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Russia to flatten Georgia if Iran attacked

Costa Rica to flatten Uganda if Albania attacked.
Mongolia to flatten Paraguai if Erithrea attacked.

Dont ever dare to attack Erithria.. or else.:guns::guns:
why not India as well as they are American proxy too lol

Sorry to say, but it is Pakistan that brought the big powers into this region to settle issue with India, and, forget about settling issues with India, now this strategy has back fired and Pakistan is at the receiving end for almost 10 years. I read today somewhere that HSBC is winding its business in Pakistan. It is a bad sign for Pakistan.

First, it is Pakistan that acted proxy for Americans in Afghanistan to defeat Soviet, and what have got... you simply pushed Soviet into India's arms.

Second, it is Pakistan, again, that acted proxy for Americans in Pakistan itself for American's war on terror, and the hilarious thing is, instead of getting praised for the sacrifices (people, peace, economy) you made for Americans, you are accused of duplicitous behaviour, and what have got....you simply pushed Americans again into India's arms.

Third, now, again Pakistan is wanting to act as proxy for Chinese, again to settle issue with India. I am sure this time too you would pushed Chinese into India's arms.
guys its diplomacy, russia might not do anything but it simply sends a message to usa that dont come here planning a full invasion of iran. anyways good step russia again they have shown that they can stand against usa.

how abt flat pakistan :rofl:

i think u don't know about our 200 nukes.............india will remain flatten for the rest of the time to come.....................:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
First imaginary prophecies and now this, what has this forum come to, a place to vent pent up personal frustrations :lol::lol::lol:

Leave the kids alone mate lol

Costa Rica to flatten Uganda if Albania attacked.
Mongolia to flatten Paraguai if Erithrea attacked.

Dont forget Malta to flatten Sicily island if Somalia attacked
Sorry to say, but it is Pakistan that brought the big powers into this region to settle issue with India, and, forget about settling issues with India, now this strategy has back fired and Pakistan is at the receiving end for almost 10 years. I read today somewhere that HSBC is winding its business in Pakistan. It is a bad sign for Pakistan.

First, it is Pakistan that acted proxy for Americans in Afghanistan to defeat Soviet, and what have got... you simply pushed Soviet into India's arms.

Second, it is Pakistan, again, that acted proxy for Americans in Pakistan itself for American's war on terror, and the hilarious thing is, instead of getting praised for the sacrifices (people, peace, economy) you made for Americans, you are accused of duplicitous behaviour, and what have got....you simply pushed Americans again into India's arms.

Third, now, again Pakistan is wanting to act as proxy for Chinese, again to settle issue with India. I am sure this time too you would pushed Chinese into India's arms.

You sure you don't mean Afghanistan? Trying to steal territory from Pakistan, sending insurgents to destabilize it from within. Then when Pakistan returns the favor, Afghans call in the Soviets for help. Pakistan continues to support anti-Afghan/Soviet insurgents, then USA and China join. All happened cause your friend Afghanistan wanted Pakistani territory. If they had left Pakistan alone, there would have been no war, no complications.

Funny how you indians call any mutual interest between America and Pakistan "proxy" yet you've had joint ventures with the USSR such as 1971. Wanna call that proxy?
But no nuclear bomb for islamic republic of Iran. Islamic regime there is an enemy of Pakistan. Also the Russian Federation is crippling in terms of ground forces. They're equipment is outdated and old. Their losses in Chechnya are a good example of decline in ground forces. Best weapons are it's missile stockpile and new fighter jets.
i never understand why Saudis have a thing against Iranians even when its in Western History books , they helped bring down Islamic empire ... main cause of creation of Palestine

But on local TV channels folks pretend to have sympathies with Palestinians ;)

I fail to understand as the people of two countries don't even interact ...
Russian Navy have presence in Middle East and its due to their presence Syria remained untouched till now from US and its allies. Would be interesting to see how Russian Navy and 7th Fleet see each other at time of conflict.

Russian Submarines presence in Bay of bengal thwarted USAs 7th fleet from back in 71 , USA wont dare to come close if Russia stands firm .... With Russian support Iran is safe for now and so is world oil prices .... Irans safety is in Indias interest too
Sorry to say, but it is Pakistan that brought the big powers into this region to settle issue with India, and, forget about settling issues with India, now this strategy has back fired and Pakistan is at the receiving end for almost 10 years. I read today somewhere that HSBC is winding its business in Pakistan. It is a bad sign for Pakistan.

First, it is Pakistan that acted proxy for Americans in Afghanistan to defeat Soviet, and what have got... you simply pushed Soviet into India's arms.

Second, it is Pakistan, again, that acted proxy for Americans in Pakistan itself for American's war on terror, and the hilarious thing is, instead of getting praised for the sacrifices (people, peace, economy) you made for Americans, you are accused of duplicitous behaviour, and what have got....you simply pushed Americans again into India's arms.

Third, now, again Pakistan is wanting to act as proxy for Chinese, again to settle issue with India. I am sure this time too you would pushed Chinese into India's arms.

Into India's arms? LOL!
Oh India! Will you save me?:D

You're making India sound bigger than the US/Russia/China. It sound like its India that has all these puppies, but the truth is, it's the other way around -- India is the puppy up for adoption. :)

Take it easy bro. You're big, but not that big. :lol:
Plans to move troops to protect interests, possibly assist Islamic enclave

Russia expecting attack on Iran by summer


WASHINGTON – The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, informed Russian sources say in a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.

Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.

“Iran is our neighbor,” Rogozin said. “If Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.” Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia’s defense sector.

Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn’t believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.

Russia’s purpose in moving its troops would be not only to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces or both.

Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of “unpredictable consequences” in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military would intervene because its vital interests in region would be threatened.

The influential Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper has quoted a Russian military source as saying that the situation forming around Syria and Iran “causes Russia to expedite the course of improvement of its military groups in the South Caucasus, the Caspian, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.”

This latest information comes from a series of reports and leaks from official Russian spokesmen and government news agencies who say that an Israeli attack is all but certain by the summer.

Because of the impact on Russian vital interests in the region, sources say that Russian preparations for such an attack began two years ago when Russian Military Base 102 in Gyumri, Armenia, was modernized. It is said to occupy a major geopolitical position in the region.

Families of Russian servicemen from the Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia close to the borders of Georgia and Turkey already have been evacuated, Russian sources say.

“Military Base 102 is a key point, Russia’s outpost in the South Caucasus,” a Russian military source told the newspaper. “It occupies a very important geopolitical position, but the Kremlin fears lest it should lose this situation.”

we have to wait and see are they really going for war are just warning
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