which where helping Northen alliance against the Talibs so our 2 countrys have worked together when our interest have been same.
India has helped iran in construction of Chah Bahar port and is also constructing 900KM railway network connecting with Afghanistan can you imagine the level leverage this has given you when it comes to Afghanistan.
Chah Bahar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India follows foreign policy not because it wants to influense its culture in South Asia or to get some sort of ego boost. It follows a foreign policy which is the best for its national interest, so do china and Russia people are deluding themselves by thinking these countrys will fight some one else war.

I expect nothing else from Iran but follow a policy which is in its national interest and when our national interest become common just like Afghanistan, to act in way which is beneficial for as both.
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