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Russia to build maintenance facility in Vietnam's Cam Rahn Bay

To China : Russia is exact the business partner, they must balance between strength the shield and not sharpen the spear of China, so they will be headache to remove something very important when sell anything to China.

But to Vietnam, India ... beside the commercial aspect, Russia could arm more to their weapon ...

An example, Yakhont or Brahmos ... Chinese never has the same offer from Russia.

Another example, Japan would offer to give Vietnam Epsilon rockets for launching satelite ourselve,
is it a threat to China ?

Yes, Russia calculate the benefit against the cost when they deal with China. But their "ally" like vietnam is not in that calculation. They don't care about Vietnam. Here is an example. China recently showed interest in the Su-35. Russia said they won't sell them to China in small quantity becuase of the risk of intectuall theft. But if China is keen to make a big orders, Russia will sell them because the benefit (big profits) outweigh the risk. They don't care how this would affect countries like vietnam.

Same calculation with Vietnam and India. Russia is willing to sell them high tech toys because they trust that Vietnam or India will not reverse engineer them. So the benefit outweighs the risk. It has nothing to do with protecting ally vietnam etc.

I don't get your point about Japan and their epsilon. That rocket is not a military hardware. If Japan sells missiles to Vietnam, then yes it is a threat to China, no matter how small a threat it is.
Yes, Russia calculate the benefit against the cost when they deal with China. But their "ally" like vietnam is not in that calculation. They don't care about Vietnam. Here is an example. China recently showed interest in the Su-35. Russia said they won't sell them to China in small quantity becuase of the risk of intectuall theft. But if China is keen to make a big orders, Russia will sell them because the benefit (big profits) outweigh the risk. They don't care how this would affect countries like vietnam.

Same calculation with Vietnam and India. Russia is willing to sell them high tech toys because they trust that Vietnam or India will not reverse engineer them. So the benefit outweighs the risk. It has nothing to do with protecting ally vietnam etc.

I don't get your point about Japan and their epsilon. That rocket is not a military hardware. If Japan sells missiles to Vietnam, then yes it is a threat to China, no matter how small a threat it is.

Its more related to India,the offer of Su-35BM as India is shifting into western alliance. It was Russia who helped Vietnam to discover White tiger field and Western corps claimed there was no oil in Vietnam. And the offer has been made to China after 20 years. Think about that.And its non -strategic.

But you might never know.

Russia will sell them because the benefit (big profits) outweigh the risk. They don't care how this would affect countries like vietnam.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...ty-vietnams-cam-rahn-bay-5.html#ixzz2gefkqjVi

Russia can bring vietnam and china on negotiation table and help settle disputes also.

Also Russia could easily give jamming or radar or IR signatures to Vietnam if China gets aggressive.
A faker so ashamed as his ethnicity and nationality has the ball to respond here? LOL What a joke! If you show your true self, I might take you more seriously with a response.

I am an internationalist, are you depressed that I'm not a chicom bot spitting out CCP propaganda to boost your ego? :cuckoo:

If I told you in a secret border settlement with the Vietnamese regime that we gain more, would you believe me? This would hurt the feeling of our Vietnam..ese friend.

Gaining those little border settlement was not even the objective of the PLA in 1979. The objective was to make the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia. The CCP want to save face by driving the vietnamese out from their ally cambodia. Instead, the whole world (except for Pakistan) laugh at the CCP for the next 10 years. Come on, your enemy is occupying your ally next door and you can't do anything about it for 10 years????
Also Russia could easily give jamming or radar or IR signatures to Vietnam if China gets aggressive.

More likely, Russia will tell vietnam to buy even better aircrafts like the Pak-fa. This will mean more money for Russia. It is business.
More likely, Russia will tell vietnam to buy even better aircrafts like the Pak-fa. This will mean more money for Russia. It is business.

Yes,thats possible. What I stated was in case China invades. Russia has protected Syria and GCC offered weapons deal worth 100 billion $ to Russia to ditch Assad.

Did Russia ditch ? NO... BIG TIME NO... RUSSIA sticks with loyal allies and ditches unloyal ones like Libya.

And Russia helped Vietnam discover massive reserves of oil at virtually no cost. Another strategic game changer.
Yes,thats possible. What I stated was in case China invades. Russia has protected Syria and GCC offered weapons deal worth 100 billion $ to Russia to ditch Assad.

