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US Warns China Of Consequences If Xi Jinping Doesn't Act On Kim Jong Un's Missile Launches


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US Warns China Of Consequences If Xi Jinping Doesn't Act On Kim Jong Un's Missile Launches​

by Benzinga Neuro, Benzinga Staff Writer
July 22, 2023 1:19 AM


In a recent development, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that the U.S. will take necessary steps if Xi Jinping fails to intervene in the military activities of its ally, Kim Jong Un, SCMP reports.

US to Bolster Defense Alliances

Blinken has communicated to China that the U.S. seeks its assistance in handling North Korea’s “nuclear programme” and denuclearising the Korean peninsula.

He stated, “We believe that you have unique influence and we hope that you’ll use it to get better cooperation from North Korea.”

However, if China refrains from intervening, the U.S. plans to strengthen its defense alliances with Japan and South Korea.

"But if you can't or if you won't, then we're going to have to continue to take steps that aren't directed at China but that China probably won't like because it goes to strengthening and shoring up not only our own defences but also those of South Korea and Japan and a deepening of the work that all three of us are doing together."

North Korea’s Missile Launches

North Korea has been conducting “one missile launch after another,” according to Blinken. The most recent was a flight test of its Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile on July 12.

See Also: Kim Jong Un’s Official Criticizes Antony Blinken’s China Visit as ‘Begging Trip’

US-China Relations

The US is striving to stabilize its declining relationship with China. Blinken, along with other key US officials, have visited China in the past two months to “put some stability back into this relationship.”

Despite these efforts, challenges remain, including reports of Chinese hacking into US government emails, which are now under formal investigation.

Threatening China. I think Xi is going to call Kim to tell him to stop. Then Xi will report back to Biden for a gold star sticker.
Threatening China. I think Xi is going to call Kim to tell him to stop. Then Xi will report back to Biden for a gold star sticker.

More likely Xi Dada will call Kim and both having a good good laugh together at Blinken.
Anything from Murica be that gold star sticker or promises or signed agreements known to be utterly worthless and not worth
the ink used as Murica totally dishonorable.
xi will tell kim to increase his ativities and have a meal together.

US Warns China Of Consequences If Xi Jinping Doesn't Act On Kim Jong Un's Missile Launches​

by Benzinga Neuro, Benzinga Staff Writer
July 22, 2023 1:19 AM


In a recent development, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that the U.S. will take necessary steps if Xi Jinping fails to intervene in the military activities of its ally, Kim Jong Un, SCMP reports.

US to Bolster Defense Alliances

Blinken has communicated to China that the U.S. seeks its assistance in handling North Korea’s “nuclear programme” and denuclearising the Korean peninsula.

He stated, “We believe that you have unique influence and we hope that you’ll use it to get better cooperation from North Korea.”

However, if China refrains from intervening, the U.S. plans to strengthen its defense alliances with Japan and South Korea.

"But if you can't or if you won't, then we're going to have to continue to take steps that aren't directed at China but that China probably won't like because it goes to strengthening and shoring up not only our own defences but also those of South Korea and Japan and a deepening of the work that all three of us are doing together."

North Korea’s Missile Launches

North Korea has been conducting “one missile launch after another,” according to Blinken. The most recent was a flight test of its Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile on July 12.

See Also: Kim Jong Un’s Official Criticizes Antony Blinken’s China Visit as ‘Begging Trip’

US-China Relations

The US is striving to stabilize its declining relationship with China. Blinken, along with other key US officials, have visited China in the past two months to “put some stability back into this relationship.”

Despite these efforts, challenges remain, including reports of Chinese hacking into US government emails, which are now under formal investigation.

Are these guys out of their minds?

First they are entrenched in a war with Russia and now are threatening China?
Last time I checked North Korea was a separate country. US shi/t holes have lost their minds as usual. :lol:

Blinken too full of himself and too uppidty.
Besterest Blinken be brought down to earth to know his position and position of Murica in life


When the Chinese leader first took office ten years ago, he did not receive Kim Jong-un or visit North Korea as usual, and even to some extent, the Chinese leader felt uncomfortable with Kim Jong-un. China is even ready to cooperate with the United States to achieve regime change in North Korea. The reason is that the Kim family has not listened to China for a long time. Kim Jong Un even murdered Kim Jong Nam, whom China prefers.

However, since the hostility of the United States towards China can no longer be hidden, China has realized that even if the North Korean regime is a son of a bitch, it has to continue to maintain the existence of this regime. The new government of South Korea, Yi Xiyue and his staff have actually believed that China will lose, and have chosen to stand on the side of the winner, the United States. This is likely to use the Korean Peninsula as a battlefield when China and the United States confront each other.

The worst thing for China is to confront the United States and its allies on the sea, which is a battlefield that is beneficial to the United States. It is beneficial to China to choose the battlefield in South Korea and Japan. This can turn the war into a protracted war, a war of attrition, and it can also eliminate China's two largest industrialized mono-nationalist opponents in East Asia.
When did North Korea become part of China in American's eyes ? So, China has to report to Uncle Sam of its activities, when did US become the boss of Chinese gov and China has to act in the interests of US even if China has influence over NK as the US says, lol, talks of threat, why not the Americans go directly deal with Kim since you are so powerful.
Are these guys out of their minds?

First they are entrenched in a war with Russia and now are threatening China?

US is not entrenched in a war with Russia but making sure that Russia will suffer heavy losses in Ukraine and will not be in the position to fight another war in a long time. Contrary to comedic perceptions of some members and missile photo posters on PDF, American war-machine is present in all oceans and ready to fight a war if called upon.

On topic: China is providing sophisticated technologies to DPRK so US has warned that it will prepare both South Korea and Japan to deal with this threat.
US is not entrenched in a war with Russia but making sure that Russia will suffer heavy losses in Ukraine and will not be in the position to fight another war in a long time. Contrary to comedic perceptions of some members and missile photo posters on PDF, American war-machine is present in all oceans and ready to fight a war if called upon.

On topic: China is providing sophisticated technologies to DPRK so US has warned that it will prepare both South Korea and Japan to deal with this threat.


But the US has already provided South Korea and Japan with some of its most sophisticated weapons for over a decade. AEGIS class warships are one such example. If East Asia goes into arms race mode and all sides begin militarizing, it should be known that out of the four players only Japan and China are barely even touching military expenditure of 3% of GDP (This is even using elevated western numbers on China's military spending). Both Koreas are relatively all out with NK obviously being much more invested.

So in terms of weaponizing each other, China is playing catch up in weaponizing NK whereas US has long ago already weaponized South Korea and Japan. They've provided everything from most sophisticated US radar technologies to interceptor BMD systems, guided artillery, IAD, armor technology, and various electronic warfare instruments. China has only recently begun sort of half *** arming NK with a sprinkling of equipment.

If there is an equivalency, it would be like if since 2000s China provided NK with HQ-9A, HQ-19, ASBM, modern warships and all its heavy long range artillery.

In reality, China has at most provided limited technical assistance here and there and at most provided some direct provisions of stocks from China's own arsenal for example the DF-17 which appears to be something NK has in inventory in who knows what capacity and what numbers. Maybe even totally false and NK simply created some mockups of a HGV system similar to DF-17.

US has long ago upped the ante and China has only recently sort of called if you can even call it that. Comparing NK's military with Japan and South Korea is as you know, total worlds apart from industrial basis to implementation of how equipment is operated and used. China cannot be expending much effort not even comparable to US assistance to Japan and SK over the previous decades.
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