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Russia threatens to “plunge the UK into the depths of the sea” with radioactive tsunami

Yes true. But Russians also know those countries would not dare use Nuclear weapons, unless they want to get MAD. In that case what diff does it makes!!

Even Ukrainian president knows NATO doesn't have a stomach to fight the Russians, he has said it few times in last few months,

That's a half-truth.

He said NATO wont fight in Ukraine because it's not an member country but if Russia attacks NATO country they are gonna fight.
Ah the British, the pioneers of lies, deception and drunk on hubris. When I read the news link being British, that's when I know it's pure, unadulterated bu!l$hit
That's a half-truth.

He said NATO wont fight in Ukraine because it's not an member country but if Russia attacks NATO country they are gonna fight.
Well, they would have no options, if they don't tthey would be wiped out.
The courage is missing, that would be necessity. They raised hope of Ukraine, and see it now, it is gone for all purposes. I had been dealing with Ukraine just before the breakout of the war. I know a bit about the people there.
What strategic depth gonna do for you in a nuclear? All their cities and military bases would be hit on retaliation strikes. Outside largest cities Russia is a third world country.

They have huge land to put people who they want to survive, also they have natural resources to rebuilt, but after any exchange of nukes, MAD will become reality for whole world, and Europe may not have any livable place left.

Kremlin backed media threatening to turn the UK into a “barren wasteland” with a thousand foot tsunami from a deep-sea nuclear warhead
Post Russian nuke strike......

@UKBengali = @UWBengali (under water bengali)
and @waz =@was :lol:
Queen Elizabeth II is NOT impressed:

Post Russian nuke strike......

@UKBengali = @UWBengali (under water bengali)
and @waz =@was :lol:

That video is stupid as it seems to think a torpedo could carry a warhead of 100 MT.

Only way it could do that is if the torpedo is the same size as a diesel electric submarine.

Childish and very immature and it is obvious that the UK has gotten under Putin's skin over Ukraine.
If a WW2 ship can create Tsunami then why a very powerful Nuclear weapon can't do that??

The question is how huge Tsunami can be created by a nuclear weapon?

What utter nonsense. No ship ever created a tsunami. It created a wave, a wave is a not a tsunami. A tsunami is movement of entire water column. The largest nuclear devuce Tzar bombs detonating in deep sea and you could sit in a small boat 6 km above it and feel nothing. The water pressure simply crushs the shockwave.

The christmas tsunami in indian ocean 2004 was triggered by an earthquake with the force of 50.000.000 hiroshima bombs.

So good luck on that.

It always amazes me when humans think they have power. Even our stringest nukes are nothing than farts on the scale of nature.
Experiment for reference:

The nuclear bomb did not produce Tsunami.
This video made me go down a rabbit hole 🕳 apparently both the US and Russia experimented with so called “Tsunami” bombs and they never yielded desired results.

A Tsunami is generated by the rocking motion of the ground - something a nuclear explosion cannot replicate- it just goes to show the awe inspiring power of nature.
After the stellar performance in Ukraine, i am sure none of the countries are going to take Russia seriously. That being said, nuclear threat means Russians are doubting their own conventional capabilities.
That video is stupid as it seems to think a torpedo could carry a warhead of 100 MT.

Only way it could do that is if the torpedo is the same size as a diesel electric submarine.

Childish and very immature and it is obvious that the UK has gotten under Putin's skin over Ukraine.

You should volunteer with the Tableeghis fighting Assad and Russia in Syria.
This video made me go down a rabbit hole 🕳 apparently both the US and Russia experimented with so called “Tsunami” bombs and they never yielded desired results.

A Tsunami is generated by the rocking motion of the ground - something a nuclear explosion cannot replicate- it just goes to show the awe inspiring power of nature.

Agreed, bro.

Water have amazing properties and it can mitigate lot of effects (a blessing of Allah Almighty).

Comet strikes can create significant Tsunami effects on the other hand:

"The Eltanin impact, south of Chile in the Pacific Ocean, is comparable to the Hiawatha Crater. It’s crater is estimated at ≈ 35 km in diameter and the impact produced a thin melt rock layer enriched in iridium. The Eltanin impact occurred 2.51 ± 0.06 million years ago coincident with the end of the Pliocene era. It produced a 200 m high tsunami at the coast of Chile that was still 35 m high at the coast of Tasmania. The Eltanin impact pushed the Earth into an ice age with a mass extinction of 36% of all genera occurred including 55% of all marine mammals, 35% of sea birds, 43% of sea turtles, and 9% of sharks. This suggests that an impact at Hiawatha Crater could cause similar worldwide climate change and extinctions. All previous epochs appear to be correlated with the dates of meteor impacts leaving craters comparable to Hiawatha Crater as shown in Figure 7. No craters are observed in the ocean and few have been found in ice suggesting that the true impact rate is ≈ 4 times the rate inferred from terrestrial craters. It is apparent that these events are important triggers to climate change, extinctions, and evolution."

Something significant happened circa 12,800 years as well.

People should believe in and fear Allah Almighty.

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