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North Korea reveals undersea drone able to trigger ‘radioactive tsunamis’ on US

Ah because feeding a few athletes for propaganda reasons means the entire country eats well?
Are you and Beny Karachun the same person, every single time you two appear at same time, last time you said it's a coincidence, but no coincidence happens every single time.
Lol at this Israeli bitch barking about North Korea😂
You mean when North Korea INVADED South Korea?

Then, who is US to attack N. Korea?

It was not issue of Koreans?
Then, who is US to attack N. Korea?

It was not issue of Koreans?
One of the biggest reasons for China to fight in Korea was the fear that US may use Korea as the jumping board to intervene the Chinese civil war.
Are you and Beny Karachun the same person, every single time you two appear at same time, last time you said it's a coincidence, but no coincidence happens every single time.
Ah then I must also be Hamartia Antidote and F-22 Raptor and VCheng and gambit and Legionnaire and every person that you don't agree with.

Then, who is US to attack N. Korea?

It was not issue of Koreans?
The ally of South Korea.
Seriously this failed state and its dynastic family regime should stop with this its constant propaganda of how they are going to destroy america. I've been hearing this for decades now. They should focus on feeding their hungry people first and treating them like human beings. Nobody wants to live in that giant prison.
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Seriously this failed state and its dynastic famolly regime should stop with this its constant propaganda of how they arenglignto destroy america. I've been hearing this for decades now. They should focus on feeding their hungry people first and treating them like human beings. Nobody wants to live in that Giant prison

Yeah, as soon the west lifts its sanctions program.
Honestly, the US should just use 200 nuclear bombs and wipe out that place before they could actually do something.
if the US bombs North Korea with 200 atomic bombs and wipes it out, am I wrong or consequently also wipe out its ally South Korea or at least all the South Korean population?

Or had you not thought about this consequence?
Why don’t all these people just launch everything and be done with it. I’m quickly embracing nihilism 😂
Yeah, as soon the west lifts its sanctions program.
A country that keeps threatening every year that they are going to destroy them? And keeps arming itself like no tomorrow. Why should the U.S/Japan, S.korea help them. Its like saying Pakistan should help India(in case you were wealthier. Lol). Lol See how silly that sounds?
Moreover the Kim dynasty is actually ok with the status quo. Since they are scared of opening their country up for free trade, travel, investments etc. Since they are worried their people will start seeing the real world finally and realising how much they had been lied ot and brainwashed by the Kim regime. So Kim dynasty is worried about the threat this will pose to the regime. So they will keep maintaining the status quo until the day the regime is toppled by its people or other geopolitical reasons. Why take a risk of opening up/reforming with the West, when you can carry on with your tried and tested formula (locking up your people and bombarding them with constant propaganda)? Lol Can't blame the Kim dynasty. Can only blame the people and moderate officials for not taking things into their own hands to topple that crazy dynasty.
How are you planning to miss Al Aqsa?
Your tribe will already demolish it before using any nukes or swords.
That will be the main reason for uprise in Umma and start of final hunting down the Zios.
I always think about you how will you react.... Will you hide in a building? 🤔Will you hide behind a tree? 🤔
BTW, you guys would be surprised to know that it would be NK that would be the first to use nuclear weapons, to spark WW3, launched against USA.

Time will tell, and that time is very close.

This is what a spiritual person has said.

Nobody needs to believe any of it though 😜
A country that keeps threatening every year that they are going to destroy them? And keeps arming itself like no tomorrow. Why should the U.S/Japan, S.korea help them. Its like saying Pakistan should help India(in case you were wealthier. Lol). Lol See how silly that sounds?
Moreover the Kim dynasty is actually ok with the status quo. Since they are scared of opening their country up for free trade, travel, investments etc. Since they are worried their people will start seeing the real world finally and realising how much they had been lied ot and brainwashed by the Kim regime. So Kim dynasty is worried about the threat this will pose to the regime. So they will keep maintaining the status quo until the day the regime is toppled by its people or other geopolitical reasons. Why take a risk of opening up/reforming with the West, when you can carry on with your tried and tested formula (locking up your people and bombarding them with constant propaganda)? Lol Can't blame the Kim dynasty. Can only blame the people and moderate officials for not taking things into their own hands to topple that crazy dynasty.

Your points are valid as well, but the West has supported so many dipshits that supporting Kim isn't going to change anything. You can give him food and medicine; while he controls access to the media and trips out of the country.

A middle approach could be to earn another vassal state.

As for arms, it's a right of any country I consider those countries foolish who aren't armed to the teeth.

Don't make fun of our poverty. Lol
Lol at this Israeli bitch barking about North Korea😂
That zio knows a rogue nation like NK is extreme dangerous for his master USA, especially when it is not afraid of USA. All the existence of illegal apartheid state of Zionism is due to their master.
Once the master is gone or even lost a little grip the zio state is gone in the hands of the wolves which will pierce it down.
The zio then will be keep running and hiding in different places only to know that it is not working anymore at all.
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