Did Russia ditch ? NO... BIG TIME NO... RUSSIA sticks with loyal allies and ditches unloyal ones like Libya.

And Russia helped Vietnam discover massive reserves of oil at virtually no cost. Another strategic game changer.

$100 billion may seem huge, but would that outweigh the cost of having the relatively pro-russia Assad regime crumble? I don't know what that cost is but until I have proof that $100bil is greater than the cost, I stand by my view that Russia has no problem doing things for their self-interest at the expense of their "allies".
$100 billion may seem huge, but would that outweigh the cost of having the relatively pro-russia Assad regime crumble? I don't know what that cost is but until I have proof that $100bil is greater than the cost, I stand by my view that Russia has no problem doing things for their self-interest at the expense of their "allies".

I would disagree with you. 100 billion $ is huge for russian economy. Assad regime is a loss making venture for russians as russians have written off too many loans to them.But Syria has been loyal to Russia throughout.

And Russia repaid that loyalty by protecting it. A friend in need is friend indeed.

I stand by my view that Russia has no problem doing things for their self-interest at the expense of their "allies".

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...ty-vietnams-cam-rahn-bay-5.html#ixzz2gepRPTWO

It will supply downgraded models compared to allies.
You are wrong, Tunnel system for fuel, command center ... is a must have
The Russian made even entrance tunnel systems for their nuke sub in Cam Ranh in 80s , that make sense for a deep water naval base, sub no need to raise up to surface when enter the base. The entrance tunnel is invisible because it's under the water level ... not like what you see in Yulin


About, Rouge Khmer, Vietnam actually counter attacked to aggressive acts of them in the borders.
We once did the same to China ( under Song's dynasty ) in 11th century.

Who is proud of holding hands of the killers like Rouge Khmer ? Even UN is foolish to consider Rouge Khmer as representative of Cambodia ? Vietnam isn't wrong to terminate the mass-killers while Chinese advisors stay behind them.

For your information, Cambodian people are very different to Laos ... They's not loyal to anybody.

Anyway, current Cambodia govt still say Thanks to Vietnam for saving their population under Khmer Rouge rule

You know China can deploy DF-15 ballistic missiles to destroy the tunnel systems in Cam Ranh Bay. Vietnam's Scud missiles are inaccurate.

Also, I can't find anything about secret tunnels in Cam Ranh, and the image of Yulin Naval Base are estimated, not fully accurate.
Yes, Russia calculate the benefit against the cost when they deal with China. But their "ally" like vietnam is not in that calculation. They don't care about Vietnam. Here is an example. China recently showed interest in the Su-35. Russia said they won't sell them to China in small quantity becuase of the risk of intectuall theft. But if China is keen to make a big orders, Russia will sell them because the benefit (big profits) outweigh the risk. They don't care how this would affect countries like vietnam.

Same calculation with Vietnam and India. Russia is willing to sell them high tech toys because they trust that Vietnam or India will not reverse engineer them. So the benefit outweighs the risk. It has nothing to do with protecting ally vietnam etc.

I don't get your point about Japan and their epsilon. That rocket is not a military hardware. If Japan sells missiles to Vietnam, then yes it is a threat to China, no matter how small a threat it is.
well said. Sure, like any country Russia is selfish and thinks how to benefit from others, be China, India or Vietnam. The Russians sell weapons against money and interests.

We will see how seriously Russia thinks if it comes to defence of Vietnam. They already provided technology to Vietnam so that we can self produce antiship missiles such as Shaddock, Termit and Switchblade. Yakhont comes next (hopefully soon).

Japan at this point does not provide any weapons to us as their postwar laws prohibit arms export.
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well, Vietnam is receiving improved Kilos. I hope, we will have Amur class or even nuclear subs in the future. 6 Kilos are not enough to cover the vast ocean, considering the strength of Chinese naval fleet.
Without our history book, you wouldn't even know who your ancestors were. LOL

Yeah keep dreaming. Without our help, you aren't beating the USA in the guerrilla warfare. Oh by the way , who taught you how to fight a guerrilla warfare? It was us. Your Uncle Ho came to China for training for this specific reason! Also enjoy the 1979 border skirmish because we are very proud of the fact we regain the our island back.

