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Russia threatens to “plunge the UK into the depths of the sea” with radioactive tsunami

Just wondering, is it really possible? I mean 1000 feet technically. How many megatons needed?
Russians are obviously led by morons.

Nuclear bombs cant create a Tsunami. The energies needed to create a Tsunami are thousands of times greater than the biggest nuclear weapon ignited.

If a WW2 ship can create Tsunami then why a very powerful Nuclear weapon can't do that??

The question is how huge Tsunami can be created by a nuclear weapon?
Just wondering, is it really possible? I mean 1000 feet technically. How many megatons needed?
Technically very possible because thermonuclear weapons have no upper limit. Just the Russians forget one thing UK can retaliate. And not to forget, the world is finished if a nuclear blast reaches a certain dead yield. Every human on earth will perish. Your homeland China is finished as well.
Technically very possible because thermonuclear weapons have no upper limit. Just the Russians forget one thing UK can retaliate. And not to forget, the world is finished if a nuclear blast reaches a certain dead yield. Every human on earth will perish. Your homeland China is finished as well.

It seems Russian believe that they can absorb heavy Nuclear hits but Smaller EU countries will be wiped out in heavy Russian Nuclear strikes.
It seems Russian believe that they can absorb heavy Nuclear hits but Smaller EU countries will be wiped out in heavy Russian Nuclear strikes.
That’s madness to think so. If Moscow is wiped out where Putin can hide in his bunker? UK, France can hit major population centers. They don’t need to sink Russia into ocean.
That’s madness to think so. If Moscow is wiped out where Putin can hide in his bunker? UK, France can hit major population centers. They don’t need to sink Russia into ocean.

History tells that Russian have taken huge casualties and losses in war but still managed win them, they have huge country which give them strategic depth which Europe lacks, also one heavy Nuclear hit in any US city can turn things ugly for US as they have not suffered casualties at home.
Just wondering, is it really possible? I mean 1000 feet technically. How many megatons needed?
It depends. The Poseidon only has 2 megatons of force, which is nowhere near enough to cause an tsunami. However, if the Northatlantic plate fault line is hit, or perhaps even the Icelandic Plate, which could definitely cause a massive tsunami if fired correctly

Furthermore, the weaponry in question is thermonuclear, which is more than capable of causing a tsunami
History tells that Russian have taken huge casualties and losses in war but still managed win them, they have huge country which give them strategic depth which Europe lacks, also one heavy Nuclear hit in any US city can turn things ugly for US as they have not suffered casualties at home.

What strategic depth gonna do for you in a nuclear? All their cities and military bases would be hit on retaliation strikes. Outside largest cities Russia is a third world country.
It looks like desperation by the Russians they threatning everyone forgetting those countries also have nuclear weapons.

Yes true. But Russians also know those countries would not dare use Nuclear weapons, unless they want to get MAD. In that case what diff does it makes!!

Even Ukrainian president knows NATO doesn't have a stomach to fight the Russians, he has said it few times in last few months,
Yes true. But Russians also know those countries would not dare use Nuclear weapons, unless they want to get MAD. In that case what diff does it makes!!

Even Ukrainian president knows NATO doesn't have a stomach to fight the Russians, he has said it few times in last few months,
I hear what you saying brother but a nuclear bomb on a nato country it will trigger death to us all and earth going back to what nature left if any

That mad dictator is leader of the the nation that is your best friend dear pajeet.
Why it matters if a mate does wrong you tell him they invaded a sovereign nation and some people on here don't like the Ukrainians fighting back
I just did my homework. A two megatons nuclear warhead like Poseidon can NOT create tsunami at all. Maybe some wave, that's all.

Japan 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami release 425 megatons of TNT

There is no way a nuclear warhead can create a 1000 feet tsunami, it may need tens of billions of TNT.

So, this is just a threat, but technically impossible. And yes, UK will retaliate by nukes also.

The earthquake released energy equivalent to 425 megatons of TNT, by contrast, the largest thermonuclear warhead tested was only 50 megatons which are approximately 3 times a small atomic bomb.
that message is not for average guy it is for mafia of England rothschilds.
No you cannot create tsunamis of any serious force using megaton nukes even. Simply ridiculous. They can detonate 100x 50 MT nukes and it will not cause a wave 10m tall 500km away. If they detonate much closer to coast, okay but anyway why not just nuke directly? Since such an attack would be considered a nuclear attack and if it is effective in its destructive goal, then it is showdown time anyway. Ridiculous video.

And no that dark docs bullshit is low level garbage as well at best for some mindless entertainment. Sometimes the guy even talks about "Mig-35 firing surface to air missiles". Youtube garbage should rarely be taken seriously unless it is a video of professionals in the right context and then some value may be extracted... at least in an understanding of how some are thinking not necessarily the truth.

Musashi class never created tsunamis no matter what one random try hard amateur youtuber claims. Half that guys stuff are filled with inaccuracy and exaggeration or exceptional things mentioned in wrong context.

I just did my homework. A two megatons nuclear warhead like Poseidon can NOT create tsunami at all. Maybe some wave, that's all.

Japan 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami release 425 megatons of TNT

There is no way a nuclear warhead can create a 1000 feet tsunami, it may need tens of billions of TNT.

So, this is just a threat, but technically impossible. And yes, UK will retaliate by nukes also.

The earthquake released energy equivalent to 425 megatons of TNT, by contrast, the largest thermonuclear warhead tested was only 50 megatons which are approximately 3 times a small atomic bomb.

It's not only just the 425MT of TNT equivalent energy but the propagation mechanism which natural causes of tsunamis must have from the seismic activity and entire plates resonating and possibly adding to the amplified effect.

Even 450MT of nukes would not be equivalent to seismic activity caused tsunamis that are measured to have released 450MT of TNT energy equivalent.

There's the net energy of the system and then there's also the factor of displacement. A 10m wave with a much greater mass and motion behind it due to amplified seismic activity is not equal to a 10m high wave surfers might ride in certain cases. Many natural disaster tsunamis with roughly 5m waves have 100^100 gigatons of water continuing behind. A 5m wave you ride on your board at the beach doesn't even make it to the shops by the street. A 5m tsunami wave can continue through the entire town.

Seismic activity very rapidly displaces incredible amounts of water whereas nuclear reaction results in a lot of boiling away the water and the shockwaves produced don't have the same displacement mechanism as seismic activity.
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That mad dictator is leader of the the nation that is your best friend dear pajeet.
Senor Don Pedro. On the contrary, the leader of Pakistan went to Russia the day it invaded Ukraine and said, what a time to come, so much excitement. Europe and America then took him as a foe.

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