CIA has been training and transfered guerrilla warfare to Vietnamese in WW II. :omghaha:


OSS Deer Team members pose with Viet Minh leaders Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap during training at Tan Trao in August 1945. Deer Team members standing, l to r, are Rene Defourneaux, (Ho), Allison Thomas, (Giap), Henry Prunier and Paul Hoagland, far right. Kneeling, left, are Lawrence Vogt and Aaron Squires. (Rene Defourneaux).

In the mid-1940s, the Viet Minh, under Ho Chi Minh, looked to the West for help in its independence movement and got it.

Read more here below link.
Ho Chi Minh and the OSS
I am an internationalist, are you depressed that I'm not a chicom bot spitting out CCP propaganda to boost your ego? :cuckoo:
Excuse me? A faker pretending to be Chinese so to avoid being attack by my Chinese compatriot has the gut to respond to me? Next time, put your ethnicity flag where you belong okay? What a pathetic human being to be a faker.

Gaining those little border settlement was not even the objective of the PLA in 1979. The objective was to make the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia. The CCP want to save face by driving the vietnamese out from their ally cambodia. Instead, the whole world (except for Pakistan) laugh at the CCP for the next 10 years. Come on, your enemy is occupying your ally next door and you can't do anything about it for 10 years????
Even though we failed Cambodia to drive out the Vietnamese Communists, our main objective was direct at the Soviet Union who had a larger threat on our national security and who we dared to enter into a war. Don't forget, most of our best army are station up up north in anticipation of a Soviet retaliation when we attacked their puppet ally, Vietnam. What make you think Vietnam is so important to us when the Soviet deserved a much better national security attention?

CIA has been training and transfered guerrilla warfare to Vietnamese in WW II. :omghaha:


OSS Deer Team members pose with Viet Minh leaders Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap during training at Tan Trao in August 1945. Deer Team members standing, l to r, are Rene Defourneaux, (Ho), Allison Thomas, (Giap), Henry Prunier and Paul Hoagland, far right. Kneeling, left, are Lawrence Vogt and Aaron Squires. (Rene Defourneaux).

Ho Chi Minh and the OSS
Learn about your Uncle Ho, kid.
I am an internationalist, are you depressed that I'm not a chicom bot spitting out CCP propaganda to boost your ego? :cuckoo:
Gaining those little border settlement was not even the objective of the PLA in 1979. The objective was to make the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia. The CCP want to save face by driving the vietnamese out from their ally cambodia. Instead, the whole world (except for Pakistan) laugh at the CCP for the next 10 years. Come on, your enemy is occupying your ally next door and you can't do anything about it for 10 years????
internationalist? that is a sick mentality, you must be a white hiding behind Chinese flag, like the Chinese member said above it was just a game played by Chinese to test the resolve of Soviets massed on the border, the war was all because of the greedy Viets asking too much from brother China, after 1975 VN is nothing so went North to beg Chinese for aid and supplies for rebuilding but Chinese had gone through too much including Korea, the 1st Indochina War, Cultural revolution and 2nd Indochina War and still these greedy Viets wanted more like a vulture pick at the bones until nothing left but also the Vietnamese were imperialist seeking to subjugate Laos and Cambodia, it was even in the last will of Mr Ho Chi Minh, obviously the Chinese did not agree with this given Soviets to the North and super Vietnam state to the South in a pincer move, don't anyone ever let the Viet tell you they invaded Cambodia because of saving Khmers or retaliating against border skirmishes
internationalist? that is a sick mentality, you must be a white hiding behind Chinese flag, like the Chinese member said above it was just a game played by Chinese to test the resolve of Soviets massed on the border, the war was all because of the greedy Viets asking too much from brother China, after 1975 VN is nothing so went North to beg Chinese for aid and supplies for rebuilding but Chinese had gone through too much including Korea, the 1st Indochina War, Cultural revolution and 2nd Indochina War and still these greedy Viets wanted more like a vulture pick at the bones until nothing left but also the Vietnamese were imperialist seeking to subjugate Laos and Cambodia, it was even in the last will of Mr Ho Chi Minh, obviously the Chinese did not agree with this given Soviets to the North and super Vietnam state to the South in a pincer move, don't anyone ever let the Viet tell you they invaded Cambodia because of saving Khmers or retaliating against border skirmishes

i bet you're someone else hiding behind a false flag

north koreans can't afford internet and those who can are separated from the outside world :omghaha:
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